No, it just sort of dawned on me. You’re exactly like a child. And I’m not picking on just you… it’s most liberals. You can see it on every news network. Y’all haven’t a clue why you lost this election. And it shows by the rhetoric that is spewed against anyone that voted for him. People are sick of the craziness … they want peaceful, normal lives. They want common sense to rule the day. Trump will bring much of that back, and you will cry about it nonstop. Again, it’s like the parent that makes you eat vegetables sometimes. You guys wanted to force feed us crap for 4 years and 8 years before that and then have the gall to tell us that all of that is “normal” and we’re bigots or homophobes if we don’t go along with it. The light finally came on for a lot of people in this election that a diet of crap will eventually make you sick.