First off, I responded in a joking fasion and a few more scathing responses took the overall respectful thread in a direction that I thought uncalled for. But I remembered, after the fact, that this is a UT forum not a Carolina forum.
The only reason you get any attention/hatred is because you guys seek it out. For example, no one really cares that South Carolina won this year. You had to come here and talk trash for anyone to say anything hateful.
actually quite a few threads were people congratulating and being impressed by our performance...then a few bad apples came in to start spewing crap...of course we're going to defend our team, although ignoring it would have been football evokes a lot more emotion than is wise

No, we don't have ANY history and that is why this 2010 Eastern Championship so special to the fans that remember, quite painfully, 0-11 and 1-10 just a few years ago. Yes, we have been mediocre, however presently mediocre teams don't land talent such as: Marcus Lattimore, ALshon Jeffrey, Stephon Gilmore, DeVonte Holloman and possibly(likely) Jadeveon Clowney.
No, we only have a few trophies and the best are 2 Outback bowl trophies but in the last 4-5 years this program has been through drastic changes. Top of the line facilities, big time uniform contract(yeah we had Russell before...


, excellent coaching staff, big recruiting classes and now...finally...a Division title!
I can see that from Tennessee's standpoint this is a minor accomplishment. I can understand how they view this as insignificant. I can also speak for every single Carolina fan, that this is a day we've only been able to dream about until now. This dream is a reality and no amount of badgering, trash talk or anything can take this feeling away.
If we lose in the SECCG, then the monkey of winning the division is off our backs. We return pretty much everyone next year so I expect us to be even better, OL youth more talent, Marcus Lattimore to actually be developed in a college strength and conditioning program(scary thought) and Garcia will be a RS. Sr. and he has improved exponentially each year(all 15 he's been here

Anyways, I'm through, just had to get some of that off my chest. Wish UT the best in the future, its looking brighter at least, hope you guys enjoy the rest of the Holidays and the football season. Don't drink and drive!!!
don't do anything I wouldn't do, and if you do...don't name it after me!