2020 U.S. Senate Races


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
Senate battle hinges on four races

BY MAX GREENWOOD - 04/18/20 12:14 PM EDT

Democrats are racing to broaden their path to the Senate majority in November, while Republicans are spending heavily in an effort to hold their control over the chamber.

With 200 days to go until Election Day, the Democrats’ path to a Senate majority currently hinges on four states: Arizona, Colorado, Maine and North Carolina, where Republican incumbents are fighting off challenges from well-funded Democratic opponents.

Democrats need to flip three or four seats, depending on which party wins the White House in November, to take control of the Senate. But one of their incumbents up for reelection this year, Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.), is in serious political jeopardy, meaning that Democrats will likely have to take at least four Republican-held seats — and hold back GOP challenges in nearly a dozen other states — to win a majority.

Also weighing over the battle for control of the Senate are the presidential race and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, which has upended the election cycle and now looms as perhaps the biggest variable in 2020.

“A presidential campaign always has the longest and most powerful coattails,” former Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) said. “If President Trump is perceived to be doing well, it will retain the Senate Republican majority. If in October he’s underwater, then the Democrats could take the Senate.”

Democrats’ softest target may be in Colorado, where Sen. Cory Gardner (R) is facing changing political headwinds and a challenge from John Hickenlooper, the state’s popular former Democratic governor and the prohibitive front-runner in a crowded primary field.

The party is also confident of defeating Sen. Martha McSally (R) in Arizona. McSally already lost a bid against Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) in 2018 and took office only after Republican Gov. Doug Ducey appointed her to fill the seat vacated by the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

And in Maine, Democrats have it out for Sen. Susan Collins (R), a four-term senator whose vote to confirm Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2017 amid sexual misconduct allegations touched off a flurry of anger from the left. She’s widely expected to face Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon, the Democratic front-runner, in November.

Democrats are also looking to oust Sen. Thom Tillis (R) in North Carolina. He’s set to face off against national Democrats’ candidate of choice, Cal Cunningham, in November, and recent polls suggest a tight race.

Senate battle hinges on four races
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Tennessee May Soon Have a Physician Senator Who’s the Son of Indian Immigrants


President Trump likes to boast that his endorsement in Republican primaries is a ticket to victory. It’s true that Trump has clout. Relentless White House attacks on Jeff Sessions, his former attorney general, doomed the Sessions comeback bid for his old Alabama Senate seat.

Trump’s popularity with his base is a major reason why pundits made Bill Hagerty, Trump’s former ambassador to Japan, the favorite to become Tennessee’s next senator. Until recently, Hagerty had parlayed Trump’s endorsement into a big fundraising and polling advantage over Dr. Manny Sethi, a Nashville trauma surgeon and conservative activist.

As the Nashville Tennessean reports, a new Trafalgar Group poll shows a tight race, with Hagerty at 42 percent and Sethi at 39 percent. The Tennessean says those are “numbers that would indicate Sethi has significantly closed the gap after months of trailing by double digits.” Other polls confirm the Trafalgar Group’s trend line.

Early voting in Tennessee began Friday, so Sethi may be surging at just the right moment.

That may explain why Hagerty just released a new ad featuring a paraplegic Afghan and Iraq War veteran named Joseph James who says, “Sethi has donated to the organization that has bankrolled these rioters, aiding liberal extremists.” The ad vaguely references a $50 donation Sethi made through the liberal fundraising website ActBlue to a family friend running for Congress. Somehow, this shows Sethi had “bankrolled” rioters.

Sethi has responded with his own ad spotlighting Hagerty’s political contributions to Democrats and moderate Republicans. “Why is the establishment attacking a nice guy like me?” Sethi asks. “Well, folks are finding out that Bill Hagerty’s endorsed by Mitt Romney, donated to Al Gore, made millions off CommonCore, tries to get Tennessee to do trade deals with China.”

In fact, Hagerty did give $1,000 to Gore, a Tennessee native, when he ran for president in 2000. But he hasn’t been endorsed by Romney, although the Utah senator did say last year that he would “love it” if Hagerty jumped into the Senate race. Hagerty did give $50,000 directly to Romney for his 2012 presidential race. But after Romney voted to impeach Trump last January, Hagerty promptly declared that Romney has become “indistinguishable from Barack Obama.”

Obama may have left office in 2017, but he does play a big role in the Tennessee race. A Hagerty radio ad claims that Sethi served on a board of trustees of the Massachusetts Medical Society, which supported Obamacare. Sethi’s campaign notes that he belonged to the group because he went to Harvard Medical School, and he served on its board long before Obama was in office.

The ad also notes that in 2009 Sethi applied for a White House fellowship when Obama was president. The program is nonpartisan. Sethi was ultimately named a finalist but never went to Washington. “Massachusetts Manny is a liberal elitist,” the Hagerty ad says.

In the end, the race may come down to which candidate projects the greatest authenticity with conservatives. Hagerty, who initially backed Jeb Bush for president in 2016, swung over to Trump and has the president’s confidence.

But Sethi appears to be sweeping most of the conservative bench. Radio talk-show host Mark Levin endorsed Sethi by saying: “I have kids who live in Tennessee. If I lived there, I would be voting for him. His opponent is tied so closely to Romney, that if he gets into the Senate, you know damn well what will happen.”

