2020 U.S. Senate Races

Oh really?

Biden got 81 million votes? A man who couldn't even draw a couple of hundred supporters to his rallies? Stopped campaigning by noon each day? Said so many questionable things the media covered up it's insane? Has been proven with documentation to have ties to the Chinese Communist Party? Couldn't even get his own former President out to campaign for him until the last week of the election?

Are you ****ing serious this was the person people picked?

He won less counties than Obama ever thought of doing and somehow increased his popular vote by nearly 20% over what was undoubtedly one of the most popular Presidents in our lifetime. And you expect me to believe there isn't anything shady going on?
Bruh there's a pandemic going on and using rally size as an indication is moronic in a country of 330 million people. Can you cite any source that's not a fox talking head or fringe site? Nope cause the China stuff is fake news
So who is looking forward to paying higher taxes? I'm crunching the numbers to see if I can make more money unemployed.
Pretty sure they were coming anyways but Trump tried to hold extending them over people's heads to get elected. Let's not rewrite history and pretend there was a fiscal conservative in the oval office the past 4yrs
I think the left doesn’t understand, and it’s because they just listen to the media and don’t do research for themselves, is that this was the most impossible electoral win in the history of America. Trump won all the Bellwether metrics, won all 3 Bellwether states, and won 18/19 Bellwether counties. Trump is now the only president to gain votes and lose his re-election and Joe Biden somehow got 12 million more votes than Obama even though he didn’t even campaign. This is by far the weirdest election we’ve ever had. It seems pretty impossible that their was no cheating going on. Was it enough to change the election? That’s the question we’ll never get answered, because nobody wants a civil war.
He campaigned smarter not harder, you just weren't paying attention. Everyone I know and everyone I've talked to voted Biden for many of the same over arching reasons.
Minimum wage is an issue for you?
Someone's pension is an issue for you? A pension is not a gift. People have worked for that pension. I had to work 10 years before I was vested with my pension.
I don't understand the someone else's money quip?
No one is getting rich from minimum wage increasing. I would rather for a person who works 40 hours per week to be able to afford housing, food, and healthcare as opposed to it being subsidized with tax money. Isn't that a better option.
As you know everyone is not afforded the same opportunity to go to college or get a good paying job, or other things that some of us have been blessed enough to have.
I have worked two jobs from 16 until a few years ago when my youngest was born. I have been homeless, unemployed, and underemployed. Having compassion for someone else is not a bad thing.

Yes, pensions are gifts.
There should not be a federal minimum wage, it doesn't make sense considering the vast differences in cost of living that exist in this country.
To the rest, life isn't fair.
Yes. Our only hope is that there are some dems in congress who aren’t complete,y radicalized like ossoff and warnock. Just imagine when Harris is President in the next year. Hopefully some of those dems have common sense and don’t actually want to burn our country to the ground
There aren't any of those dems left, they all want to burn it down
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Don't be afraid of what you misunderstand. Socialism isn't communism. Not even close.

We're moving down the same paths as Europe. It's happening and will continue to happen.

Definition of SOCIALISM

Definition of COMMUNISM

There's a very little difference, in fact Marx stated it's a transitional stage form capitalism to communism. Not surprisingly, you misunderstand.
Quit your whining and bitching if you don't like how current politics are and get out and work your ass off to get the people you want to represent you elected.
I'm going to study that lard ass from GA so I can figure out how to cheat to get my side elected
So who is looking forward to paying higher taxes? I'm crunching the numbers to see if I can make more money unemployed.
You make of $400K? I doubt you will make that much on unemployment....have a go at it though.
Fun fact.....
In discussing upcoming tax changes due to the TCJA, economist Joseph Stiglitz argues that “people with incomes between $10,000 and $30,000—nearly one-quarter of Americans—are among those scheduled to pay a higher average tax rate in 2021 than in years before the tax ‘cut’ was passed.” Stiglitz points to estimates by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), which suggest that those earning between $20,000 and $30,000 could owe an extra $365 in 2021.
All this weeping and gnashing of teeth over this stuff is quite comical. Four years from now, this country will not have collapsed, your kids will still have a future and life will pretty much be the same as it is now with some minor changes as always. Who knows where the economy will go, it cycles up and down on peoples perceptions without much regard to who is in charge. Four years from now, the nation will decide to keep the current path or change directions again.
If you think taxes will be raised on only those making 400k or more I have beach front property in AZ to sell you, cheap.

Besides, why is hard to believe someone makes over 400K? Especially a family making that.
I make fantastic money but wont be sniffing 400k for atleast a decade, it's a huge amount. You're defending 2% of people.
All this weeping and gnashing of teeth over this stuff is quite comical. Four years from now, this country will not have collapsed, your kids will still have a future and life will pretty much be the same as it is now with some minor changes as always. Who knows where the economy will go, it cycles up and down on peoples perceptions without much regard to who is in charge. Four years from now, the nation will decide to keep the current path or change directions again.
We're on a raft constantly paddling in different directions. One side gains advantage for awhile but soon tires and the other side then gains the advantage.

The key point is that the raft has always been in a river with a leftward flowing current.

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