2024 Presidential Race

Republicans love to cry about the border but scoff at the notion of trying to fix it, just to hurt Biden. Embarrassing

What’s embarrassing is your support of a racist party who cares more about illegal immigrants and Ukrainian citizens than it does its own citizens. The border is like it is because of ridiculous liberal policies. But none of you want to fix it. As dumb as Trump is, his wall solution is 100x better than anything your party has come up with. It’s strange. Israel has massive walls and our demented circus monkey president and the democrats now at their feet. Yet mention building a wall here and they lambast Trump for it. The party of hypocrites.
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What’s embarrassing is your support of a racist party who cares more about illegal immigrants and Ukrainian citizens than it does its own citizens. The border is like it is because of ridiculous liberal policies. But none of you want to fix it. As dumb as Trump is, his wall solution is 100x better than anything your party has come up with. It’s strange. Israel has massive walls and our demented circus monkey president and the democrats now at their feet. Yet mention building a wall here and they lambast Trump for it. The party of hypocrites.
We do want to fix it. Republicans have openly admitted they do not, because that would help Biden. Republicans would rather watch the world burn to try to win an election than actually do something good. Pathetic. Disgusting. Typical.
We do want to fix it. Republicans have openly admitted they do not, because that would help Biden. Republicans would rather watch the world burn to try to win an election than actually do something good. Pathetic. Disgusting. Typical.
Nothing but lies you've said here. Still getting information from MSNBC & CNN I see.
You're a good little loony Biden sheep. You (Dems) want to fix it how by leaving the border wide open for 10 million unchecked people to cross .... yeah, that'll fix it ok.
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We do want to fix it. Republicans have openly admitted they do not, because that would help Biden. Republicans would rather watch the world burn to try to win an election than actually do something good. Pathetic. Disgusting. Typical.
Why didn't they fix it when they controlled it all? Your and idiot if you think either party wants to fix it. Hell they've had control of all the big three often.
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We do want to fix it. Republicans have openly admitted they do not, because that would help Biden. Republicans would rather watch the world burn to try to win an election than actually do something good. Pathetic. Disgusting. Typical.
You're FOS and you know it. The current "deal" being discussed allows 5,000 migrants to come into the U.S. every day. That's over 1.8 million a year. That is nothing more than putting lipstick on a pig. Biden has had the opportunity to send the national guard to the border and shut it down at any time, yet he has not, and will not. Meanwhile, our broke country shells out half a trillion for illegals per year when we collect only a little over 4 trillion per year in taxes. You're on the losing end of this argument.
We do want to fix it. Republicans have openly admitted they do not, because that would help Biden. Republicans would rather watch the world burn to try to win an election than actually do something good. Pathetic. Disgusting. Typical.
If you wanted to fix it...HR 2 would be passed..ya do know it's been sitting in congress since June 2023....it passed the house and is awaiting Dems majority....but the DnC wants to plays games...then whine when the GOP plays the same BS...dont be a stereotypical DNC supporter try researching and critical thought

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