2020 Presidential Race

So you don’t trust the Republican Party in the states that are doing the counts right now? Each party gets multiple representatives in every room to watch the ballots being counted. Become an active member of your local political party and volunteer to be a part of the counting process for the next election.

Some things are meant to be neutral ... without bias ... without political affiliation. As an engineer charged with analyzing and diagnosing problems in nuclear plants, I didn't have an agenda other than looking for fact. I would hope you see the wisdom in that because it helped protect you from potentially shoddy practices and shortcuts that could affect your safety. Somebody counting votes or overseeing an election process should not have a party affiliation attached to his or her qualifications or decision to enter the process - same goes for judges; that shouldn't be hard to understand for the "party of science". The process of elections should be unbiased like any scientific endeavor to get to the truth. So, no, a room full of belligerents overseeing what should be scientific approach is an absurd notion - something like fighting a war in the name of peace.
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I hope you guys will eventually realize that you’re being taken for a ride on this fraud stuff.

Will discuss once the Trump cases alleging fraud all get dismissed and the electoral college has done its thing and Biden, presumably, really is the president elect.

When did you realize that you were taken for a ride with all the Russian stuff?

Do the recounts with observers and if Biden wins so be it.
So please explain the demographics that most supported trump, outside of the extremely wealthy and the uneducated white folks? Take a look at the county-by-county voting in most states and you will see the heaviest trump votes where? That's right...in the rural areas. What demographic typically exists in the most rural areas?? Please enlighten me.
What determines whether or not someone is educated?
When did you realize that you were taken for a ride with all the Russian stuff?

Do the recounts with observers and if Biden wins so be it.
Go ahead, count them three or four times. It’ll be fun to string this meltdown out for a month. But you’re telling on yourself when you suggest there weren’t observers there for the first count.
So the 69 million people that voted for Trump are just uneducated white people? In the words of Biden "come on, man" that might be the dumbest thing I've ever read on here. You can't possibly believe that half our country is that stupid. You use to be able to have civil discourse in this country but once Trump got elected that all changed, I hate to break it to you but that wasn't all on Trump. Did he play a part? Absolutely but it wasn't just him. Now if you have conservative views your labeled right wing. That started with the Media but the real question is, why? This election was never about race, sexism or anything but elitist getting back into power. Oh, for the record I have said multiple times I am no fan of Trump but I can look past the social media and National News BS and conduct my own research to determine my own views and I what I believe is factual.
I voted for Trump and I am better educated than 99.9999% of every democrat on this board. I'm also not trying to live vicariously through other peoples achievements like most democrats do. They think better educated means having a degree (any degree regardless of its applicability in the real world), being in debt for that degree, desperately wanting debt forgiveness for their foolish mistake(s), and complaining about not being able to receive a living wage, then voting democrat hoping someone will absolve them of all their mistakes and make their lives better than the sh!tshow it currently is and most likely will forever be. Hell, 20+ years ago in high school I knew to get look at degrees that had average yearly salaries that paid more than the degree cost (free tip for dims). Most dims are still lost in the woods on that concept and perpetuate bad choices through their bad parenting.

And lets not forget the "better educated" trope from the left is solely based on hearsay and has no tangible evidence to support its claims. Hell, over 30% of people lie on their job applications about their education in the real world (thats why I always attach transcripts of my graduate degrees when applying for promotions - another free tip dims). Fake it till you make it isn't just a phrase uttered by foolish simpletons, its a legitimate moral and ethical philosophy that democrats live by.
So are you claiming that only stupid people live in rural areas? Please explain how the species split genes and the dumb tards moved out into the country and the super smart ones lived in urban areas?

Well, you know it takes more smarts to fill a form than to grow a corn. It's obvious the gifted live in cities - after all electricity comes from the wall, gas, comes from a pump, and groceries come from the store, so who needs country bumpkins. The hope that someday this country could sit down and discuss demographics as a function of production vs overhead is absolutely dead.
They’re mentally unstable

For sure. Can’t believe the group of QAnon libs that believe Hollywood elite are at home sippin on adrenochrome right now.

And that Trump himself is gonna take down this massive child trafficking ring.

And that someone inside the gov’t is dropping nuggets to them.

Also can’t believe these liberal Q peeps voted for Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene that Trump endorsed. That’s some 3D chess.
For sure. Can’t believe the group of QAnon libs that believe Hollywood elite are at home sippin on adrenochrome right now.

And that Trump himself is gonna take down this massive child trafficking ring.

And that someone inside the gov’t is dropping nuggets to them.

Also can’t believe these liberal Q peeps voted for Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene that Trump endorsed. That’s some 3D chess.
Never seen one thing from Q. Shouldn't you be looting and burning things?
For sure. Can’t believe the group of QAnon libs that believe Hollywood elite are at home sippin on adrenochrome right now.

And that Trump himself is gonna take down this massive child trafficking ring.

And that someone inside the gov’t is dropping nuggets to them.

Also can’t believe these liberal Q peeps voted for Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene that Trump endorsed. That’s some 3D chess.
The party of AOC shouldn’t be talking about anyone...

But y’all did just put a commie in the White House so you probably love her

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