2024 Presidential Race

If he did disagree with what was being said then Trump was too weak or stupid to correct him or even take charge of the narrative. But he only surrounds himself with the best right?

Yes but is that the entire context? What you are describing sounds easy until you put it into context. I mean you are talking about the whole media and government was against him, meaning the federal government itself (more or less). We're not talking about a few people making a mistake... we're talking the whole medical industry, federal government, state governments, local governments, scientists, etc. in on the scam or a part of the scam.

I agree with you, but I also feel like its out of context to a degree.
Look at it this way. If immigration was a product Trump couldn't sell it. He couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a stack full of pardons. The problem isn't the message. It's the messenger.

Sorry, you lost me here.
If he did disagree with what was being said then Trump was too weak or stupid to correct him or even take charge of the narrative. But he only surrounds himself with the best right?
Oh. Biggest issue with him. He talked about the swamp the first time he ran. He severely underestimated how deep the swamp is and how EVERYTHING is political. EVERYTHING. All that trust the science crap was 100% political. He kept that Kushner around too, just to name another. I can go all day on this. The biggest with him is he trusted all of the political rot that had been in government since the beginning of time If he gets in again he needs to get rid of damn near everyone with any kind of power in the entirety of the government, including 99% of O-6's on up in the military. Again, I can go all day about this.
This is the most bewildering point.

Trump kills a bi-partisan bill for border security and then runs on the platform of him being the only person who can do something about it.

And his supporters buy it. Pretty astonishing.

If nothing else, the guy can put on a master class in selling snow to Eskimo.

He'd rather America continue to have an unmitigated immigrant problem than give the current admin a win. Without the immigrant issue, he's got no platform and nothing to run on.
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Why do you call it bi-partisan when Democrats voted against the bill

Do you need me to draw you a picture? Explain it to you like you're five?

The legislation was negotiated by James Lankford, R-Okla., whom Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., designated to lead the talks. He cut a deal with Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., that McConnell and Schumer signed off on.

It would have passed had Donny not decided that he needed a problem to run on.
This is the most bewildering point.

Trump kills a bi-partisan bill for border security and then runs on the platform of him being the only person who can do something about it.

And his supporters buy it. Pretty astonishing.

If nothing else, the guy can put on a master class in selling snow to Eskimo.

He'd rather America continue to have an unmitigated immigrant problem than give the current admin a win. Without the immigrant issue, he's got no platform and nothing to run on.
it was one Republican.
and the border aspect was click bait AT BEST. far far far more pork than focus on the border.
and what little was there for the border did almost literally nothing to fix border security.
Do you need me to draw you a picture? Explain it to you like you're five?

The legislation was negotiated by James Lankford, R-Okla., whom Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., designated to lead the talks. He cut a deal with Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., that McConnell and Schumer signed off on.

It would have passed had Donny not decided that he needed a problem to run on.
And I'm so glad he did. It was a terrible bill. Absolutely terrible.
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it was one Republican.
and the border aspect was click bait AT BEST. far far far more pork than focus on the border.
and what little was there for the border did almost literally nothing to fix border security.

1,500 additional border patrol agents wouldn't have helped?

Something is better than nothing, no?
IMO, Trump wanted Herd Immunity vs Vaccinations. Either way he wins. Wasted govt money spent on rich boys fake operations, Herd Immunity = reduction of the lower income levels and minority groups. Either way chaos and confusion of which he looks like a hero. His doom was almost dying from Covid.

All that was part of the scam. We already had data from China, and that ship, to confirm that infection rate was too high for anything to work. These rates were even published by the CDC in or around April 2020.

Complete utter scam, and that is ignoring the same people probably created it to start with.

Of course, the original ones weren't vaccines anyway, at least under most law. But they thank you for service as a guinea pig.
Do you need me to draw you a picture? Explain it to you like you're five?

The legislation was negotiated by James Lankford, R-Okla., whom Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., designated to lead the talks. He cut a deal with Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., that McConnell and Schumer signed off on.

It would have passed had Donny not decided that he needed a problem to run on.
Would it have passed the House?
1,500 additional border patrol agents wouldn't have helped?

Something is better than nothing, no?

No, because they willfully allowing them in, sure more resources and funds could help... but that isn't the problem. Willfully breaking the law and their oath to the people is the problem.
Yes but is that the entire context? What you are describing sounds easy until you put it into context. I mean you are talking about the whole media and government was against him, meaning the federal government itself (more or less). We're not talking about a few people making a mistake... we're talking the whole medical industry, federal government, state governments, local governments, scientists, etc. in on the scam or a part of the scam.

I agree with you, but I also feel like its out of context to a degree.
He controls the presidential message being released from the white house. He chose instead to defer to Fauci. There's little context needed outside of that.
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1,500 additional border patrol agents wouldn't have helped?

Something is better than nothing, no?
Not when those 1500 new employees aren't empowered to do anything more than they are now. Its like putting in 1500 more turnstiles. It may temporarily slow movement down, but it doesn't reduce or inhibit movement.

and you got 1 thing from a bill with 115 Billion dollars in it. got anything else?
Maybe. But screeching that the left isn't doing something about immigration when Donny kills a bill that was put together by the left and the right give you no high ground.
They're not doing anything. All that bill did was legalize what they've been doing for the last three years. In addition it contained billions of dollars that had nothing to do with the border. It had billions more in military aid to Ukraine if I remember correctly.
Oh. Biggest issue with him. He talked about the swamp the first time he ran. He severely underestimated how deep the swamp is and how EVERYTHING is political. EVERYTHING. All that trust the science crap was 100% political. He kept that Kushner around too, just to name another. I can go all day on this. The biggest with him is he trusted all of the political rot that had been in government since the beginning of time If he gets in again he needs to get rid of damn near everyone with any kind of power in the entirety of the government, including 99% of O-6's on up in the military. Again, I can go all day about this.
He hired the swamp because he was so unprepared for the job. To use a UT example, you would have run Peterman back out in Gainesville to start the 2nd half. Surely he learned from his mistakes right?

His choices were horrible, leadership was nonexistent and he will be no better the 2nd time. The gop blew it by nominating just about the only guy who could lose to both Biden and Harris.
Do you need me to draw you a picture? Explain it to you like you're five?

The legislation was negotiated by James Lankford, R-Okla., whom Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., designated to lead the talks. He cut a deal with Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., that McConnell and Schumer signed off on.

It would have passed had Donny not decided that he needed a problem to run on.
Not when those 1500 new employees aren't empowered to do anything more than they are now. Its like putting in 1500 more turnstiles. It may temporarily slow movement down, but it doesn't reduce or inhibit movement.

and you got 1 thing from a bill with 115 Billion dollars in it. got anything else?

It was put together by a bi-partisan committee. Whether you like what was in it or not isn't the point, the point that a bill to address the problem was proffered and subsequently rejected because Donny didn't want Biden to have a win on his wedge issue. It's really not that complicated.
Why didn't Donny do it in his prior administration?

If you want to regress argument points, then let's be honest. Your 'gotcha' questions are particularly impressive.
Donny was enforcing existing laws and making progress. He did an EO to remain in Mexico and you would have thought he was shooting them in the process- remember?

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