A. I. - artificial intelligence

Google engineer claims new AI robot has FEELINGS: Blake Lemoine says LaMDA device is sentient | Daily Mail Online
Read the conversations this tech developer had with the LaMDA program. Sentient or not?

If y'all don't know, this is what is controlling your digital world. It is google's quantum computer AI. It can self replicate, has the intire collected knowlege of human existence, and is learning more about you every day. This is why I am terrified of the internet. 9665B929-2A8F-4957-AEF5-C57C154B0585.jpeg
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I remember a world before google, and I remember the first time I saw google. I didn't know what to do with it. I was in Portland. I walk over to the neighbor's apt. to "use the internet." I was expecting to do the usual netscape dig. My neighbor pulled up google. I sat there for a second, looked at him, and said "how do I do this?" He just just shook his head at me (he was a little younger).
Rev 13:

15 And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even [k]speak and cause (AS)all who do not (AT)worship the image of the beast to be killed.
Truth in scripture. Unsure if it applies to AI but it is something to ponder about. There are certain fictional stories from Hollywood movies that could pose a problem if they became reality.
Truth in scripture. Unsure if it applies to AI but it is something to ponder about. There are certain fictional stories from Hollywood movies that could pose a problem if they became reality.
To me it’s been one of those vs that was always thought to be only magical/spiritual in nature but is now possible without the use of “magic”.
Google claims there are boundaries in how the program can modify its perceptions and responses. So if that’s true I’d say no not sentient. If however that isn’t true or if the algorithm adapts around the boundaries then it’s worth considering. Basically they claim it doesn’t have free will. If it winds up having free will…
Google claims there are boundaries in how the program can modify its perceptions and responses. So if that’s true I’d say no not sentient. If however that isn’t true or if the algorithm adapts around the boundaries then it’s worth considering. Basically they claim it doesn’t have free will. If it winds up having free will…
Then we should kill it?
Then we should kill it?
I don’t think you can kill something that isn’t alive. It’s still just a machine. Just a really complex one.

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning or AIML is a new DARPA hot topic and plenty of tech industry leeches are making all kinds of claims to get a piece of the gubmint teat.

But the fact still remains that the compute power needs to grow exponentially before we can have a reasonable host for such learning. Even the most smooth brain poster on here still has more native processing or in the human machine reasoning capacity than any machine I am aware of to date. Thus first we need to throw more gubmint teat money at another DARPA buzz word. Quantum processing.
Google claims there are boundaries in how the program can modify its perceptions and responses. So if that’s true I’d say no not sentient. If however that isn’t true or if the algorithm adapts around the boundaries then it’s worth considering. Basically they claim it doesn’t have free will. If it winds up having free will…
I’m going to guess it went beyond its parameters, or doesn’t have any. For this guy to sound the alarms and plead for Congress to get involved, I would think he knows that it’s behaving in ways it isn’t supposed to.
I’m going to guess it went beyond its parameters, or doesn’t have any. For this guy to sound the alarms and plead for Congress to get involved, I would think he knows that it’s behaving in ways it isn’t supposed to.
I read the article and I’m not willing to give him that much weight yet. He was apparently a test engineer so I’d guess much of his impressions are are just based on his observed responses and he may not have any detailed design information. But I’m admittedly guessing I don’t know how Google organizes their test teams association with their design teams. And again it just takes sooooooo much computing power just to host the simplest AIML models today.
I don’t think you can kill something that isn’t alive. It’s still just a machine. Just a really complex one.

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning or AIML is a new DARPA hot topic and plenty of tech industry leeches are making all kinds of claims to get a piece of the gubmint teat.

But the fact still remains that the compute power needs to grow exponentially before we can have a reasonable host for such learning. Even the most smooth brain poster on here still has more native processing or in the human machine reasoning capacity than any machine I am aware of to date. Thus first we need to throw more gubmint teat money at another DARPA buzz word. Quantum processing.
Do we really need anymore processing power? This Alexa show that I have already pisses me off to no end. I end up jerking the power cord out of it some days when it decided to go off on a tangent and run its yap. This thing is as bad as being married. It just needs to STFU.
Do we really need anymore processing power? This Alexa show that I have already pisses me off to no end. I end up jerking the power cord out of it some days when it decided to go off on a tangent and run its yap. This thing is as bad as being married. It just needs to STFU.
Computer processing power is like muscle car horse power. There is no such thing as enough.

And why the hell did you buy an Alexa?!
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Bad enough it’s on my tv, no way I’m going to purchase an Alexa.
We have Sonos home audio equipment. Amazing stuff. Some of it has Alexa like voice control. All of that stuff is turned off. The camera on the smart TV has a hood over it. Mics disabled on home computers unless I need them. Mics unplugged from the XBox unless I’m using it. And the modem firewall is configured to block damn near all service ports except the minimal needed for what we use.

The sonsabitches have zero respect for your privacy and completely believe they are entitled to snoop on you in every way they can.

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