5 reasons UT wins the 2013-14 NC

I applaud Mark for being a christian, but that still doesn't make up for the fact that he's a choker. Sorry, but i really think God has more important things to worry about than if St Mark can take the dawgs to the promise land. You see how that worked out for Moses.

Just saying!

I think it might have been that the "Jesus boy" part might have been a bit over the top.

Okay kid I like your enthusiasm however there are a few things you must know and learn.

1st spell check always! These people are killers!

2nd years of the players you are counting on and how many games they've actually played in.

3rd CBJ (Coach Butch Jones) hasn't coached a game yet for UT.

4th Vol fans are always this way before the season starts!

5th Understand that when you start a thread you open yourself up to abuse of all kinds!

6th Go to this website immediately then call this #!
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Hi mlsoft.
Don't have time for all the pages, but did someone add.
"We gonna Whoop dey aZZ!"?
Oh please! Let's not sandbag Butch in his first year. Wait till 2015 or 2016 at least.
SERIOUSLY?? are you guys on CRACK?? This team is not even CLOSE right now to compete for a NC!! They would have to beat Bama in the SECCG, and we all KNOW thats not happening!!! These must be pipe dreams yall got, but im a realist here...its going to take TIME and PATIENCE to get this team back to the top with the teams that contend year after year...we are not even close to the likes of the Ohio States or Alabama or other dominant teams..hell we haven't even been ranked in the top 10 since like 2007. We will get there again in time, but come on guys, get with the facts: 1. New HC, has to build a system. 2. New defensive package the players got to get used to and memorize. 3. Offense, going to be a work. 4. new QB's; you cant expect a FR QB to take a team to a NC game..just not going to happen. Just lots of other things I could put out there, but if things go well this year and if CBJ gets a good system in place and has excellent recruiting classes then I say by 2015 or 2016 we might be talked about again on ESPN and such..but this will not happen overnight. Its going to take years to get this program back to where it needs to be. so GBO!! GO VOLS!! Give em HELL this yr!!!
oh and btw that Vandy Ole Miss game last night was a DANDY!! HOLY CRAP!! just when Vandy appeared to score the winning TD, Ole Miss came right back in 3 plays and scored their own winning TD!! I loved that game!!! Candy 0-1 to start the season!!! many more losses to come....:)
0stargeneral is a troll. I think vandy fan. He did another thread a while back that was just as ignorant as this one. He does it to make fun of Tennessee fans. I blocked him after the first one
1. The vols of tennessee have butch jones, he will win cause he always does it

2. Taylor bray is gone, and now we have lots of good quarterbacks that are proven at winning the big games and lead us to victery

3. Our defence will have better players of experience than the last year, one more year under the belt is always a posative thing

4. Butch jones has had time to recruit see jalen hurd for example they're coming in later and they'll be so good for the team. Hurd that!!!!!!!!!!

5. The fans are so fired up for all the wins, you can see it right hear on volnation and on the tweets. They're coming at them loud for all the wins in the stadium, including the national champienship.

What an importent year we have ahead of us go vols go big orange let the debate begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I weep for the future of this country :jpshakehead:....It's ok kid, I remember my first beer too :givemebeer:
I'm 99% sure this was a troll attempt. No one mispells that many words while getting there, they're, and their right. Then again, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and again. Dear god I hope it's a troll attempt. If so, 3/10.
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Yes, OP, I would like to super-size my fries! Go ahead and throw in an apple pie, too. Thanks.
Tennessee goes 7-5 both in 2013 and 2014. Coach Jones is trying to start His system up with not a great deal of talent that's why UT will be 7-5 this season. UT will be 7-5 in 2014 because They will only have one returning offensive lineman.
I haven't been on here in a long while. I have missed it, it's like going to a mental hospital and looking through the windows of the doors of the patients rooms... you never know what you are going to see. OP is clearly delusional, borderline window licker.
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