2020 U.S. Senate Races

No it’s not about the speed , it’s all about how far we allow it to go left . I just gave a historical fact , the solution to that is not slowing down that march to the left , it’s knowing when to stop for our own good . Just like with any machine you can name , the gutter you get away from its optimal operating position , the shorter the life of the machine . FYI .. that’s top dead center .
The historical fact is they went there to quickly.
The historical fact is they went there to quickly.

Wrong again , that’s just your opinion . Facts are opinions . The historical fact is that they all went too far away from optimal operating position. Governments , the human body , any machine , is set up to operate at its peek in one position top dead center . The speed in which you move away from that only shortens the life span . Example .. Putting no cocaine into your body , putting small amounts into your body , going full send Scarface everyday . All machines work exactly alike by design .
Single party rule? No. Once the evil libs take over, the Democratic Party would then split into two factions: the moderate left and the radical left.

Still single party. No getting around it. But hey, good for you if that's what you're gunning for.
It's not a struggle for people who understand history.

We are all communicating on the most powerful , instant access to all knowledge computers the world has ever known, but still people won’t study history . Smh
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That does not make any sense . Free will is the absolute ability to choose your fate . The inability to make good decisions or choices is just simple stupidity or a lack of application of the facts you have access to .
That does not make any sense . Free will is the absolute ability to choose your fate . The inability to make good decisions or choices is just simple stupidity or a lack of application of the facts you have access to .
Absolute free will does not exist. Free will within our nature is all that exists. You do not have the free will to flap your arms and fly, nor the free will to live forever.
Absolute free will does not exist. Free will within our nature is all that exists. You do not have the free will to flap your arms and fly, nor the free will to live forever.

Interesting , I can agree that there are certain things you cannot do if you try or choose . I can’t pull a gold bar out of my azz but I have the free will to try anytime that I want and my fate will be determined on the choices I make .
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Interesting , I can agree that there are certain things you cannot do if you try or choose . I can’t pull a gold bar out of my azz but I have the free will to try anytime that I want and my fate will be determined on the choices I make .
If you want to fry your brain, from a Biblical philosophy perspective, not even God has absolute free will by that definition. Even God is limited by His nature.
That does not make any sense . Free will is the absolute ability to choose your fate . The inability to make good decisions or choices is just simple stupidity or a lack of application of the facts you have access to .
I'm saying free will will eventually lead the majority to the correct conclusion.

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