2025 Recruiting

it’s up to CKC too. she has to show nyla that she will fit into her system and has a plan. nyla love tennessee, i think it will take a lot for her not to choose UTK.
That should be easy not many players in WCCB that fits that system as much as Nyla does. It is much more perfect for her than Kellie's system.
Amazing that in two weeks this is the most some proclaimed LV fans have talked about a player that was formerly committed to Tennessee for two years.

And now all of a sudden, they have some insider info that with other teams involved there is a slim chance she re-commits. There were always other teams involved that’s common sense. Either way, great if it happens and as the player said for two years they reunite with their “big sisters” LV players. If not wish the player well and move forward.
I think we have a chance but it’s very slim now with the other teams involved. But if we don’t get her everyone on here said we will get a better player in this class so I’ll wait to see.
I don't think it is that slim anymore gaining momentum every hour. She grew up Tennessee and her a family is so connected to Tennessee I think were going to get her back.
Agree to disagree.

Wouldn't a high school player know before the 4th or 5th visit they had uncertainty about the leadership? The multiple visits, like Maddie Booker, Shade, etc., never made sense to me if Kellie personally was the issue. She was always a known quantity

A player who actually had the experience of being recruited both as a hs and a portal, Rickea Jackson, was asked in an interview last year what the difference was. She said out of hs it is all and only about winning and getting to a FF. (In 2019 when she was recruited out of hs money wasn't an issue). She said in the portal she was looking for a place she felt at home, the culture and to become a better player for the next level.

It may be a difference wo a distinction but IMO the issue w hs recruiting was failing to have the marquee wins and FFs partly, but mostly not matching the money when push came to shove.

CKC is a closer on this level, though totally without experience or evidence of that, because DW said she is. I pray you're right and I pray she has closing type money to offer. We're about to find out.
Anybody thinking that $$ doesn't matter for HS recruits are being naive.
Apparently...and sadly...,a lot of the recent enthusiasm seems to be driven less by admiration for our new coach than lingering antipathy toward our previous one.

And also the fact that she isn't a former Lady Vol. It is almost like some don't want to see a past player that Pat coached succeed anywhere.
And also the fact that she isn't a former Lady Vol. It is almost like some don't want to see a past player that Pat coached succeed anywhere.

This is asinine. Our course Lady Vol fans would love to see LVFL out there succeeding. Unfortunately that’s just never been the case. Pat’s coaching tree has produced a bunch of middling coaches. GREAT people of high integrity and class, but no great coaches so far.

I’ve been impressed with Alex Simmons and think she could be the best of Pat’s players in the coaching business.

Not impressed with Lawson so far, offense just stinks to high heaven. But at least she can coach some defense and her team plays hard for her.

Caldwell/Fargas seemed liked she was gonna get it done, had a fantastic start at UCLA and brought them back into the conversation in the PAC-12. Never could get anything going in Baton Rouge consistently.

Jody Adams-Birch has had too many scandals and personality conflicts to rise to the major ranks. She had three really great seasons at Wichita State before the wheels came off the entire program. Now at New Mexico State and under .500 in two seasons.

Harper and Warlick we don’t need to extrapolate anymore at this point.

Tanya Haave is probably the most successful coach of all of Pat’s players but it’s all been at (gasp) the DIVISION II level. So I guess it doesn’t count. She’s around 63% as head coach at Metro State in Denver for the last 13 seasons.

There have been others that made short attempts at a coaching career but fizzled quickly.

Otherwise some of Pats GAs like Hatchell, Matthew Mitchell went on to be moderately successful.
And also the fact that she isn't a former Lady Vol. It is almost like some don't want to see a past player that Pat coached succeed anywhere.
I think this is the biggest concert of the negative posters. Just cain't get a grip on the fact that the two past coaches were unable to produce the product with which we are/were accustom. Sad.
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Her uncle is upset that they haven’t heard from Kim yet, although it’s only been a couple of days
Red flag if his timing doesn’t match hers

“We will See. I HAD A GOOD relationship with Kelly and the Staff”

It’s not about the uncle, it’s about the kid and the team.
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I think this is the biggest concert of the negative posters. Just cain't get a grip on the fact that the two past coaches were unable to produce the product with which we are/were accustom. Sad.
Well you're wrong, so don't be sad. The fact that two past coaches were unable to produce is no longer my biggest concert at all. I have lots more. And having them doesn't mean I'm grieving or pining over Kellie. I'm actually more upset over the coach we didn't get, someone like Scott Rueck or Kevin McGuff or Felicia Leggit Jack. Who had experience and most of all, could bring good players. That we were apparently never in the running for these still has me in shock.

Speaking of that, I'm still waiting on your list of who interviewed that you said you analyzied. I'm so curious who actually interviewed. Please share!
Well it looks like the Nyla card got discarded today with the firing of Sam made public (while Sam was in the air to represent the university at Rickea's draft day - WTF is that?) and her uncle's reaction. Don't see any going back fm that.

We certainly don't want a butt hurt kid and family, but I don't think the importance of Nyla slipping away can be diminished. Or more so, what getting her would have meant. We need an elite player/recruit to invest in CKC, period. Nyla, with her boundless enthusiasm and zealous love for recruiting other players to come with her, would have been the perfect first domino. Someone that will make other good players sit up and take notice needs to break that ice.

This all feels like one more very unfortunate blow. And really hard on Nyla who had so much invested. I really wish her best and hope she stays far away from the SEC.
Well it looks like the Nyla card got discarded today with the firing of Sam made public (while Sam was in the air to represent the university at Rickea's draft day - WTF is that?) and her uncle's reaction. Don't see any going back fm that.

We certainly don't want a butt hurt kid and family, but I don't think the importance of Nyla slipping away can be diminished. Or more so, what getting her would have meant. We need an elite player/recruit to invest in CKC, period. Nyla, with her boundless enthusiasm and zealous love for recruiting other players to come with her, would have been the perfect first domino. Someone that will make other good players sit up and take notice needs to break that ice.

This all feels like one more very unfortunate blow. And really hard on Nyla who had so much invested. I really wish her best and hope she stays far away from the SEC.
I know everything seems really heightened right now, especially with the reactionary posts by Nyla's family, but I haven't ruled out Nyla coming here at all. Someone posted here the other day that she still has a visit scheduled here this fall (no idea if this person was legit, but again for my mental health, I'm choosing to believe it!).

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