2020 U.S. Senate Races

Good too know. I have heard family members speak about voting for Sethi and even thought so myself. Will inform others.

Kind of odd that Mark Levin has endorsed Sethi.

“I am endorsing Dr. Manny Sethi,” Levin said in the press release.

“I have kids who live in Tennessee, I have grandkids who live in Nashville. If I lived there, I would be voting for him. That’s the bottom line. I like that he’s a citizen, a serious doctor, he’s a conservative, and he’s not tied to Romney. Tennessee needs him in the Senate. His opponent is tied so closely to Romney, that if he gets into the Senate, you know damn well what will happen.”

As The Tennessee Star reported Saturday, former U.S. Sen Jim DeMint (R-SC) also endorsed Sethi.

“I am endorsing Dr. Manny because Tennessee needs to send a rock solid conservative to DC who will take on the Swamp, fight Amnesty, and stand with President Trump,” DeMint said.

DeMint, known for his work in the Tea Party, is a University of Tennessee graduate and founder of the Senate Conservatives Fund.

Also as reported, individuals such as U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Memphis-based Varsity Spirit founder Jeff Webb, and former Congressmen John J. Duncan Jr. have endorsed Sethi.

As reported last month, former Congressman Zach Wamp also endorsed Sethi. Wamp served in the U.S. Congress, representing Tennessee’s Third District from 1995 through 2011. Also, as reported last month, former Congressman Ed Bryant endorsed Sethi’s candidacy. Bryant represented Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives and served as a magistrate judge for the Western District of Tennessee.

Mark Levin Endorses Manny Sethi for U.S. Senate
Kind of odd that Mark Levin has endorsed Sethi.

“I am endorsing Dr. Manny Sethi,” Levin said in the press release.

“I have kids who live in Tennessee, I have grandkids who live in Nashville. If I lived there, I would be voting for him. That’s the bottom line. I like that he’s a citizen, a serious doctor, he’s a conservative, and he’s not tied to Romney. Tennessee needs him in the Senate. His opponent is tied so closely to Romney, that if he gets into the Senate, you know damn well what will happen.”

As The Tennessee Star reported Saturday, former U.S. Sen Jim DeMint (R-SC) also endorsed Sethi.

“I am endorsing Dr. Manny because Tennessee needs to send a rock solid conservative to DC who will take on the Swamp, fight Amnesty, and stand with President Trump,” DeMint said.

DeMint, known for his work in the Tea Party, is a University of Tennessee graduate and founder of the Senate Conservatives Fund.

Also as reported, individuals such as U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Memphis-based Varsity Spirit founder Jeff Webb, and former Congressmen John J. Duncan Jr. have endorsed Sethi.

As reported last month, former Congressman Zach Wamp also endorsed Sethi. Wamp served in the U.S. Congress, representing Tennessee’s Third District from 1995 through 2011. Also, as reported last month, former Congressman Ed Bryant endorsed Sethi’s candidacy. Bryant represented Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives and served as a magistrate judge for the Western District of Tennessee.

Mark Levin Endorses Manny Sethi for U.S. Senate

Well...that makes things clear as mud. Trump is supporting Hagerty if I heard correctly.
I voted early today. Very smooth process: strict social distancing, limited number of folks indoors at once, masks, and you got your own pen when you went in to sign stuff. Plus hand sanitizer before using the touchscreen voting machines.

If you had only been required to show your ID it would have been a beautiful story.
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Haggerty supported Bush and Rubio in 2016 before coming over to Trump after it was obvious he would win the nomination. He has been buddies for years with Romney. He has no room to push this idea he is pushing about the “never Trumpers”.

That has nothing to do with my voting though. I just like Dr. Manny’s platform better. And the fact that he is not a career politician like Haggerty.
I’m starting to think the Republicans don’t want to keep the senate. Because making statements like this will definitely cause them to lose it if it’s not lost already.
Cal Cunningham Touted ‘Merits’ of Communism as Student Leader


Cal Cunningham, the former state legislator who defeated a qualified black woman in North Carolina's Democratic Senate primary, touted the "merits" of communist and Marxist ideology as UNC-Chapel Hill student body president in the 1990s.

Cunningham expounded on the virtues of communism and Marxism during an interview with a UNC student newspaper in 1995 following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Asked if there was "merit" in communist ideology, Cunningham offered a mostly positive assessment, making the familiar argument that true communism hasn't really been tried.

"There’s very much merit in communist ideology, but you have to be careful how you define it," he said. "I think that in practice, what we saw in the Soviet Union was totalitarianism in action." Cunningham, who claimed to have studied Marxist philosophy "quite thoroughly," went on to say that despite some "fundamental flaws," there were "a lot of things we can still take" from Marxism. Communism, for all it's merits, Cunningham argued, is "something that we have more trouble achieving."

Cunningham is running against incumbent Sen. Thom Tillis (R., N.C.) in a race that could determine which party controls the Senate in 2021. What had been a tight race through June has opened up in recent weeks, with Cunningham currently enjoying a 6.2 percentage-point lead in the RealClearPolitics polling average. The $7.4 million Cunningham raised in the second quarter of 2020 was the highest ever reported by a North Carolina Senate candidate.

Cal Cunningham Touted 'Merits' of Communism as Student Leader
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No Southern hospitality in GOP Senate clash in Tennessee

The race is turning into a Fist Fight over conservative values and support for President Trump

Bill Hagerty doesn’t waste an opportunity to remind voters that he’s backed by President Trump.

“Conservative Bill Hagerty. Endorsed by President Trump. Hagerty and Trump will rebuild our economy,” says the narrator in one of the Tennessee Republican’s recent TV ads.

