On a high school debate team or in a courtroom, you’d be compelling, but frequently admonished for diversion and ad hominem attack. In order to accept your assumptions one has to buy the inputs that are themselves full of assumptions. Kansas told him they’re coming to his game to see him. That’s what I heard. Full stop. They perceive interest, and according to friends who are elite HS coaches, he’s interested. Whether there are other targets there is irrelevant to what I said. I weigh my friend’s credibility and opinion on the matter highly. As far as Estrella’s family “making it known” that “they better be your priority”, there’s a range of subjectivity and meaning there that can’t be discerned from anything they’ve said to date. If Self enters a recruiting battle, he generally does pretty well. I’m sure their strategy and communications are well thought out, even if you’re betting against their success. I genuinely hope he doesn’t visit them.