2024 Presidential Race

But Kelly is under no oath to defend our constitution from enemies both Foriegn and domestic, an avowed fascist would be an enemy Harris would be duty bound to defend us from.
"Fascist" has become the most overused term in politics today. Both sides do it, and it's annoying. It's the new "Commie." Just an all-purpose insult for anyone politicians don't like.
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Think this answers my question without answering my question.

How about political violence. More off the rails now or pre-2015?
I think it depends on time periods and what you consider politics. Clearly more political violence during segregation and perhaps Nam. I wasn't born then so speculating. I'd say it's the most in my lifetime. I'm including 2020 protests as political, 1/6, and attempts on Trumps life
Who is the biggest wild card, though? Like who would actually try a coup? There is only one name. Kamala would get absolutely nowhere trying that ****. Obama had the popularity but not the muscle. Bush wouldn't and couldn't. McCain, Romney, Kerry, Gore, etc. Hillary would if she could, but she couldn't. There is only one name.

Any POTUS could try a coup but it would require almost the entire NCO corp of the US military to violate their oath. You think Trump could garner that much support?
"Fascist" has become the most overused term in politics today. Both sides do it, and it's annoying. It's the new "Commie." Just an all-purpose insult for anyone politicians don't like.
To me, fascism is an authoritarian regime wielding absolute state power with a cadre of large corporations and excercising strict censorship and persecution of its political enemies. Oh and they love to start wars

Trying to think which political party now that most closely matches 🤔
I don't get a paywall. I guess it doesn't like you? The article mentions his canceling the NRA event in Savannah, Georgia. "Defend the 2nd."

Still a different type of event. When a candidate books a venue for a rally the campaign has to pay for that venue, rarely are they given it for free. So if they cancel that rally there is a cancellation penalty. Trump is canceling appearances or interviews, that costs his campaign nothing dollar wise.
"Fascist" has become the most overused term in politics today. Both sides do it, and it's annoying. It's the new "Commie." Just an all-purpose insult for anyone politicians don't like.

I hope you know that I was poking at you. Just pointing out the Dem hypocrisy if they allowed Trump to assume office. I fully understand that it’s rhetoric but rhetoric too many of their followers believe.
To me, fascism is an authoritarian regime wielding absolute state power with a cadre of large corporations and excercising strict censorship and persecution of its political enemies. Oh and they love to start wars

Trying to think which political party now that most closely matches 🤔
Fascism is a far right ideology and movement.
But Trump isn’t racist. My brother’s brother in law (1st marriage) worked for Trump in the 1990s and early 2000’s. Trump was demanding but was respectful to all the employees and people he came into contact with.
Seriously? Long before he began running for President, Donald Trump had developed a reputation for stiffing contractors.

This is one of many things that I don't think he has been sufficiently taken to task for. He gets a pass for a lot of things that a conventional politician wouldn't.

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