2024 Presidential Race

I understand when my wife was born the doctor told her dad he would to choose his wife or his little girl. He told no you are going to save them both.
The amount of times our "doctors" totally botch diagnoses, especially with situations like this, is baffling. I get that they're human, but they seem to always make extremely definitive recommendations.

I've got at least a couple folks I know closely that were 100% assuredly going to be born retarded or otherwise physically handicapped, where mothers were encouraged to abort, who have come out perfectly healthy and normal. In another case a friend of ours birthed a baby that was mostly healthy but had some minor issues, and the doctors and nurses did very little to help and constantly told the family they needed to prepare for the baby to die. That baby is now an extremely healthy 11 year old. I've heard stories from my cousin (a PA) about doctors literally using Google to look up basic stuff.

Compassion and critical thought are gone from most healthcare systems.
So you think Jacob Barr a comedian doesn’t deserve to live. He was on the Kill Tony show. Dude was pretty funny. You can listen to his show and he explains what he has. It was pretty crazy. Language is pretty ruff.

Why did you respond but not read my post? Did he experience a short and painful life?
The science shows the additional layer helps and is not harmful.

Personally, I lived my first 16 years with fluoridated water...not one cavity. Then I had 4 in HS in a place without fluoride.
Fluoride in the water is quite helpful for kids. It has little to no benefit for adults. Once you're about 12 years old your teeth (except for wisdom teeth) are pretty much fully formed. Regardless of when you get cavities, it's irrelevant whether you've got fluoridated water once you're high school age
That whole thing is really living rent free in your mind. It’s exactly what they want to happen by wearing the vests and it also shows how fragile and emotional you are.
Hey man. Knock yourself out. Call yourself garbage. Own it. I will be so dunked on if you do. I'm here begging to be dunked on. While you're at, spread feces on yourself. It increases the impact. It'd be like a 360 dunk from the foul line on us Dems. You got it in you! Let that MAGA shine!
Good on you. That’s awesome.

Edit: We discussed fostering after we already had our own two. My wife didn’t think she could take it if we loved a kid so much, wanted to adopt and then it fell through for some reason. She’s worked with children, especially special needs for a long time. Just falls in love with all of them.

That is definitely the hardest part. Our first little girl we adopted was up in the air for a while but ultimately the biological mom did what was best. We still stay in touch and we meet up sometimes to visit. Our little girl is black so she knows we aren’t her biological parents and you can tell she loves her biological mom which is great. She was a little over a year old when we got her and she’s dealt with some issues but she’s doing great. With our second daughter my fiancé’s brother adopted a little boy. We adopted his sister so they could stay together. It went smooth. Our last little girl was less than 2 weeks old when we got her. Parents addicted to drugs and all that crappy stuff. The dad tried to straighten his life up for a bit but the mom was a spiteful pos and was doing everything she could to keep us from adopting her. It didn’t work. We allowed the dad and his mom to visit and be part of her life but the dad ultimately fell back into his bad ways and ended back with the mom. The grandmother is still a part of her life though, we see her a good bit.
This made my eyes leak. At work, on the jobsite thankfully in my car. Our daughter was given up for dead by doctors twice a couple months apart because my wifes body was trying to abort the pregnancy, her uterus completely filled with blood such that we could not even see her on the emergency ultrasounds...only hear her heartbeat at ~200bpm in there fighting for life. Both times, the ER doctors told us that "it" would pass within 48 hours (aborted) and there was nothing they could do about it. Even after we made it thru the second go round of this nightmare...being told the same things in that video ...when we went for the last ultrasound at about 7months or so, the tech called the doctor in to talk with us. She pointed out white spots in the brain and heart, and other spots around her spine she said were "developmental abnormalities". They said that IF my daughter made it full term to live birth, that we needed to be prepared because she would be "special' and have "challenges". Downs Syndrome was 1 of the possibilities she mentioned, among others. She said there would be no shame in choosing to have an abortion based on the difficulties ahead etc. Our whole church fervently prayed for my wife and child. We had a special service and anointed her with oil and then the preacher, deacons, her parents and myself all laid hands on my wife and begged God to save our child. Again.

My daugher was born june 26th, 2008 by C-section and I held my wifes hand and prayed aloud without ceasing thru the entire 10 or 15min procedure. I got to cut the cord and was the first person to hold her. She was spotless and beautiful, not a single mark or discoloration of her skin...beautiful and healthy. Thank God, she has been perfectly healthy and normal since day 1. She is a straight A student, has played soccer and basketball. She is the love of my life. The doctors gave her up for dead though. Twice. We were prepared to cherish her even if she had challenges that meant she could never be "normal" or self sufficient, never live on her own. She is the greatest blessing that God has ever given me. This is my HannahView attachment 694070
Man. Awesome. What a blessing!
Why bother? It's as truthful as anything else she posts.

Yeah. I mean I as a forum member I think its okay to have an evil opinion, but posting things that on the surface appearing to be very basic facts as some type of gotacha should be ban-able at some point.

I thinks he should correct her post, evil or not.

(for the record, I am just going off the trump website and what I googled in 5 seconds)
This made my eyes leak. At work, on the jobsite thankfully in my car. Our daughter was given up for dead by doctors twice a couple months apart because my wifes body was trying to abort the pregnancy, her uterus completely filled with blood such that we could not even see her on the emergency ultrasounds...only hear her heartbeat at ~200bpm in there fighting for life. Both times, the ER doctors told us that "it" would pass within 48 hours (aborted) and there was nothing they could do about it. Even after we made it thru the second go round of this nightmare...being told the same things in that video ...when we went for the last ultrasound at about 7months or so, the tech called the doctor in to talk with us. She pointed out white spots in the brain and heart, and other spots around her spine she said were "developmental abnormalities". They said that IF my daughter made it full term to live birth, that we needed to be prepared because she would be "special' and have "challenges". Downs Syndrome was 1 of the possibilities she mentioned, among others. She said there would be no shame in choosing to have an abortion based on the difficulties ahead etc. Our whole church fervently prayed for my wife and child. We had a special service and anointed her with oil and then the preacher, deacons, her parents and myself all laid hands on my wife and begged God to save our child. Again.

My daugher was born june 26th, 2008 by C-section and I held my wifes hand and prayed aloud without ceasing thru the entire 10 or 15min procedure. I got to cut the cord and was the first person to hold her. She was spotless and beautiful, not a single mark or discoloration of her skin...beautiful and healthy. Thank God, she has been perfectly healthy and normal since day 1. She is a straight A student, has played soccer and basketball. She is the love of my life. The doctors gave her up for dead though. Twice. We were prepared to cherish her even if she had challenges that meant she could never be "normal" or self sufficient, never live on her own. She is the greatest blessing that God has ever given me. This is my HannahView attachment 694070
She's gorgeous. Have you had her take a DNA test and compare it to yours?

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