2020 U.S. Senate Races

Nor any ethics, morality, compassion, shame or any resemblance to a real man. But other than that, he’s a great American and a fine fellow.

Trump bootlickers say "stream of consciousness, whatever is on his mind", people with a moral and ethical compass know better - it's all lies and conspiracy theories. Trump is trash, always has been, always will be.
I'll entertain this because you choose not to look at reality.

Only 6% of the total deaths caused by COVID 19 were only from the disease itself. The other 94% had underlying conditions that were either the primary cause or the attributing factor in their death. So, in reality, SARS-CoV-2 is not quite as deadly as the media made it out to be. Concerning? Maybe if you're in the high risk category.

Concerning enough to destroy our country? Abso-****ing-lutely not. But here we are...

Now, before you want to accuse me of this nonsense of "don't care about the dead," you really need to check that attitude. I've said the same thing since this began. If you are at risk of having a serious medical situation by catching Covid-19, don't put yourself in a position to catch it. Your life is your own responsibility, not the damn government's. Nor mine. The responsibility rests on you alone to try to mitigate the disease.

So, my "concern" for those who put themselves in a position to catch the disease, and I work in an industry that sees that daily, stops when they aren't taking precautions. If you are high risk and go to a football game in a crowd of 25,000, I have zero concern for your "feelings" that other people should try to protect you. You put yourself in a compromising position by going in the first place.
What is the difference between dying of Covid and dying from Pneumonia or a stroke due to Covid? You understand that 400k extra deaths over the average is unprecedented regardless of what you "believe" these people died from.
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Trump bootlickers say "stream of consciousness, whatever is on his mind", people with a moral and ethical compass know better - it's all lies and conspiracy theories. Trump is trash, always has been, always will be.
The difference in Trump is that he doesn’t hide his depravity. Obama, Bush, Biden etc tried and were better able to hide their depravity. They are all morally depraved sociopaths.
What is the difference between dying of Covid and dying from Pneumonia or a stroke due to Covid? You understand that 400k extra deaths over the average is unprecedented regardless of what you "believe" these people died from.

Simple...recently the former Mayor of Franklin, TN passed away. The headline was that he died of COVID, in all caps. As you look into the small print, you find he has been battling, and had active, brain cancer for 10 years.
How do you think they classified his death?
Simple...recently the former Mayor of Franklin, TN passed away. The headline was that he died of COVID, in all caps. As you look into the small print, you find he has been battling, and had active, brain cancer for 10 years.
How do you think they classified his death?

Are you saying that if he hadn’t gotten COVID he would have died this year anyway?

I really don’t know anything about this specific case you described. I’m also not looking to get into a COVID debate in this thread. I am tired of seeing people dismiss premature deaths from a pre-existing condition that were expedited by COVID.
He deserves it, like all dems he's a scumbag. I can't wait until he gets destroyed in the primaries. Just like your girl said a few years ago, we need to harass them in restaurants and gasoline stations
The difference is, we call out our own. Dims are sheep, they’d never disobey their shepherd.
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The difference is, we call out our own. Dims are sheep, they’d never disobey their shepherd.
Nope and that's why I keep trying to tell everyone to stop listening to Manchin because when schumer calls for his vote he will vote the way schumer tells him to

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