A few birthday ideas.

Class act!! Makes me proud to be a Vol

Thank you kind Sir, but it's not about me though. I'd just like to see the young man have a memorable birthday. And, I thought it was pretty touching to see his big brother reach out and try to make such a special day or gift happen for his little brother. I guess the OP just made me remember reading "what you do to the least of these, you do to me".
Besides, in my mind, times like this is part of what being a VOL is all about!
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Thank you kind Sir, but it's not about me though. I'd just like to see the young man have a memorable birthday. And, I thought it was pretty touching to see his big brother reach out and try to make such a special day or gift happen for his little brother. I guess the OP just made me remember reading "what you do to the least of these, you do to me".
Besides, in my mind, times like this is part of what being a VOL is all about!

It's people like you that make me proud to be a Vols fan. I hope you and OP are able to have some luck in contacting someone in the AD!
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It's people like you that make me proud to be a Vols fan. I hope you and OP are able to have some luck in contacting someone in the AD!

Thanks...I'm hoping some informed and/or connected VN members might see this thread and be able to offer a little more help than I've been able to.

Also, I found out OP's little brother's birthday is this Friday, 7-12-13.
Thanks again...God Bless!
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Thanks...I'm hoping some informed and/or connected VN members might see this thread and be able to offer a little more help than I've been able to.

Also, I found out OP's little brother's birthday is this Friday, 7-12-13.
Thanks again...God Bless!

This gentlemen is a real deal folks. I've talked to him and he is a real good guy. He has helped me in more than enough ways. His kindness has overwhelmed my family. We can't thank him enough for the help he has loaned to us in this wish. I know his kindness will make a young man's day come Friday.
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This gentlemen is a real deal folks. I've talked to him and he is a real good guy. He has helped me in more than enough ways. His kindness has overwhelmed my family. We can't thank him enough for the help he has loaned to us in this wish. I know his kindness will make a young man's day come Friday.

I am humbled reading this...truly.

I'm proud to see the Big Brother you are to a special young Vol who has already faced more challenges than many of us will ever have to endure.
God Bless my friend!

Go Vols!!!
Hey...didn't want you to think I had forgotten about this. The package went in the mail today, and you should have it by Wednesday!!! I hope you don't mind, we added a few goodies with the cap lol.

Have you had any luck hearing from players or coaches? I hope you brother has a very blessed birthday! I look forward to seeing some updates.

You are a true vol man... awesome work... Makes me proud to be a vol....:good!::good!:

@ OP : Wish your brother a happy B'day from all of us.
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i know it is a late time to bring it up,but is there a way to contact Inky ? I'm sure he would be one to get it done in a hurry,if he is in Knoxville right now
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i posted this on Inkys Face Book page

GetOut Evomy Inky,there is a poster on VolNation.com that is wanting to do something special for his brothers birthday,which is this Friday on the 12th,If there is any way you could help them out,all the Vol Nation would appreciate it,I will just post what they said
7 minutes ago · Like
GetOut Evomy A few birthday ideas.
I need some help from my fellow vol fans. I am needing some ideas for my brother's birthday which is coming up in july. He is gonna be 17 years old and the only enjoyment he gets out of life is watching Tennessee football. He is wheelchair bound and has very limited mobility due to being born with celebral palsy. My question is this. Who would I need to contact about possibly getting the coaching staff or players to autograph a shirt or two for him? or is that even possible? Like I say just a few birthday ideas for him. Any help would be appreciated and GO VOLS
7 minutes ago · Like
GetOut Evomy it is from wbailey201 on VolNation.com here is a link to the thread, help them out if you can,I'm sure it would make the young mans day and Go Vols http://www.volnation.com/forum/tennessee-vols-football/196889-few-birthday-ideas.html
A few birthday ideas. - VolNation
Tennessee Vols Football, Vols Basketball, and Lady Vols
I need some help from my fellow vol fans. I am needing some ideas for my brother's birthday which is coming up in july. He is gonna be 17 years old
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i posted this on Inkys Face Book page

GetOut Evomy Inky,there is a poster on VolNation.com that is wanting to do something special for his brothers birthday,which is this Friday on the 12th,If there is any way you could help them out,all the Vol Nation would appreciate it,I will just post what they said
7 minutes ago · Like
GetOut Evomy A few birthday ideas.
I need some help from my fellow vol fans. I am needing some ideas for my brother's birthday which is coming up in july. He is gonna be 17 years old and the only enjoyment he gets out of life is watching Tennessee football. He is wheelchair bound and has very limited mobility due to being born with celebral palsy. My question is this. Who would I need to contact about possibly getting the coaching staff or players to autograph a shirt or two for him? or is that even possible? Like I say just a few birthday ideas for him. Any help would be appreciated and GO VOLS
7 minutes ago · Like
GetOut Evomy it is from wbailey201 on VolNation.com here is a link to the thread, help them out if you can,I'm sure it would make the young mans day and Go Vols http://www.volnation.com/forum/tennessee-vols-football/196889-few-birthday-ideas.html
A few birthday ideas. - VolNation
Tennessee Vols Football, Vols Basketball, and Lady Vols
I need some help from my fellow vol fans. I am needing some ideas for my brother's birthday which is coming up in july. He is gonna be 17 years old

This is GREAT!

I never thought of Inky...thanks for posting this!
Very nice thread. Any team, any fans, any person anywhere should be proud of "big brother" and those who help with this birthday celebration. Very very nice.

I wish your brother a Happy birthday in advance.
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i know it is a late time to bring it up,but is there a way to contact Inky ? I'm sure he would be one to get it done in a hurry,if he is in Knoxville right now

I tried to contact him, but my facebook is jacked up and won't let me access hardly anything. Hopefully he'll see your post. Thanks again, God Bless...
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. It means a lot to me and
my family. I have not heard from any players or coaches except the brief message I got from tre saulsberry on facebook. I appreciate any and all help for his birthday. Like I was telling ken. The only enjoyment my brother gets is watching that T open on saturdays. I know he will enjoy it. His birthday means more to me than anything. Especially since the doctors told us when he born that he wouldn't make it to a year old. All your kindness has touched me.
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Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. It means a lot to me and
my family. I have not heard from any players or coaches except the brief message I got from tre saulsberry on facebook. I appreciate any and all help for his birthday. Like I was telling ken. The only enjoyment my brother gets is watching that T open on saturdays. I know he will enjoy it. His birthday means more to me than anything. Especially since the doctors told us when he born that he wouldn't make it to a year old. All your kindness has touched me.

The warm and fuzzies.....I got em.

I know it's pretty late in the game, but I'm holding out hope someone can make something happen for this young man...even if after his birthday. Better late than never!
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OP...maybe you could try to contact Saulsberry again, since he did originally get the name & contact info. Or try B Moore or Tiny one more time...might be worth a shot.
Ill try saulsberry again and tweet b moore again. If y'all think inky will answer. I'm gonna send him an email and see if he can help.
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unfortunately no. i still got hopes for tomorrow

I know I'm not a player but my blood runs 100 percent orange and I would like to wish your little brother a very happy birthday. And big brother, I wish I had you as my own big bro, nephew, or son etc. -- don't sell your own efforts for your brother short. You're getting things done. He's lucky to have someone like you as his big bro!! :hi:

And Easttnken wow. You make us all proud. And yes, you are absolutely living the whole love thy neighbor bit. :salute:
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