2024 Presidential Race

A Wall Street Journal national poll conducted in late February found that 20% of voters now rank immigration as their top issue, up from 13% in December. In the same poll, 65% of voters said they disapproved of President Biden’s handling of border security, and 71% said developments in immigration and border security are headed in the wrong direction.

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A Wall Street Journal national poll conducted in late February found that 20% of voters now rank immigration as their top issue, up from 13% in December. In the same poll, 65% of voters said they disapproved of President Biden’s handling of border security, and 71% said developments in immigration and border security are headed in the wrong direction.

BB will be by shortly to tell you how wrong you are on this & call you names as well.
Seems like America is doing ok

First, there's this:

And 2nd that tired line of BS about 15m jobs added from the starting point he came in on is straight up

"There has been a huge increase in employment and infrastructure over a very short period of time here."
Satoshi Nagashima, Director of Reconstruction
Hiroshima 1946
Oh, my! What an utterly embarrassing clown show the GOP has become. Here's the Republican National Committee
co-chair peddling pillows and towels for Bozo Mike Lindell. Naturally, she's related to Trump. Good lord...

These are lies for people who are bad at math
And there is a politician who does not inflate (or deflate) statistics to ‘astound the masses’ at their incredible value as our fearless leader?

lt’s all smoke and mirrors… I’ve been reading how North Korea is prepping to destroy the US, how illegal imigrants are taking all our money and resources, how our taxes constantly increase along with our debt, and how John Doe or Sally Sue is gonna sweep in and right the ship.. Save America… since I was thirteen and I’m sixty four. Very little has changed or will change no matter who you vote for unless there is a catastrophic event. And then all bets are off.

Have fun with entertainment tonight/ today/ next week / next month etc.
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I agree. He's exactly like every politician in DC in that regard.

Not true...It's actually very easy to care about your country and your job. People who try to lump Biden and everybody
else in with the gangster are embarrassing. When it comes to corruption, disgusting personal behavior, dishonesty and being
disloyal to his own country and its laws, Trump is in a class by himself. Big...FAT...FACT.
Oh, my! What an utterly embarrassing clown show the GOP has become. Here's the Republican National Committee
co-chair peddling pillows and towels for Bozo Mike Lindell. Naturally, she's related to Trump. Good lord...

Bunch of hucksters. Lara's creatine ain't gonna pay for itself.
He verifies nothing and regularly posts less or misinformation. The ones reposting it either don't know or don't care
You accurately pointed out manufacturing jobs was 0.....the Twitter account says the same providing even more details into something you pointed out...just seems hypocritical to complain about someone being the same info you did...but nevertheless appreciate the input
You accurately pointed out manufacturing jobs was 0.....the Twitter account says the same providing even more details into something you pointed out...just seems hypocritical to complain about someone being the same info you did...but nevertheless appreciate the input
I had already confirmed it thru actual sources. The only ones taking that account seriously are people who spend 8hrs a day on Twitter but can't be bothered to spend 5min on Google. It's for people happy to be uninformed in their chamber
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I had already confirmed it thru actual sources. The only ones taking that account seriously are people who spend 8hrs a day on Twitter but can't be bothered to spend 5min on Google. It's for people happy to be uninformed in their chamber
How do you know how that account came by the information??? Can you confirm they didn't use actual sources??
How do you know how that account came by the information??? Can you confirm they didn't use actual sources??
Not sure why you're expending so much effort defending an account that regularly posts lies and misinformation to its uninformed base. Your issue should be with people who rely on it for actual info.

I see this often with my Boomer parents and how they get fixated on a couple of info streams they believe to be truthful. I believe it's all too common these days
Just when you think that the gangster and his campaign cannot get any more dishonest and cartoonish, comes this:

The campaign apparently ginned up a fake award for Melania. Nobody can think of anything substantive that she did for children
while in the White House, but she gets an award anyway--for fraudulent public relations purposes, of course--from some guy who fails to identify
any of her child advocacy achievements. And here's the capper: This happened at Mar-a-Lago---but apparently Melania wasn't interested
in leaving her bedroom to accept this, ahem, prestigious honor--which is on par with Trump giving himself trophies for winning golf tournaments
that he didn't actually win. We can see how excited Melania is about her corrupt husband and his latest effort to lie his way into public office. She's not eager to participate in his charade.

Just when you think that the gangster and his campaign cannot get any more dishonest and cartoonish, comes this:

The campaign apparently ginned up a fake award for Melania. Nobody can think of anything substantive that she did for children
while in the White House, but she gets an award anyway--for fraudulent public relations purposes, of course--from some guy who fails to identify
any of her child advocacy achievements. And here's the capper: This happened at Mar-a-Lago---but apparently Melania wasn't interested
in leaving her bedroom to accept this, ahem, prestigious honor--which is on par with Trump giving himself trophies for winning golf tournaments
that he didn't actually win. We can see how excited Melania is about her corrupt husband and his latest effort to lie his way into public office. She's not eager to participate in his charade.

Trump is just such a fraud and Melania has clearly had enough of his conartist gimmicks.

She may not tube his reelection chances with a tell-all now, but that's only if Trump increased his last offer to her upon their inevitable divorce to keep her mouth shut until after the election.
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Trump is just such a fraud and Melania has clearly had enough of his conartist gimmicks.

She may not tube his reelection chances with a tell-all now, but that's only if Trump increased his last offer to her upon their inevitable divorce to keep her mouth shut until after the election.
I see you read People magazine

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