2024 Presidential Race

Walz is a habitual liar. His character is in question. Don't let your hatred of Trump mask the piece of sh!t Walz is.

So lying is off the table for politicians now? It's hard to get a read on whether trumpers actually care about lies or if it's only on the menu when a democrat lies.

I feel like you guys need to put out a flowchart.
Those savings are passed along to us.

It's easy to say "no immigrants" until tomatoes are $20/lb because the farmer has to pay $15/hr. Or your roof replacement is 100% more expensive.

Careful what you wish for.

The Mexicans don't even work now, and the ones that do... do ****** work. They figured out they don't need to work either.
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I'm sure that will endear him to the scores of legal immigrants in the U.S. who can read between the lines with this rhetoric.

This dude is a bozo.

But you're raging because they are reading between the lines i.e. America has been sold out. Your solution is to keep doing what has been going on for 35+- years. That is a bozo speaking, your plan failed long ago.

Septic, who have you been voting for the last 30 years?
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Those savings are passed along to us.

It's easy to say "no immigrants" until tomatoes are $20/lb because the farmer has to pay $15/hr. Or your roof replacement is 100% more expensive.

Careful what you wish for.

There is a huge difference between legal immigrants taking those jobs and completely looking the other way for illegals taking those jobs like Abbott....

The flip side of the equation is just the threat of undocumented migrant labor keeps wages artificially low for American citizens in those industries...
There is a huge difference between legal immigrants taking those jobs and completely looking the other way for illegals taking those jobs like Abbott....

The flip side of the equation is just the threat of undocumented migrant labor keeps wages artificially low for American citizens in those industries...

I'm convinced that this is a problem neither side wants to solve. It's an emotional wedge issue between American's and politicians know it, it's something they can campaign on without ever having to actually do anything about it.

Trumpers are suckers if they think he intends on doing anything but throwing band-aids at the problem. It's theater.
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There is a huge difference between legal immigrants taking those jobs and completely looking the other way for illegals taking those jobs like Abbott....

The flip side of the equation is just the threat of undocumented migrant labor keeps wages artificially low for American citizens in those industries...

He went from saying the message is wrong to basically defending the whole thing in a matter of a few posts. This ignores the fact that they have been doing it his way for 30+ years. For the record, I use to work with Mexicans as a kid on my relatives property and their neighbors property. They would have the ability to work and travel up North for the summer, and would go back to Mexico after. It was usually all Mexicans and me the white kid picking. 😂

Mexicans don't even work now, and there a whole string of issues and problems they are bringing with them. We've had murders by illegals recently, a couple of attempted murders with cars, thefts, and we've had illegals almost kill a teenage last year because of DUI going 100+. The HS girl has freaking brain exposed because of the crash. This is a very small rural area. I could go on and on.

What he is saying just not reality in any way, not even close. His way failed, he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground if he believes that nonsense.
I'm convinced that this is a problem neither side wants to solve. It's an emotional wedge issue between American's and politicians know it, it's something they can campaign on without ever having to actually do anything about it.

Trumpers are suckers if they think he intends on doing anything but throwing band-aids at the problem. It's theater.

There is no sides, which is why the problem has never been solved. Its a solvable problem which would take probably 1% of the defense budget to solve. Not only has it not worked your way, they have gone the other way and allowed the invaders to coming in.
I'm convinced that this is a problem neither side wants to solve. It's an emotional wedge issue between American's and politicians know it, it's something they can campaign on without ever having to do anything about.

Trumpers are suckers if they think he intends on doing anything but throwing band-aids at the problem. It's theater.

Im 10000% sure neither side wants to solve. Ds want the votes, Rs want the ag/construction $$$. Both sides like the political talking points.

The Trump admin patroled the border stronger but they absolutely turned a blind eye to those already living here illegally. Its why the number of undocumented living here on average was greater in 17-19 than 09-16...
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Im 10000% sure neither side wants to solve. Ds want the votes, Rs want the ag/construction $$$. Both sides like the political talking points.

The Trump admin patroled the border stronger but they absolutely turned a blind eye to those already living here illegally. Its why the number of undocumented on average was greater in 17-19 than 09-16...

The processing would have to be setup i.e. more immigration courts and facilities, completely solvable problem. The ones on the border should be kept on the border.

Doing it Septics way has failed over and over and over. Its complete nonsense.
There is no sides, which is why the problem has never been solved. Its a solvable problem which would take probably 1% of the defense budget to solve. Not only has it not worked your way, they have gone the other way and allowed the invaders to coming in.

Oh, are you still here?

3 Polite Ways to End That Networking Conversation (That Don ...
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Im 10000% sure neither side wants to solve. Ds want the votes, Rs want the ag/construction $$$. Both sides like the political talking points.

