2020 Presidential Race

Here's a thought...how about we actually enforce the current gun laws on the books.

The failure of background checks to catch unauthorized buyers is most likely to happen when the NICS Indices database is checked.

The NICS Indices, include records contributed by federal, state and local agencies specifically flagging individuals prohibited from buying a gun.

The problem happens because contributing agencies are not doing their jobs by getting the necessary info added in either a timely manner or in some cases it's not added at all.
Agree and Gun Bans will only lead to another form of violent acts. Gun bans will not end violence and killing of innocent people.
He's actually polling at 6%, closing in on Kamala for fourth behind Biden, Bernie, and Warren. He's not full of BS, and I don't think progressives think he is either. The only negative thing I've read about Pete has been on VN from the Red Hats, and on Reddit from Bernie Bros, but they trash everybody.

He keeps getting his message out there, talking to voters, and he will be fine. Like I said, Pete can unite both wings of the Democratic party. And then go on to beat Trump.
I like Pete, but I have yet to see any indication that he can get black support, which is critical to getting his campaign to the next level.
I wish that someone would explain to me how birtherism is considered racist. I mean the man had a foreign born non-U.S. citizen father and would not furnish a valid birth certificate (and still hasn't in my opinion). He may or may not have been born in Hawaii, but he was hiding something.
Nah. Trust him. Hope and change. If you like your doctor....
Sure, but you have to admit guns make it a lot easier.
Personally, if I were a nut job looking to maximize damage, I'd use explosives. Look at what McVeigh did in OKC. Should we ban fertilizer as well? Crazy people will find a way.
I wish that someone would explain to me how birtherism is considered racist. I mean the man had a foreign born non-U.S. citizen father and would not furnish a valid birth certificate (and still hasn't in my opinion). He may or may not have been born in Hawaii, but he was hiding something.
Except he did furnish the birth certificate - if anything that just led to a ramping up of the conspiracy claims (it's missing a seal so the one he produced is a fraud, etc.). It's clear nothing was going to satisfy them. There were also contemporaneous announcements of his birth in the newspaper.

You are correct that his dad was a non-US citizen, but his mother was a native-born citizen. Even if Obama was born in Kenya or Indonesia, he'd still be a citizen. Remember Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a Cuban citizen father and a native-born citizen mother.
I think anyone living in New York City or state crying about their Taxes should . But that’s just my opinion . If you don’t like the cost of living in a utopia .. move .
I heard about a guy that moved to New Jersey and bought a $700,000 house. Too rich for my blood, but probably lives near "The City". His property taxes are $20,000/year. Utopia.

I'll bet he still isn't paying his fair share according to some leftists though.
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2020 Dems unleash Profane Attacks on Trump, Republicans over mass shootings
President Trump’s remarks Monday condemning the horrific mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton did little to quell the anger from 2020 Democratic hopefuls who are blaming his rhetoric as well as inaction on gun control in part for the violence, as they level uncensored attacks on the president and Republicans in Congress.

In the wake of the back-to-back mass shootings that left at least 31 dead, the Democratic presidential candidates have dropped the usual decorum surrounding even tense policy debates like gun control, using coarse language to demonstrate their exasperation over the GOP response to gun violence and their calls for new gun control measures.

“Listening to the president,” New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said Monday after Trump’s speech, in comments shared on Twitter by his campaign manager. “Such a bulls—t soup of ineffective words.”
Another candidate, Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, on Monday tweeted “**** me” after Trump mistakenly, at one point in his speech, said the Ohio shooting took place in Toledo. (It happened in Dayton.)

For Ryan, the language appears to be part of a deliberate approach: Earlier Monday, the longshot candidate went on CNN and tore into Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, saying, "Mitch McConnell needs to get off his a-- and do something.” On Sunday, he also tweeted, “Republicans need to get their s--- together and stop pandering to the NRA. Period.”​

Other Democrats trying to weigh in amid a storm of political reaction, like former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, are taking a similar approach. O’Rourke, who represented El Paso, the site of the shooting in Texas on Saturday, expressed his unvarnished anger when asked if he thinks Trump can make the situation better.
“What do you think?” O’Rourke reportedly shot back at the press. “You know the s--- he’s been saying. He’s been calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. I don’t know, like, members of the press, what the f---?”

Democratic leaders in Congress have called on Trump to support new gun restrictions and for McConnell to allow a vote in the GOP-controlled Senate on Democrat-supported gun control language that has passed in the Ho2020 Dems unleash profane attacks on Trump, Republicans over mass shootingsuse.
Confused Joe Biden condemns shootings in 'Houston' and 'Michigan' when the deadly massacres actually happened in El Paso and Ohio

When former Vice President Joe Biden commented Sunday night on the weekend's mass-shootings that killed 29 people, he misstated where in the United States they had taken place.

Biden, 76, referred to the rifle massacres as 'the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before.' The carnage unfolded Saturday in El Paso, Texasand in the early hours of Sunday morning in Dayton, Ohio.

The Democratic presidential front-runner was speaking to a group of about 75 donors at a high-dollar fundraiser in San Diego.


Joe Biden condemns shootings in 'Houston' and 'Michigan' that actually happened in El Paso and Ohio | Daily Mail Online

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