Hagerty – a Tennessee native and businessman who served as the U.S. ambassador to Japan for the first two years of the Trump administration – showcases at the top of his Twitter feed a tweet earlier this week from Vice President Mike Pence that says “TN’s @BillHagertyTN is my friend & has been a champion for President @realDonaldTrump’s AMERICA FIRST agenda from Day One.”

And on Thursday night, Hagerty was a guest on a digital program hosted by Donald Trump Jr. on the Trump campaign’s digital channel.

In 2020, that’s usually enough to put a GOP candidate over the top in the Republican primary. But with less than a week to go until the Aug. 6 Tennessee Senate Republican primary in the race to succeed retiring GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander, Hagerty’s facing serious competition from Dr. Manny Sethi, a rival who says he’s the real conservative populist in the race.

The 42-year old orthopedic trauma surgeon’s a staunch illegal immigration opponent who showcases his own family’s story – his parents legally immigrated to the U.S. from India.

Sethi – who’s running as an outsider and an insurgent candidate – is also trying to claim the Trump mantle. He touts that he voted for Trump in Tennessee’s March 2016 Republican presidential primary and points out that Hagerty supported Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida in the primaries four years ago.

Besides the president and vice president, Hagerty enjoys the backing of Tennessee’s other senator, Marsha Blackburn, a longtime conservative congresswoman who won the Senate seat in 2018. And he’s also been endorsed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell from neighboring Kentucky and Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas.

Sethi has his own high-profile endorsements – conservative Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky -- as well as the influential Family Research Council.

No Southern hospitality in GOP Senate clash in Tennessee
Trump-Backed Bill Hagerty Seeks to Complete President’s Perfect Record in 2020 Senate Primaries

CLARKSVILLE, Tennessee — Former U.S. ambassador to Japan Bill Hagerty, the man President Donald Trump wants in the vacant U.S. Senate seat here come November, is seeking to finish off his once-surging opponent in Thursday’s primary.

More than a year ago, Trump endorsed Hagerty—one of his closest allies who would be the first U.S. senator who actually served in his administration and on his campaign and in his transition team—for the job. If Hagerty pulls off the win in the Aug. 6 primary, it would not only give the president a key win in a deep red state as the president remakes the Republican Party in his image. It would also deliver Trump a perfect record in U.S. Senate primaries nationwide this cycle, even after a handful of House primary losses despite a mostly-perfect record. The president asked Hagerty, who served as Trump’s ambassador to Japan at the beginning of the administration, to come back and run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by the retiring longtime Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and endorsed him for it ages ago—the first major endorsement the president made this cycle in a primary that was always scheduled for later this year.

Trump-Backed Bill Hagerty Seeks to Close Final Week with TN Win
The GOP campaign teams in TN have gotten a hold of my voter registration and info. I've received several texts from Sethi and Haggerty, plus some other state house race GOP folks, during the past week. Even got one from the Donald himself.

It doesn't bother me. I didn't even tell them to remove me from their list. Just shows that the GOP in TN is reaching out to anyone they think may vote in the TN primary Thursday. I guarantee after the primary election I'll never get a GOP text the rest of the year.
Republican Manny Sethi Scrambles to Explain Contribution to Liberal Tom Perriello

GOP candidate blames wife, sleepwalking for donation to far-left Dem


A Republican Senate candidate blamed his wife and sleepwalking for a past donation to a far-left Democrat as he woos conservative voters in Tennessee.

Orthopedic surgeon Manny Sethi, who is running to replace retiring senator Lamar Alexander (R., Tenn.), faced criticism in July for a campaign contribution he made to former Democratic congressman Tom Perriello. Sethi gave $50 to Perriello's campaign in April 2008, prompting an advertisement from primary opponent and former ambassador to Japan Bill Hagerty. While Sethi has dismissed the attack as "baseless," his campaign has offered contradictory explanations behind the donation, going so far as to scapegoat his wife and a lack of sleep.

In an advertisement released July 25, Sethi's wife took responsibility for the contribution, saying she sent the money after "some friends called me for political donations." But in a July 1 email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, Sethi claimed he made the donation himself, attributing the decision to sleep deprivation.

"When I was a sleep-deprived resident, I had a friend pestering me to make a donation to one of his friends who was running for office," Sethi wrote in the email. "It was dumb, and I shouldn't have done it." Sethi added that he did not know the money was going to Perriello, saying it "never would have happened" had he known.

Sethi undermined his claim of ignorance, however, during a Thursday town hall. He called Perriello "a friend's brother-in-law who was running for Congress," claiming he purchased two t-shirts with the $50 contribution. In addition, Sethi's campaign previously called the former Virginia congressman a "family friend" in a July comment made to the Tennessee Star.

Reached for comment, Sethi campaign chairman Chris Devaney told the Free Beacon that Sethi's wife "used a joint credit card that had both her name and Dr. Manny's name on it, and because of that, when the credit card processor itemized the donation, it was reported as a donation to Dr. Manny." Devaney said Sethi "didn't remember the specifics" of the donation because it was made "while he was working 100 hours a week as a resident." Devaney accused Hagerty of highlighting the donation "in hopes that voters would ignore the $100,000 he gave to Romney and Al Gore." Hagerty contributed $1,000 to Gore's presidential campaign in 1999, records show.

Trump endorsed Hagerty's Senate campaign in a July tweet, calling him "strong on crime, borders & our 2nd A" before offering his "Complete & Total" support. Hagerty previously served in the Trump administration as U.S. ambassador to Japan from August 2017 to July 2019. In addition to Trump's endorsement, Hagerty is backed by Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.), Tom Cotton (R., Ark.), and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.), as well as former ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley. Sethi is endorsed by Sens. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) and Rand Paul (R., Ky.).

Republican Manny Sethi Scrambles to Explain Contribution to Liberal Tom Perriello

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