2020 U.S. Senate Races

Most of America does not want a far left agenda. They want a moderate agenda. So why do you not want what most of America wants?
That's why the dems have nominated the two most moderate candidates in the past two elections. It's the repubs who went off that rails.
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That's why the dems have nominated the two most moderate candidates in the past two elections. It's the repubs who went off that rails.

Wait a moderate is now someone who publicly pushes a national mandate ? I don’t know when we did this flip flop but that is in no way considered “ Moderate “
It's been trending left since the cave man days.
Have you ever listened to the music "tubular bells"? This is where I think the democratic party is today. It started out pretty well but over time it devolved into something only someone on drugs would like.
That's why the struggle is always over how quickly to move left.

No it’s not about the speed , it’s all about how far we allow it to go left . I just gave a historical fact , the solution to that is not slowing down that march to the left , it’s knowing when to stop for our own good . Just like with any machine you can name , the gutter you get away from its optimal operating position , the shorter the life of the machine . FYI .. that’s top dead center .

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