2020 Presidential Race

If the people who counted the first time are doing the recounts, don't expect anything different ... except a wider spread would help solidify the correctness of the first count. It's still not who votes, but who counts the votes that matters. Perhaps a recount and a look at the whats, hows, and whys by a real credible accounting firm should be the requirement rather than a bunch of amateur, political hacks dabbling in questionable math with potential garbage input.

So you don’t trust the Republican Party in the states that are doing the counts right now? Each party gets multiple representatives in every room to watch the ballots being counted. Become an active member of your local political party and volunteer to be a part of the counting process for the next election.
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I remember a time when you guys used to screech about the horrors of judicial activism.

Good luck.

I'd wager a paycheck that even the judges Trump appointed probably think he's a damn buffoon.

Courts forcing the states to follow the law as written is not judicial activism. That's what courts are supposed to do. The law is the law.

Activism is when it gets made up on the spot. Like with paper ballots.

I've got my popcorn. I'm glad things are getting shaken up.
They've been excommunicated. And you know it eats away at both of them.
I have no pity for either, they made their bed.

I know we are all different , but if I was excommunicated from NYC I’d have it framed , a golden boarder around it and encased in glass so I could put it on display.
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Courts forcing the states to follow the law as written is not judicial activism. That's what courts are supposed to do. The law is the law.

Activism is when it gets made up on the spot. Like with paper ballots.

I've got my popcorn. I'm glad things are getting shaken up.

If you don't care for it being likened to judicial activism, don't gloat about how it's not going to work out for the dems due to Trump giving the majority to conservatives.
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So please explain the demographics that most supported trump, outside of the extremely wealthy and the uneducated white folks? Take a look at the county-by-county voting in most states and you will see the heaviest trump votes where? That's right...in the rural areas. What demographic typically exists in the most rural areas?? Please enlighten me.

Ok, so I'm gonna apply this logic to the cities that are currently in dispute. Demographically speaking, portions of Detroit, Atlanta, Philly can also be classified as uneducated and they voted for Biden. So what's your point? What I'm saying is just because someone comes from a different part of the country or doesn't have the same views as you doesn't make them uneducated. Everybody has different struggles and comes from a different walk of life. Those struggles along with education and experiences are what help shape views. You and I clearly see this country in two different ways. I respect your opinion but I don't have to agree with. That's what made America everyone's dream. The opportunity to make something of yourself and to be able to express your constitutional freedoms. In the last 4 years we have seen that erode. I'm good with people that voted for Biden that was their choice. Why not give the same respect to people that voted Republican/Trump.

On a side note, we are seeing big tech company's censor people, people shouting down other people because they didn't believe the same thing. That's a problem and no matter what your political affiliation is; it should concern everyone, if it continues.
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If you don't like it being likened to judicial activism, to gloat about how it's not going to work out for the dems due to Trump giving the majority to conservatives.

Very amusing. It should go without saying but since our school system doesn't teach you youngens anything worthwhile..

Conservative jurist interpret the law as written. That is not activist.

Activist jurist view the law as a "living, breathing" document that can be flexible and interpreted however they see fit.
If you don't care for it being likened to judicial activism, don't gloat about how it's not going to work out for the dems due to Trump giving the majority to conservatives.

Trump didnt give us a conservative majority. That came from heaven.
But why are other countries still dealing with Covid? Why are football games being cancelled because of Covid? Why are people dying of Covid?

Because the virus affects the unhealthy and at risk and we have a lot of that everywhere .. that’s the common sense answer .
Give me a break.
You actually think Trump wouldn't put his name on it?

It would be Trump Holdings DBA something.

Think America will be used somewhere.

Most legal entities dont use the actual filing as their dba.

I have legal entities in my kids name, wife's name, and anagrams even. Hell, one is a star wars formula.
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I mean, if you are a citizen that is not currently incarcerated you should be able to vote....right?
Are you a felon? Then no. With your thinking we shouldn't have sex offender registries as well right? I mean, they served their time why should they continued to be punished for their crimes right?

Oh..you voted for a child molester..nevermind..
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