2020 Primaries

Congrats to Bernie and supporters for his win in New Hampshire. National delegate count from the NH primary is 9 each for Bernie and Pete, 6 for Amy.

Biden and Warren receive no national delegates.

Didn't want folks to think I was ducking the forum because Pete came in second in NH (less than 2% difference between my boy and the Bern, hence the tie in delegates).

I'll be posting much less if at all in the next few weeks. I'm sure you guys will be fine with that. Carry on with the usual.

An open primary should be interesting. Hopefully as fun as Iowa.
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There just isn't the same excitement for Bernie this time around so I'm not seeing this blue wave the Dems keep promising. I know it was a 2 person race but in 2016 he got 150k votes in NH...this year less than half 73k...in a neighboring state..he has also underperformed polls in both Iowa and NH this year

He's gonna have another heart attack. That's why people are thinking twice about him.
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First - I view them all as substantially superior to Trump.
Second - given the first, the only objective is the one that most assuredly guarantees Trump's loss.
As of now - Amy, Pete, or Bloomberg (of those - Pete probably would most closely align with me)
First - I view them all as substantially superior to Trump.
Second - given the first, the only objective is the one that most assuredly guarantees Trump's loss.
As of now - Amy, Pete, or Bloomberg (of those - Pete probably would most closely align with me)
Pedo Joe got beat by a gay guy, fake Indian and a socialist.

What’s funny, he thinks the black folks of South Carolina are gonna save him.
I suppose he'll tell them the corn pop story again. He was a straight razor toting son of a gun.That should win them over
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First - I view them all as substantially superior to Trump.
Second - given the first, the only objective is the one that most assuredly guarantees Trump's loss.
As of now - Amy, Pete, or Bloomberg (of those - Pete probably would most closely align with me)

Gay and far left?
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