2020 U.S. Senate Races

You make of $400K? I doubt you will make that much on unemployment....have a go at it though.
Fun fact.....
In discussing upcoming tax changes due to the TCJA, economist Joseph Stiglitz argues that “people with incomes between $10,000 and $30,000—nearly one-quarter of Americans—are among those scheduled to pay a higher average tax rate in 2021 than in years before the tax ‘cut’ was passed.” Stiglitz points to estimates by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), which suggest that those earning between $20,000 and $30,000 could owe an extra $365 in 2021.

How? They pay almost zero income taxes now.
Are you sure after your taxes are raised by 20% and your electric bill triples. You could always work a few hours on the side for cash as a community organizer and ballot harvester.
Look, I understand math is hard but some of us can do it. If you can make more staying home then you weren't really in the path to success anyways
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You make of $400K? I doubt you will make that much on unemployment....have a go at it though.
Fun fact.....
In discussing upcoming tax changes due to the TCJA, economist Joseph Stiglitz argues that “people with incomes between $10,000 and $30,000—nearly one-quarter of Americans—are among those scheduled to pay a higher average tax rate in 2021 than in years before the tax ‘cut’ was passed.” Stiglitz points to estimates by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), which suggest that those earning between $20,000 and $30,000 could owe an extra $365 in 2021.
Who makes between $10-30k and actually pays taxes?
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Yeah that's why you have to return the tax rate on corporations to what it was in 2017. In theory that drastic cut should have had a great effect but it was mitigated by the savings being used on stock buybacks and dividend payouts rather than CapEx spending which would have been job creators.

Just look at revenue collections vs tax rates, historically raising taxes does not increase collections. The private sector is always smarter than the government plus the politicians always put clauses in for their owners.
No it's not, it'll be 400k plus and a raise of the corporate tax. Your job at Arbys is safe
My job at Arby’s isn’t safe because when they raise the minimum wage, Arby’s is going to do their damnest to automate. Not that Trump wouldn’t have signed a minimum wage increase.
Just look at revenue collections vs tax rates, historically raising taxes does not increase collections. The private sector is always smarter than the government plus the politicians always put clauses in for their owners.
I'm speaking to corps here not individuals
My job at Arby’s isn’t safe because when they raise the minimum wage, Arby’s is going to do their damnest to automate. Not that Trump wouldn’t have signed a minimum wage increase.
Hate to break this but they're doing there damnest to automate already, it'll happen regardless of where wages are.
lol....It was 100% a referendum on Trump and it was a complete repudiation of Trumpism.
You have the wrong side being brainwashed. This should have been evident in the summer of 2016.

Meh it was a lot of factors: growing population of Atlanta, unpopular GOP governor, lackluster candidates, and a belief the election was stolen persuaded some Trump voters to stay home
Meh it was a lot of factors: growing population of Atlanta, unpopular GOP governor, lackluster candidates, and a belief the election was stolen persuaded some Trump voters to stay home
That size of turnout for a runoff election points to one thing.
I waited in line for 90 minutes to vote early. (and that's after driving by multiple days to check the length of the line)
Hate to break this but they're doing there damnest to automate already, it'll happen regardless of where wages are.
True but when you increase the cost of employment, you increase the value of automation which means at $7 an hour, the capital investment for automation is less needed than if it’s $15 an hour.
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I'm going to entertain this because I dont think you've taken a statistics class.

There are 330 million Americans, 2% of that is 7 million people. Every year the CDC records every death in country and categorizes them, generally this rate grows with population so deaths increase slightly every year. In 2020 we had over 400k more deaths than the average from the year before, so it's likely that many more are covid related than reported.

It doesnt make sense to pretend this isnt happening, so have some compassion for your fellow Americans and think about it.

I'll entertain this because you choose not to look at reality.

Only 6% of the total deaths caused by COVID 19 were only from the disease itself. The other 94% had underlying conditions that were either the primary cause or the attributing factor in their death. So, in reality, SARS-CoV-2 is not quite as deadly as the media made it out to be. Concerning? Maybe if you're in the high risk category.

Concerning enough to destroy our country? Abso-****ing-lutely not. But here we are...

Now, before you want to accuse me of this nonsense of "don't care about the dead," you really need to check that attitude. I've said the same thing since this began. If you are at risk of having a serious medical situation by catching Covid-19, don't put yourself in a position to catch it. Your life is your own responsibility, not the damn government's. Nor mine. The responsibility rests on you alone to try to mitigate the disease.

So, my "concern" for those who put themselves in a position to catch the disease, and I work in an industry that sees that daily, stops when they aren't taking precautions. If you are high risk and go to a football game in a crowd of 25,000, I have zero concern for your "feelings" that other people should try to protect you. You put yourself in a compromising position by going in the first place.

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