2020 Presidential Race

That'll make more sense if the Ds win the senate and Joe has free reign. It doesn't look to happen and if it does its not happening for awhile.

Right now you could make a solid argument that the markets don't think much is gonna get done in the next 2 years because the odds are on the Rs still having a wall between congress and Joe. Or basically, what Trump has in place aint all that bad.
Good idea. You might catch a 99% survival rate disease.
Why take the chance? And actually I’m not worried about it for myself, I’m young and pretty healthy so I’d likely be fine, but the others I might spread it to are the ones I’m worried about. But I’m not surprised that hasn’t crossed your mind, thinking of others isn’t something trumpers are known for.
Uh huh.

Why are all these votes coming from the large cities?

Trump didn't lose voters this election. Look at the numbers. And we go right back to the argument we had yesterday. There is no way Biden is increasing his vote total over Obama to the tune of 5 million votes.
If I remember correctly what I heard listening to the radio earlier, the only large urban areas in the country where Biden “over performed” are in the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Nothing fishy there!
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