2020 Senate Races

I've never seen an ad that makes a politician look as bad as Lindsey Graham comes across in that video because it was completely done with his own inconsistent words.

What ? You never seen any Hillary ads from 2016 where she was using her own words ? Smh .
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What ? You never seen any Hillary ads from 2016 where she was using her own words ? Smh .
I do not believe that you have watched the full 1 minute and 22 second video of Lindsey Graham looking like a fool. No, I've never seen any campaign ad so thoroughly impugn a politician's integrity and principles as that one does to Graham. Above anything else, he looks pitifully weak. I love how it ends with his new hero saying this:

"This guy Lindsey Graham, he's one of the dumbest human beings I've ever seen." - Donald Trump

... after Lindsey has degraded himself with such lavish and over-the-top praise for Trump. Graham has no spine and looks like a coward. Lindsey Graham is like the bullied victim in school that nobody feels sorry for. When he whines to the teachers, they beat him up too.
I do not believe that you have watched the full 1 minute and 22 second video of Lindsey Graham looking like a fool. No, I've never seen any campaign ad so thoroughly impugn a politician's integrity and principles as that one does to Graham. Above anything else, he looks pitifully weak. I love how it ends with his new hero saying this:

"This guy Lindsey Graham, he's one of the dumbest human beings I've ever seen." - Donald Trump

... after Lindsey has degraded himself with such lavish and over-the-top praise for Trump. Graham has no spine and looks like a coward. Lindsey Graham is like the bullied victim in school that nobody feels sorry for. When he whines to the teachers, they beat him up too.

Super predators, Hot sauce interview and at this point , what difference does it make anyway . That’s just 3 off the top of my head . Come on man .
And I still don't think you have watched that video. NOTHING is as bad as that... NOTHING.

I did watch it . Unlike some I watch the linked videos and read the articles posted . Calling blacks super predators and saying at this point what difference does it make , is as bad as that . It’s just subjective .
I did watch it . Unlike some I watch the linked videos and read the articles posted . Calling blacks super predators and saying at this point what difference does it make , is as bad as that . It’s just subjective .
No. You can't point to a time when Hillary Clinton called someone a "jackass" and was also then called "one of the dumbest human beings I've ever seen" by that same person, but then turned around a few months later and became the best buddy of the "jackass" and licked that person's balls. No... not even close.
No. You can't point to a time when Hillary Clinton called someone a "jackass" and was also then called "one of the dumbest human beings I've ever seen" by that same person, but then turned around a few months later and became the best buddy of the "jackass" and licked that person's balls. No... not even close.
Hillary used to be big friends with Trump
In the upcoming Georgia Senate Race in November I think incumbent Republican Senator David Perdue will beat Democrat loser Jon Ossoff.
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I've received my mail in ballot for Arizona from the DNC. Tell me again who I'm supposed to vote for?

Don't worry. Every time you post here a vote for every Democratic candidate is auto-mailed from the dimensional rift opened when Hillary murdered her 666th patriot and feasted on their blood.
Don't worry. Every time you post here a vote for every Democratic candidate is auto-mailed from the dimensional rift opened when Hillary murdered her 666th patriot and feasted on their blood.
I have two dozen blank ballots at my house. I’m putting Trump on all of them. Suck it Trumpers.
Is this real? She only needed 15 sigs and only got 13...LOL

I'm surprised at how little attention AOC's re-election campaign gets considering how much attention she garners every time she opens her mouth. When Michelle Caruso-Cabrera posts on her Facebook page there are hardly any replies posted. Just about anybody in the country could get a message right in front of MCC.

Maybe the Leftists are embarrassed and want AOC's campaign to be as low key as possible. Her stupidity could generate a lot of collateral for other Democrats.

BTW, it might be a good idea to have a separate thread for the HoR. With all of the races just one for 2020 will eventually have all sorts of discussions running all over each other.
Is this real? She only needed 15 sigs and only got 13...LOL
It is really not that important. Under fusion voting, multiple political parties can list the same candidate. AOC should still win the primary on June 23rd. Thanks in large part to how much the right-wing media likes to talk about her, she will win on name recognition alone.
It is really not that important. Under fusion voting, multiple political parties can list the same candidate. AOC should still win the primary on June 23rd. Thanks in large part to how much the right-wing media likes to talk about her, she will win on name recognition alone.

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera has a lot of name recognition as well, but not as much in a working class district as opposed to one heavy with a white collar dominated demo.
More orange man/Keebler elf b**ch slaps being exchanged on Twitter tonight. Doug Jones should just change his campaign slogan to "The only adult on the ballot."

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More orange man/Keebler elf b**ch slaps being exchanged on Twitter tonight. Doug Jones should just change his campaign slogan to "The only adult on the ballot."

It is unprofessional for them to be engaging in a personal feud in a public domain. I would have expected Sessions to know that he has to be the one to take the high road, because Trump never does. You are right. They both look juvenile. They are behaving like two gossipy teenage girls fighting over who gets invited to their next house party. It's bizarre to see this from the presidency.
No. You can't point to a time when Hillary Clinton called someone a "jackass" and was also then called "one of the dumbest human beings I've ever seen" by that same person, but then turned around a few months later and became the best buddy of the "jackass" and licked that person's balls. No... not even close.
So staying in a politically advantageous marriage is ok even though your husband is trying to nail anything that moves? Gotcha.
Lindsey Graham is a douche bag mccain nut sucker who blows whichever way the politics is heading. I lose respect every time someone tries to defend the cow Clinton. She's indefensible just like Graham. And frankly I've had enough of trump and his nanometer thin skin at this point.
This is politics. " I'm a politician, if I'm not trying to kiss your baby I'm trying to steal his lollipop" red October and one of the truest lines ever.

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