Sethi has also been endorsed by Senator Rand Paul of neighboring Kentucky as well as by former Tennessee congressmen Zach Wamp, Ed Bryant, and John Duncan Jr.
Tennessee GOP Senate Primary: Manny Sethi and Bill Hagerty in Close Race | National Review
I voted early today. Very smooth process: strict social distancing, limited number of folks indoors at once, masks, and you got your own pen when you went in to sign stuff. Plus hand sanitizer before using the touchscreen voting machines.
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I voted early today. Very smooth process: strict social distancing, limited number of folks indoors at once, masks, and you got your own pen when you went in to sign stuff. Plus hand sanitizer before using the touchscreen voting machines.
As a far left democrat, how many more times will you vote?
I will be voting for Manny Sethi

‘Divisive, Short-Fingered Vulgarian’: Never Trumpers Comprise Tennessee’s Manny Sethi’s Entire Senior Campaign Staff

Dr. Manny Sethi, a candidate for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate in Tennessee, decided to surround himself with Never Trumpers, including his campaign manager who believes President Donald Trump is a “divisive, short-fingered vulgarian.”

Sethi has presented himself as a “conservative outsider” in the race against the Trump-backed Bill Hagerty, but all the people he has brought into every senior role in his campaign are devout Never Trump political consultants.

His campaign manager Forrest Barnwell-Hagemeyer, for instance, is a former staffer to former Ohio Gov. John Kasich—a Never Trumper expected to endorse 2020 presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden. Kasich is so far in for Biden that he is expected to abandon the Republican Party altogether to speak at the Democrat National Convention (DNC), or whatever semblance of a DNC there is, to try to oust Trump. On his Facebook page, Barnwell-Hagemeyer still has a photograph of him wearing a Kasich shirt from April 5, 2016, when the former Ohio governor was trying to stop Trump from winning the GOP nomination.

‘Divisive, Short-Fingered Vulgarian’: Never Trumpers Comprise TN’s Manny Sethi's Entire Senior Campaign Staff
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Democrats are favored to take back the Senate

If the Dems take the Oval , I kind of want them to take the senate also . The best way to get Dems voted out of office is to give them all three at once . That way there’s no running away from the blame when the next election cycle comes around . That an I love to watch liberals flip from attack mode to excuses mode . Lol
Exclusive — Sen. Tom Cotton and Bill Hagerty: Make China Pay for Pandemic, Make ‘Made in USA’ America’s Theme Again


CLARKSVILLE, Tennessee — Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and GOP U.S. Senate frontrunner, former U.S. ambassador to Japan Bill Hagerty, laid out a detailed vision to hold China accountable for the coronavirus pandemic and stop the Chinese Communist Party from continuing to build global influence all while bringing manufacturing especially of critical goods back to the United States.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News after a series of campaign events in the Nashville area and here in the home of Fort Campbell and the 101st Airborne Division, of which Cotton was a part when he served in the Army, Cotton and Hagerty ripped into Communist China. Cotton was campaigning with Hagerty for his contested GOP U.S. Senate primary and laying out the case of why President Donald Trump asked Hagerty to run for this seat and endorsed him for it a year ago—an endorsement the president firmly stands behind. The joint interview aired on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel. In it, Cotton and Hagerty both demonstrate their expertise when it comes to China and focus on their efforts to bring manufacturing back to the United States.

Bill Hagerty and Tom Cotton. Matt Boyle/Breitbart News

“I’m here in Tennessee today supporting Bill Hagerty for the same reason President Trump is supporting Bill Hagerty—because Bill will be a strong, reliable conservative voice in the United States Senate,” Cotton told Breitbart News. “He will stand up for American jobs and American workers. He’s already stood up to China in so many ways as our ambassador to Japan, and when it wasn’t popular in some Republican circles in 2016 Bill Hagerty supported Donald Trump. He worked hard to get Donald Trump elected, to beat Hillary Clinton. He walks the walk, he doesn’t just talk the talk. He will be a great United States Senator and that’s why I endorsed him and that’s why Donald Trump has endorsed Bill Hagerty.”

Exclusive — Cotton, Hagerty: Make China Pay for Pandemic
‘Divisive, Short-Fingered Vulgarian’: Never Trumpers Comprise Tennessee’s Manny Sethi’s Entire Senior Campaign Staff

Dr. Manny Sethi, a candidate for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate in Tennessee, decided to surround himself with Never Trumpers, including his campaign manager who believes President Donald Trump is a “divisive, short-fingered vulgarian.”

Sethi has presented himself as a “conservative outsider” in the race against the Trump-backed Bill Hagerty, but all the people he has brought into every senior role in his campaign are devout Never Trump political consultants.

His campaign manager Forrest Barnwell-Hagemeyer, for instance, is a former staffer to former Ohio Gov. John Kasich—a Never Trumper expected to endorse 2020 presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden. Kasich is so far in for Biden that he is expected to abandon the Republican Party altogether to speak at the Democrat National Convention (DNC), or whatever semblance of a DNC there is, to try to oust Trump. On his Facebook page, Barnwell-Hagemeyer still has a photograph of him wearing a Kasich shirt from April 5, 2016, when the former Ohio governor was trying to stop Trump from winning the GOP nomination.

‘Divisive, Short-Fingered Vulgarian’: Never Trumpers Comprise TN’s Manny Sethi's Entire Senior Campaign Staff

Good too know. I have heard family members speak about voting for Sethi and even thought so myself. Will inform others.
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