2020 Primaries

He was burnt 10 months ago. He never had a chance. He has flamed out in past runs before when people got a good look. Couple that with all the attention on Ukraine and Hunter from the failed impeachment, and he was done.
The first time I saw video of him in the campaign... say 10 months ago... he looked like a husk of his former self.
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The DNC needs to get Buttcrack to drop out, and back Klobuchar. Pete has no chance to win a general. Klobuchar may not either. She hasn't received any incoming yet. The only chance to stop Bernie is to whittle down the field. The RNC may have been able to stop Trump with one strong head to head candidate early on.
I'm serious about Bloomberg.

Sanders is leading, Buttigieg is in second but no on believes he can pull the coalition together.

To the question of is he running out of money - he has over $50 billion. He doesn't need Soros' money. For reference, neither candidate in 2016 even spent 1 billion.

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