2024 Presidential Race

Seventy-five percent said the country was headed in the wrong direction, while 25 percent said it was headed in the right direction. The new poll also found a dip in President Biden's job approval numbers in comparison to recent months, possibly spelling bad news for him as the next election year looms.Oct 14, 2023

Most US adults say country is heading in wrong direction: poll​

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You do realize that allies will side with who ever is giving them money... Trump makes them pay thier share and they don't like that.

It has nothing to do with money. One man is dignified and respects our longtime allies, and shares with them an understanding that global
bad actors must be constrained and opposed. The other man is corrupt, self-promotional clown and Putin toady who doesn't respect our longtime and vital allies, doesn't respect NATO (beyond the pale), doesn't respect the rule of law. The gangster is shockingly unfit to be a dog catcher much less president--and he won't be.
It has nothing to do with money. One man is dignified and respects our longtime allies, and shares with them an understanding that global
bad actors must be constrained and opposed. The other man is corrupt, self-promotional clown and Putin toady who doesn't respect our longtime and vital allies, doesn't respect NATO (beyond the pale), doesn't respect the rule of law. The gangster is shockingly unfit to be a dog catcher much less president--and he won't be.

My what delusion.
It has nothing to do with money. One man is dignified and respects our longtime allies, and shares with them an understanding that global
bad actors must be constrained and opposed. The other man is corrupt, self-promotional clown and Putin toady who doesn't respect our longtime and vital allies, doesn't respect NATO (beyond the pale), doesn't respect the rule of law. The gangster is shockingly unfit to be a dog catcher much less president--and he won't be.
Biden poops his pants in public in a most dignified manner. Trump puts ketchup on a steak. Dignified is probably not a good word to use regarding either of them.
It has nothing to do with money. One man is dignified and respects our longtime allies, and shares with them an understanding that global
bad actors must be constrained and opposed. The other man is corrupt, self-promotional clown and Putin toady who doesn't respect our longtime and vital allies, doesn't respect NATO (beyond the pale), doesn't respect the rule of law. The gangster is shockingly unfit to be a dog catcher much less president--and he won't be.
Biden poops his pants in public in a most dignified manner. Trump puts ketchup on a steak. Dignified is probably not a good word to use regarding either of them.

It's a very good word, even if MAGA are too dumb to understand it. It's about how you conduct yourself publicly. One of them conducts himself disgracefully 24/7.

And, fyi, by all accounts the gangster is the one with the poop in pants problem.

MAGA always trying to pretend that the Biden is no different fro the gangster. Please. You're embarrassing yourself--even if you don't realize it.
It's a very good word, even if MAGA are too dumb to understand it. It's about how you conduct yourself publicly. One of them conducts himself disgracefully 24/7.

And, fyi, by all accounts the gangster is the one with the poop in pants problem.

MAGA always trying to pretend that the Biden is no different fro the gangster. Please. You're embarrassing yourself--even if you don't realize it.
Prepare yourself for MAGA round two. There will be a bucket of KFC in every pot along with a side of Mountain Dew and skoal. Praise the Orange Gangsta!!
It's a very good word, even if MAGA are too dumb to understand it. It's about how you conduct yourself publicly. One of them conducts himself disgracefully 24/7.

And, fyi, by all accounts the gangster is the one with the poop in pants problem.

MAGA always trying to pretend that the Biden is no different fro the gangster. Please. You're embarrassing yourself--even if you don't realize it.
It has nothing to do with money. One man is dignified and respects our longtime allies, and shares with them an understanding that global
bad actors must be constrained and opposed. The other man is corrupt, self-promotional clown and Putin toady who doesn't respect our longtime and vital allies, doesn't respect NATO (beyond the pale), doesn't respect the rule of law. The gangster is shockingly unfit to be a dog catcher much less president--and he won't be.
This is Joe Biden's America. You get what you vote for (stupidity) when voting Democrat
Joe Biden values illegal immigrants more so than he does the American people.

Rand Paul Says He Is ‘Never Nikki’ In 2024 Campaign Announcement​

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) launched a website on Friday targeting Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley as the start of the GOP’s 2024 nominating contest nears.

Paul unveiled his “Never Nikki” website one day after teasing a “very important” announcement on the presidential race.

He revealed on Friday that while he wasn’t set on who his candidate of choice would be, he was sure Haley wouldn’t get his support.

“I’m not yet ready to make a decision, but I am ready to make a decision on someone who I cannot support,” Paul said in a video posted to X, the social media website previously known as Twitter. “So I’m announcing this morning that I’m Never Nikki, and if you go to NeverNikki.net, you can let her know that you’re not a supporter either.”

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Lord is that all .... just "improve accountability"? What a lazy dick head John Kirby is.
Hell, dude. You just lost the USA a $Billion dollars worth in military equipment and you want to improve accountability like taxpayer money & stuff you just throw away or lose grows on trees for free so we'll just get more. How about we nail your ass to a tree until you come up finding all this lost equipment & this money your administration just throws away to a lost cause?

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