2020 Primaries

LOL......That will certainly be the way the right wing tries to paint the picture.

I’ve been telling you this ever since his second SOTU . Then he verified it in this last one . It’s exactly how it will be painted , no trying to it .
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That's how simpletons would frame it, though its considerably more complicated than that.

2 Honest straightforward questions ...have you been to Bernies official site and seen his policies ? Is Bernie a socialist ?
I’ve been telling you this ever since his second SOTU . Then he verified it in this last one . It’s exactly how it will be painted , no trying to it .
I have no doubt. And it would be foolish to underestimate the gullibility of people once again.
Sanders is only at 27% in a neighboring state. The Dems need to thin his competition soon, and they will take him down.
I'm serious about Bloomberg.

Sanders is leading, Buttigieg is in second but no on believes he can pull the coalition together.

To the question of is he running out of money - he has over $50 billion. He doesn't need Soros' money. For reference, neither candidate in 2016 even spent 1 billion.
I see your point. The moderate lane has opened up with Biden losing ground. Bloomberg’s media blitz has moved him up in that lane but he’s taking some flak on his stop and frisk flip flop right now, particularly his callous/racist remarks from a few years ago. But that may wash off him as he opens the purse strings.
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Carville and Matthews are will aware of the significant role simpletons play.

It’s not the simpletons they are talking about . They are talking about the highly educated DNC . Your very educated Party is being manhandled by an 80 year old socialist and they are trying to tell you this . Lol

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