2020 Primaries

We are already partially socialistic. The right will go all out in their attempts to bastardize the term, like they attempted to do with "liberal' 30 years ago. It's part of their scare tactics.
No one is going to do any more than move the needle of capitalism/socialism a little
Sanders and Warren are guaranteed economic trainwrecks. You just can't operate the way they fantasize.
Sanders and Warren are guaranteed economic trainwrecks. You just can't operate the way they fantasize.
Trump was a guaranteed economic train wreck.
Sanders and Warren would neither have a magic wand.
Just as Trump has no magic wand to "build that wall", "Mexico will pay", "lock her up", "erase the deficit" blah, blah, blah
Sanders and Warren are guaranteed economic trainwrecks. You just can't operate the way they fantasize.
Do you think they really believe the plans they push or do you think they are just trying to appeal to the base knowing they have 0% chance to pass Congress and 0% chance to actually work
Do you think they really believe the plans they push or do you think they are just trying to appeal to the base knowing they have 0% chance to pass Congress and 0% chance to actually work
It's like saying your plan is to erase the national debt in 5 years.
It may be your plan, but you and everyone else knows it's not realistic and isn't going to happen.
We are already partially socialistic. The right will go all out in their attempts to bastardize the term, like they attempted to do with "liberal' 30 years ago. It's part of their scare tactics.
No one is going to do any more than move the needle of capitalism/socialism a little

If you think Sanders is not a full socialist/communist then you are even more naive than I ever imagined. Sanders has told you this in his own words. I don't know what to tell you. Even the left is now putting out warnings about him. They are having to back off because his base is emotional lunatics. But the guy has the squad supporting him. That should be all you need to know. Now do I believe Sanders can beat Trump, absolutely not, but I feel for once was a viable democratic party. This is what happens when you let extreme views fester that is not within a framework of our republic.
Trump was a guaranteed economic train wreck.
Sanders and Warren would neither have a magic wand.
Just as Trump has no magic wand to "build that wall", "Mexico will pay", "lock her up", "erase the deficit" blah, blah, blah
The Indian and the Commie have both run on breaking up corporations. BOTH of them. They both are running on higher taxes. It is only the stupid that believe THAT part of the platform will not affect them. They won't even tell you how much their programs will cost, that's how bad they are.

The economy is on fire, and you cannot stand that fact. Another high today in the DOW.

4 more years. I'm not tired of winning yet.
If you think Sanders is not a full socialist/communist then you are even more naive than I ever imagined. Sanders has told you this in his own words. I don't know what to tell you. Even the left is now putting out warnings about him. They are having to back off because his base is emotional lunatics. But the guy has the squad supporting him. That should be all you need to know. Now do I believe Sanders can beat Trump, absolutely not, but I feel for once was a viable democratic party. This is what happens when you let extreme views fester that is not within a framework of our republic.
He's not naive. I used to think he was a troll, but now I think he has been brain damaged in some fashion.
I see your point. The moderate lane has opened up with Biden losing ground. Bloomberg’s media blitz has moved him up in that lane but he’s taking some flak on his stop and frisk flip flop right now, particularly his callous/racist remarks from a few years ago. But that may wash off him as he opens the purse strings.

As the old saying goes, In a political machine, money is the oil that keeps it running smoothly.

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