Agenda 47
Wall Street Apes
TikTok Creator Told To Read Agenda 47 By Commenters Trying To Bash Trump. Video Accidentally Blows Up Approaching 100k Likes & Everyone In The Comments Says They Can’t Believe They Just Became Donald Trump Supporters
“I was told in my live this morning that I need to go read Agenda 47 because I stated that Trump does not endorse Project 2025, but agenda 47 is a cliff notes version. So I went and I read it:
- First up, ending homelessness in veterans, which will be taking the funding away from the housing for the immigrants that are coming in illegally over our border and putting that funding into housing for our homeless veterans
- Also giving funding to the VA
Every side runs on more VA benefits. You want to re-direct funding, but is there actually a shortage of funding for VA housing? I mean, is housing for illegals actually displacing housing for veterans? I am skeptical.
I might add, if you want simply to increase funding for the VA, a laudable goal, how will that be paid for? If its simply add more dollars, that increases the debt, which you say you don't want to do.
- Ending the war in Ukraine on day 1. News flash, Putin, about a week ago, said that he would be okay with this.
Well sure Putin would go for it, because without a doubt Trump will tell Ukraine he's cutting off support so they better make a deal and concede whatever territory Putin wants. Problem is, Europe may not agree. Trump get the split with NATO he (and his master Putin) have always wanted.
- It talks about lessening low income housing and using that money to help Americans who want to purchase homes purchase homes. Instead of putting that money into rentals and low income housing, it would put together programs so you can be in the best financial position to purchase a home
Huh? Its not just about down payment assistance, its about making the monthly payments after that. Many low income families can afford neither the down payment nor the mortgage. To fix both, there's that pesky spending problem again.
- Hiring a 100 new prosecutors and firing the ones that George Soros hired
Sigh. Soros did not hire any prosecutors. He supported some campaigns for them, in state and local races. Something over which Trump has no control.
Wait, are you saying the federal government should direct who the state attorney is in my county??? What happened to your claimed adherence to state and local control over such matters?
- Ending the source of drug addiction in America, and funding better programs for people who are addicted to drugs. That funding would also come from the housing that is for the illegal immigrants crossing our border
So now the money spent on housing immigrants goes to both VA housing and to drug addiction assistance? Ok, sure, gotcha.
- If you come over to the United States illegally right now but give birth to a child in the United States, that child is a are automatically a US citizen. This is going to stop that from happening.
Pesky Constitution gets in the way. 14th Amendment and all. You might try reading it some day.
Need I go on?
These are all nice sounding rhetorical red meat for the MAGA base. But once you ask a few questions.... meh, more political nonsense, more debt, more federal control, the very things the Republican party
used to be against.