I'm really on the fence here. McCain seems to get off on spiting the GOP and the Conservative Movement in general, but now he's kissing its ass.
I don't nessecarily disagree with McCain/Feingold, but i don't think it is constitutionally acceptable. In an America where TV commercials during American Idol carry more weight with alot of people than listening to debates and looking into actual substance, there might be a point there.
The Immigration thing gets me riled. I make a damned good living doing a job that the Left says "Americans don't want to do". It's a slap in the face of everyone whose family came here and did things the right way, naturalized themselves, learned the language, and assimilated into society.
I think he's a straight shooter, but i really can't agree with him on the substance issues. Things like Abortion and Gay Marriage mean about as much to me as who wins the National Duck Pin Bowling title, but i think the GOP is alienating voters that feel the same in favor of the religious right.