5 reasons UW wins the purple bowl

So maybe you all could pretend you're Texas fans and respond to the content of the post since clearly I made a bad assumption about which UT we're playing... o_O

Or maybe pretend Tennessee is playing Washington and make the counterpoints since that seems like a compelling matchup unlike the Sark-coached waste of talent in Austin.
So maybe you all could pretend you're Texas fans and respond to the content of the post since clearly I made a bad assumption about which UT we're playing... o_O

Or maybe pretend Tennessee is playing Washington and make the counterpoints since that seems like a compelling matchup unlike the Sark-coached waste of talent in Austin.
Respect for owning your oopsie.
So maybe you all could pretend you're Texas fans and respond to the content of the post since clearly I made a bad assumption about which UT we're playing... o_O

Or maybe pretend Tennessee is playing Washington and make the counterpoints since that seems like a compelling matchup unlike the Sark-coached waste of talent in Austin.
In 2029 we’re going to whip your ass.
So maybe you all could pretend you're Texas fans and respond to the content of the post since clearly I made a bad assumption about which UT we're playing... o_O

Or maybe pretend Tennessee is playing Washington and make the counterpoints since that seems like a compelling matchup unlike the Sark-coached waste of talent in Austin.
lol, bless your heart, that was a gracious recovery! 😂 Welcome to VOLNation, and good luck to you guys against whomever you’re playing. #PurpleReign
So maybe you all could pretend you're Texas fans and respond to the content of the post since clearly I made a bad assumption about which UT we're playing... o_O

Or maybe pretend Tennessee is playing Washington and make the counterpoints since that seems like a compelling matchup unlike the Sark-coached waste of talent in Austin.
Yeahhhh that ain't gonna happen.

Welcome to Volnation.
So maybe you all could pretend you're Texas fans and respond to the content of the post since clearly I made a bad assumption about which UT we're playing... o_O

Or maybe pretend Tennessee is playing Washington and make the counterpoints since that seems like a compelling matchup unlike the Sark-coached waste of talent in Austin.

The last time you all won anything, this was the #1 musical group

Haha! Love how you're calling it the orange bowl. I think you'll see a large purple UW presence too! I'm really looking forward to meeting UT down in San Antone. Hard to believe our two storied programs have never met before.

Anyway, I really think UW has a chance to go all the way next year, and that starts with a bowl win this year. Here’s 5 reasons why I like my DAWGS to win.
1. Michael Big Penix Energy Jr. He is the best player on the field, enough said on that. He has 4 years of high school and 5 years of college under his belt and will do whatever he can to win the game.
2. Offensive Line. We average a weight of 332 across the line, and they are ready to dominate the line of scrimmage. Jaxson Kirtman, Bainvalium, Center, Ossai, Rosengarten. These boys have an attitude and are ready to rumble!!!
3. Inge. A new defensive scheme and a new attitude. Everyone is speaking out about the difference between our game plan on defense vs Washington State and our game planning since then. you will see a much improved defense on 12/28.
4. Speed, speed, speed. this is the fastest team Washington has had this century, maybe since 1998! James Odunze, Jalen McClatcher, Ja'Z Polk, MJ Ale, Louis Rankin, Grady Gross. The newbies will be inexperienced but we bring a new dimension that the program has not had in years, speed.
5. Time of possession. I think we can win the time of possession battle in this one. the more we can control the ball and keep our defense off the field, the greater chance we’ll have to win.
I think UW wins this one rather easily, say… 34-17???

Dude nobody cares about Washington
I absolutely love how--not knowing exactly who his team was playing in a bowl, but knowing it was in San Antonio--the fella found our website, noticed us all talking about the Orange Bowl, assumed we were calling it orange because that's our color, man, and proceeded to say nunh-huh, the Alamo Bowl is gonna be the Purple Bowl!

A fella with a little less drugs in his system might stop and say, hold on, isn't there a bowl NAMED the Orange Bowl? Am I sure I'm in the right place?

A fella with a little less drugs in his system would not be this fun, though.

You go, Purple Bowl dude! Good luck facing the University of Tulane, or Texas, or Toledo, or TCU, or Texas Tech, or UT-Martin, or WHOEVER THE HELL, don't really matter, pass the bong!
So maybe you all could pretend you're Texas fans and respond to the content of the post since clearly I made a bad assumption about which UT we're playing... o_O

Or maybe pretend Tennessee is playing Washington and make the counterpoints since that seems like a compelling matchup unlike the Sark-coached waste of talent in Austin.
Y’all are going down!!!!!!
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I'm sorry, who is UW? Is that Washington?

EDIT: LOL, I just looked it up: Washington plays Texas in the Alamo Bowl or something like that.

I think this dude believes he has found the University of Texas fan site. :)

I'm glad you figured it out, because I was very confused!

Thing is, I've been clamoring for a matchup with Washington for years. They are one of the few P5 teams we've never played and I think it would be a fun home-and-home series. But I also know for a fact that we're not playing them; hence my confusion!
So maybe you all could pretend you're Texas fans and respond to the content of the post since clearly I made a bad assumption about which UT we're playing... o_O

Or maybe pretend Tennessee is playing Washington and make the counterpoints since that seems like a compelling matchup unlike the Sark-coached waste of talent in Austin.
You seem like a decent dude. Owning your mistake, self deprecating humor in stride. You would probably fit right in here. 😂

Best of luck in your bowl game.
Haha! Love how you're calling it the orange bowl. I think you'll see a large purple UW presence too! I'm really looking forward to meeting UT down in San Antone. Hard to believe our two storied programs have never met before.

Anyway, I really think UW has a chance to go all the way next year, and that starts with a bowl win this year. Here’s 5 reasons why I like my DAWGS to win.
1. Michael Big Penix Energy Jr. He is the best player on the field, enough said on that. He has 4 years of high school and 5 years of college under his belt and will do whatever he can to win the game.
2. Offensive Line. We average a weight of 332 across the line, and they are ready to dominate the line of scrimmage. Jaxson Kirtman, Bainvalium, Center, Ossai, Rosengarten. These boys have an attitude and are ready to rumble!!!
3. Inge. A new defensive scheme and a new attitude. Everyone is speaking out about the difference between our game plan on defense vs Washington State and our game planning since then. you will see a much improved defense on 12/28.
4. Speed, speed, speed. this is the fastest team Washington has had this century, maybe since 1998! James Odunze, Jalen McClatcher, Ja'Z Polk, MJ Ale, Louis Rankin, Grady Gross. The newbies will be inexperienced but we bring a new dimension that the program has not had in years, speed.
5. Time of possession. I think we can win the time of possession battle in this one. the more we can control the ball and keep our defense off the field, the greater chance we’ll have to win.
I think UW wins this one rather easily, say… 34-17???

Not sure what happened here, BUT looking forward to our Vols playing the Huskies in 2029 & 2030. I intend to make the trip out there when that game finally comes around.

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