The Trump admin patroled the border stronger but they absolutely turned a blind eye to those already living here illegally. Its why the number of undocumented living here on average was greater in 17-19 than 09-16...

It's complicated for sure. On the one hand - I think people have forgotten 9/11 to a degree and stopped caring about why it's important that we know who is roaming around in the country. On the other hand, like you said - D's want votes and ag and construction want cheap labor.

The solution is to cut the head off the snake. Start jailing employers for violations and work dries up, these cats will head home.
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Especially when they're receiving $2000 a month for free.

Not only has this Rage Lunatic's way not worked, the people he voted for are absolutely allowing the invaders in and paying them. An easier solution would be for the U.S. government to get rid of DOD because they're obviously not needed. Give illegals a million+ dollars each to go back to Mexico and pay them to stay there. Idiocracy.

What he is talking about is complete and utter Idiocracy, just like the last 30 years which he has gotten his way which is why things are the way they are. But he is worried about mean tweets while raging. 😂
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Tens of thousands of Mexican citizens will cross legal checkpoints today. An enforcement mechanism must be in place to make sure they dont overstay by obtaining under the table employment.

I can put up a giant fence to prevent people from breaking in my back door but that does no good if someone can walk through the unlocked front door with a reduced risk of being caught once inside...
Saying dumb sh*t like this reinforces what many people already believe, that he's an idiot and a liar. His mouth casts a shadow on the truth that does exist and he gets tuned out.
The problem is that he has been proven right many times and there is never a correction. one example of the "lies " .The food for the championshp football team at the White House was not stacked a mile high. I'll give you that one. The Secretary of Commerce was asked about Trumps comment about jobs created numbers being inflated and revised down . Her response was "He said it so I dont believe it" (or the evqivalent, lest I also be called a liar) . The reporter informed her that the numbers came from the govt website. Her response "Well I don't know anything about that. " And She is Secretary of Commerce.
Tens of thousands of Mexican citizens will cross legal checkpoints today. An enforcement mechanism must be in place to make sure they dont overstay by obtaining under the table employment.

I can put up a giant fence to prevent people from breaking in my back door but that does no good if someone can walk through the unlocked front door with a reduced risk of being caught once inside...
Sure wish the Border Patrol bill passed, can't kill a bill then complain. Would not have fixed it totally but would have started active deterrence for better bills to come. More efficient than a wall that was never completed and can easily be bypassed. Mexico did not pay for it nor did they fix immigration issues. Much talk about nothing with no action = Politics. Trump had 4 years to fix the situation and did not. Yet some of you believe he did, he didn't. Now he is advocating deportation as a solution, sounds like an excuse for his failure to fix. Great Sound bites which amount to nothing.
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Sure wish the Border Patrol bill passed, can't kill a bill then complain. Would not have fixed it totally but would have started active deterrence for better bills to come. More efficient than a wall that was never completed and can easily be bypassed. Mexico did not pay for it nor did they fix immigration issues. Much talk about nothing with no action = Politics. Trump had 4 years to fix the situation and did not. Yet some of you believe he did, he didn't. Now he is advocating deportation as a solution, sounds like an excuse for his failure to fix. Great Sound bites which amount to nothing.

No bill is necessary, the laws are fine the way they are.... enforcement is needed. Because of the government willfully not following the law additional funding might be necessary, additional court and facilities.

The problem is, its willful failure to protect the American people, not the illegals themselves.
Sure wish the Border Patrol bill passed, can't kill a bill then complain. Would not have fixed it totally but would have started active deterrence for better bills to come. More efficient than a wall that was never completed and can easily be bypassed. Mexico did not pay for it nor did they fix immigration issues. Much talk about nothing with no action = Politics. Trump had 4 years to fix the situation and did not. Yet some of you believe he did, he didn't. Now he is advocating deportation as a solution, sounds like an excuse for his failure to fix. Great Sound bites which amount to nothing.
Trump knows great sound bites get a ride from his followers
Yeah these libs on here have been crying for 5 days and 20 pages about it. Just sit back and laugh at em.
It left the mainstream news after like two days. Turns out it was bringing attention to the area and the issue and the devastation the Haitians are bringing. Our resident Simple Jack's look so stupid repeating their extreme leftist talking points for what they believe are their masters. They think they'll be rewarded or something.

Like you said, just sit back and laugh. It's great.
The problem is that he has been proven right many times and there is never a correction. one example of the "lies " .The food for the championshp football team at the White House was not stacked a mile high. I'll give you that one. The Secretary of Commerce was asked about Trumps comment about jobs created numbers being inflated and revised down . Her response was "He said it so I dont believe it" (or the evqivalent, lest I also be called a liar) . The reporter informed her that the numbers came from the govt website. Her response "Well I don't know anything about that. " And She is Secretary of Commerce.

Sorry, you lost me here.

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