


Jacked up on moonshine and testosterone
Sep 10, 2009
I just wanted to throw this out for those that (surprisingly) might not really remember that awful day. I know the media has been pubbing it up all week, but I just felt like I wanted to share a little piece of my day... today.. with you. I was flying the A350 from Amsterdam to Atlanta today, and if you aren't familiar with that particular airplane, at max weight is weighs over 600,000 lbs (and amazingly, it flies pretty well). It is precisely the kind of airplane that those wonderful disciples of Bin Laden would love to fly into buildings, especially with 300 souls on board and a LOT of kerosene. So before the flight today I walked thru the cabin and briefed my flight attendants individually on the obvious significance of this day and to remind them to be vigilant. What I found surprising is that I actually had to turn away several times as I got fairly emotional which I don't generally do, and really haven't in the past. I am pretty good at compartmentalizing those things. I think that was my military 'upbringing'. We obviously made it home, and I was hoping to catch a VOLS win on the DVR, but alas that is another thread.

For those of you that don't believe it, it is not finished. "They" still want to kill us, and "they" will never stop trying. "They" only have to win once while "we" have to win every time. So just realize that this demented POS 'president' turned over the land of Bin Laden to those same people that have been trying to kill us for the last 20+ years, all the while crowing about how he 'got us out of Afghanistan'. The naivete of people that believe us leaving that region will lessen the danger to our home is mind boggling to me. The 'war' will never end, and our only real defense going forward is the thing I explained to my FAs. Vigilance. Awareness of your surroundings and those in it. For those of you in city settings, that means crowded restaurants, shops and other settings. I am not saying to be paranoid, but to be aware. If we are not... 9/11 WILL happen again.

God bless America, and please forgive the rant.
I just wanted to throw this out for those that (surprisingly) might not really remember that awful day. I know the media has been pubbing it up all week, but I just felt like I wanted to share a little piece of my day... today.. with you. I was flying the A350 from Amsterdam to Atlanta today, and if you aren't familiar with that particular airplane, at max weight is weighs over 600,000 lbs (and amazingly, it flies pretty well). It is precisely the kind of airplane that those wonderful disciples of Bin Laden would love to fly into buildings, especially with 300 souls on board and a LOT of kerosene. So before the flight today I walked thru the cabin and briefed my flight attendants individually on the obvious significance of this day and to remind them to be vigilant. What I found surprising is that I actually had to turn away several times as I got fairly emotional which I don't generally do, and really haven't in the past. I am pretty good at compartmentalizing those things. I think that was my military 'upbringing'. We obviously made it home, and I was hoping to catch a VOLS win on the DVR, but alas that is another thread.

For those of you that don't believe it, it is not finished. "They" still want to kill us, and "they" will never stop trying. "They" only have to win once while "we" have to win every time. So just realize that this demented POS 'president' turned over the land of Bin Laden to those same people that have been trying to kill us for the last 20+ years, all the while crowing about how he 'got us out of Afghanistan'. The naivete of people that believe us leaving that region will lessen the danger to our home is mind boggling to me. The 'war' will never end, and our only real defense going forward is the thing I explained to my FAs. Vigilance. Awareness of your surroundings and those in it. For those of you in city settings, that means crowded restaurants, shops and other settings. I am not saying to be paranoid, but to be aware. If we are not... 9/11 WILL happen again.

God bless America, and please forgive the rant.
Post of the day.
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Former president George W. Bush uses his platform today to join the evil Biden regime & the evil fake news media in pretending the greatest threat to the country are imaginary "domestic violent extremists" which is code for the left-wing loonies as Trump & his supporters.
My, my .... how far this once popular president of the USA has fallen into the evil lying trash bin of lousy lunatic losers known as the Democrats. Democrats are the worse thing the world has seen since the Taliban.
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Am I wrong, or did the previous administration not also begin a massive troop pare-down leading to what also would have been a full withdrawal had the administration continued?
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You’re right SCV. We are always going to be a target that’s the price of being “America”. The day we are no longer a target means we’ve either been conquered or we’ve beaten our selves.

There will eventually be another 9/11 style attack. Hopefully it won’t be as severe and hopefully our intelligence clowns won’t be clowns and minimize the extent of the damage via vigilance and preparedness.

And next time it happens instead of kicking off a two decade waste of time let’s just quickly, violently, and decisively kill all the MF’ers that executed the attack and let’s do it by remote control to the maximum extent possible. Hell I’m ok with using nukes next time. Then let’s pick up the pieces and carry on till the next time.
And next time it happens instead of kicking off a two decade waste of time let’s just quickly, violently, and decisively kill all the MF’ers that executed the attack and let’s do it by remote control to the maximum extent possible. Hell I’m ok with using nukes next time. Then let’s pick u the pieces and carry on till the next time.

I'm still wondering why we didn't napalm every nook and cranny of the mountains the Taliban took refuge in.
I'm still wondering why we didn't napalm every nook and cranny of the mountains the Taliban took refuge in.
You cannot devastate a country “back to” medieval status that is already starting from an earlier point in time.

We just need to stop with the hearts and minds and nation building for ever more, just kill every bastard even remotely associated with the act, and then get ready to kill their offspring if we don’t get them in our retaliatory attack when they come to exact their revenge.
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The naivete of people that believe us leaving that region will lessen the danger to our home is mind boggling to me.
I say the same about those who believe staying over there would do anything productive. We've radicalized more in the past 20 than we ever did before. The extreme over reaction to 9/11 absolutely destroyed this nation.
Am I wrong, or did the previous administration not also begin a massive troop pare-down leading to what also would have been a full withdrawal had the administration continued?
Not wrong.
Former president George W. Bush uses his platform today to join the evil Biden regime & the evil fake news media in pretending the greatest threat to the country are imaginary "domestic violent extremists" which is code for the left-wing loonies as Trump & his supporters.
My, my .... how far this once popular president of the USA has fallen into the evil lying trash bin of lousy lunatic losers known as the Democrats. Democrats are the worse thing the world has seen since the Taliban.
Bush is a rino and part of the swamp.
The more available and easier to get that weapons of mass destruction become, the more likely it is that these weapons of mass destruction will be used for mass destruction and not as a vehicle of peace through strength.
The more available and easier to get that weapons of mass destruction become, the more likely it is that these weapons of mass destruction will be used for mass destruction and not as a vehicle of peace through strength.

And with all the firearms this administration carelessly handed to the enemy there better not be a peep about gun control here. On another note who’s that pos Chipman’s backup? 😂🤣
So ban airliners? Smart move.
No silly, not things with legitimate and beneficial functions that can be misused as weapons of mass destruction. But those things that are created with the specific purpose of being a weapon of mass destruction. Those are the things the terrorists and people most wanting to do us harm are desperately trying to get their hands on.
No silly, not things with legitimate and beneficial functions that can be misused as weapons of mass destruction. But those things that are created with the specific purpose of being a weapon of mass destruction. Those are the things the terrorists and people most wanting to do us harm are desperately trying to get their hands on.
Get back to me when we lose control of a nuke and it falls into terrorist control. It isn’t going to happen. The next attack will be just like the last. Using every day items like airliners to inflict massive destruction.

They don’t need an actual weapon of mass destruction to inflict massive damage in a free and open country.
Am I wrong, or did the previous administration not also begin a massive troop pare-down leading to what also would have been a full withdrawal had the administration continued?
I sincerely doubt the previous administration would've left terrorists millions in American weapons

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