I loved Taber Spani! She wasn't the go-to player, but she was the kind of player that could really hurt you if you lose sight of her. If Puckett is surrounded by the right complement of guards, she could easily play the role of a sniper while defenses are preoccupied with the players that can create their own shot.
It was 100% Taber Spani’s chronic injuries — debilitating turf-toe, elbow and back pain — that kept her from becoming the top player she should have been. She was strong as an ox and whip-smart. Hers is one of the more heartbreaking careers IMO for someone who had “it” to not physically be able to BE it.
Vicki Baugh is another of those players my heart breaks for. One of the sweetest kids Pat ever signed, Baugh had first-team AA potential that was dashed by that ACL injury at the end of her outstanding performance in the national championship game. The moment she fell is, unfortunately, forever seared into my memory. Sometimes I can’t remember at lunchtime what I ate for breakfast, but even after all these years I can see the pain and disappointment on Baugh’s face like it happened five minutes ago.