Now, I've agreed with you most of the way, but I have to disagree with you here. Despite the diversity controversy recently, "liberals" are still few and far between on the UT campus.
Jimmy Cheek and Dave Hart are many things, but they aren't liberals. They are as conservative and Republican as they come.
If you think there are "liberal elitists" running the campus, then you haven't been on campus. UT is one of the most conservative public universities in the country.
The only "agenda" at work was wanting to consolidate the branding. Now, we can argue (and have been for months) whether that decision was right or wrong, but there wasn't an agenda driving it beyond putting all of Tennessee's sports, other than women's basketball, under one brand for sales and marketing purposes.
It's obviously VERY early in the process, but both volleyball and soccer saw increases in attendance utilizing the new branding. Is the change responsible for that increase? Too soon to tell. But it is what it is.