It’s very encouraging to see all those offers are for top thirty players. That what it ultimately takes to compete for championships.Updated ESPN ranking
2026s offered:
#3 Jaci Abii
#11 Kelsi Andrews
#9 Addison Bjorn
#13 Amari Byles
#8 Brihanna Crittendon
#7 Oliviyah Edwards
#14 Autumn Fleary
#29 Sanai Green
#21 Maddyn Greenway
#4 Saniya Hall
#18 Kate Harpring
#10 Jayla Jackson
#5 Trinity Jones
#16 Jenica Lewis
#24 Kamora Pruitt
#26 Bella Ragone
#2 Olivia Vukosa
#6 McKenna Woliczko