If I call you a POS, I don't think you're dunking on me by rubbing feces, whether fake or real, all over yourself. But hey, maybe it's just me.
does something being in a garbage bag make it literal garbage?
maybe a real world example that might help you, remember that young UT fan a couple years back who made his own shirt? if you don't remember his class was having a college colors day, he didn't have a branded UT shirt, was too poor, asked the teacher if it would be ok to wear one he made himself. she said yes, and he did it, it looks like what you would expect a young kid making his own shirt, not great. Kids in class made fun of him, IIRC it was in Alabama, or at least out of state so it wasn't other UT fan's kids doing this. he felt real bad about it, but somehow UT found out, and got permission to make the shirts, and a bunch of fans bought the shirts and proudly wore them. and I am pretty sure they reached out to the kid to make sure he knew Volnation (not just the website) had his back.
it goes for any type of tribal situation. when someone else makes fun of one of their own its not uncommon to see the tribe rally around the one who was hurt/insulted, even if its the weird kid in class. its their weird kid. you are completely downplaying the very nature that brings out some of the best in people, the willingness to stick together and defend each other. if that makes people "garbage", by God you are going to get some people wearing hand drawn "UT" shirts or garbage bags and feeling dang proud of it.
and in a situation like an election its foolish to give your opponent a rallying cry.