A little curious action by Florida

bobby bowden's been doing this same thing for years, letting players run amuck with no penalities except a little extra running
Can someone catch me up here. He breaks the rule by smoking pot, is reinstated to play us, then is suspended but reinstated to play LSU. If thats true then its just a sad situation. Its not like he's the Joe Montana of UF football. I've always thought it was funny how some players can break rules and get suspended but then the coaches and administration find a way to justify reinstating them before big games.
No, he was not suspended until the investigation concluded (about 30 minutes after the UT-UF game ended.) He was suspended indefinitely...He is being reinstated for the LSU game.
Sorry job of carrying out dicipline by both UF institution and Meyer coaching staff. Mr. Clean has left the building.
Saw where Harvin is back for this game, I think we caught a break when he went out against us. Bad as I hate it this kid is a difference maker and I dread seeing him the next few years!
Thomas, a three-year starter who has 138 career tackles and 13 sacks, had been working out by himself before practice this week.
Read, has been going through very intense workouts with grad assistant trainers. He is fresher than the rest of the team, his quickness and strength are also probably a fraction improved.

This situation is shady at best. I do not know about you, but I was always under the impression that THC left that body after, at most, 30 days. I think the NCAA, and the SEC Coaches, should be asking for the dates of both drug tests. I would guess that the players were subjected to the first drug test during the first week that they returned to practice, the first week of August. If he tested positive during that week, then a month later would have been the first week of September. It should not take a lab more than 9 days to get the results back (on a Saturday night, nonetheless.)
You know, this kind of selective punishment is not all that unusual. Just this season, Shula opts to space out punishment of several of his players over various meaningless early games...

I'd like to lay into this, but you see it all the time...
You know, this kind of selective punishment is not all that unusual. Just this season, Shula opts to space out punishment of several of his players over various meaningless early games...

I'd like to lay into this, but you see it all the time...
........and everywhere!
This isn't even about the SEC-E race, really. Its about a university/coach trying to be sneaky. It's obvious what's happening, though ...
You guys know absolutely nothing about the situation yet are so quick to assume there's some shady actions going on behind the scenes regarding Marcus Thomas. Give me a break. Not surprising though...:dry:

He was tested twice within a three week period. THC can stay in your system for up to 30 days - so he was essentially suspended for the same thing twice. The University approved the appeal, i.e. the President and NOT the Atheltic Association - so you can take your conspiracy theories and - well, I don't think I'll go any further.

Still bitter about the 21-20 I guess? Sorry, but we don't need to cheat to beat you guys... :yes:

Did they release the level of THC or just a positive test? You can be retested in 3 weeks and still show a level of THC but it should be lower than your intial positive test. If it is equal or higher than it shows that you have smoked pot again after your intial positive test. So if this is the way Fl tests, the 30 day rule is not legit. But at any rate, he is playing and the University is the one under the gun here, they approved the appeal.
You guys know absolutely nothing about the situation yet are so quick to assume there's some shady actions going on behind the scenes regarding Marcus Thomas. Give me a break. Not surprising though...:dry:

He was tested twice within a three week period. THC can stay in your system for up to 30 days - so he was essentially suspended for the same thing twice. The University approved the appeal, i.e. the President and NOT the Atheltic Association - so you can take your conspiracy theories and - well, I don't think I'll go any further.

Still bitter about the 21-20 I guess? Sorry, but we don't need to cheat to beat you guys... :yes:

how was he suspended for the same thing twice? a one game suspension for a positive drug test? yes meyer is a master of discipline.
Another UF player,name escapes me, in the past had done something similar.I'm sure it was a slam dunk case. All UF had to do was follow that same protocol.
Can someone catch me up here. He breaks the rule by smoking pot, is reinstated to play us, then is suspended but reinstated to play LSU. If thats true then its just a sad situation. Its not like he's the Joe Montana of UF football. I've always thought it was funny how some players can break rules and get suspended but then the coaches and administration find a way to justify reinstating them before big games.

He was also caught driving on a suspended license not long ago, which is a felony in some states. However, I'm sure it's not in Florida.

If Meyer isn't going to punish players for firing automatic weapons into other people's apartments, he certainly isn't going to put his record at risk for a little pot and illegal driving.
You guys know absolutely nothing about the situation yet are so quick to assume there's some shady actions going on behind the scenes regarding Marcus Thomas. Give me a break. Not surprising though...:dry:

He was tested twice within a three week period. THC can stay in your system for up to 30 days - so he was essentially suspended for the same thing twice. The University approved the appeal, i.e. the President and NOT the Atheltic Association - so you can take your conspiracy theories and - well, I don't think I'll go any further.

Still bitter about the 21-20 I guess? Sorry, but we don't need to cheat to beat you guys... :yes:

Unfortunately, our record against UF since the dawn of Spurrier ball prohibits us from arguing that point. I guess the real question then would be if his state of mind at game time allowed him to even remember playing.
It was Clint Mitchell that violated university policy.Of course Coach Spurrier was the coach then.Not liar, I mean Meyer.:)He was suspended for 6 games.
O&B, the kid tested positive twice it appears. Essentially suspended twice for the same thing? Riiiggghhttt.

Test positive, suspend. Appeal and get results back proving otherwise, reinstate. Works that way at most schools. University appealing doesn't absolve Meyer.
He was also caught driving on a suspended license not long ago, which is a felony in some states. However, I'm sure it's not in Florida.

If Meyer isn't going to punish players for firing automatic weapons into other people's apartments, he certainly isn't going to put his record at risk for a little pot and illegal driving.
I think UF just emulates the state when it come to dealing with crime, etc.It seems Florida has been on the news for alot of crimminal activity of late.I'm not even talking about the drug cartel (leader)who died at age 42 due to a botched face lift to change his identity in 1999.At time of death he was hauling in 100 mil a month, and he was worth 25 billion(crimminology text book).I wonder how many palms(law officials) were and still are greased in our great state of Florida.:whistling:
You guys know absolutely nothing about the situation yet are so quick to assume there's some shady actions going on behind the scenes regarding Marcus Thomas. Give me a break. Not surprising though...:dry:

He was tested twice within a three week period. THC can stay in your system for up to 30 days - so he was essentially suspended for the same thing twice. The University approved the appeal, i.e. the President and NOT the Atheltic Association - so you can take your conspiracy theories and - well, I don't think I'll go any further.

Still bitter about the 21-20 I guess? Sorry, but we don't need to cheat to beat you guys... :yes:
But you do know the situation and all of the minute details because you read the same things we do on the internet. Please. :rolleyes: You'd be on here railing the Vols for doing the exact same thing. No one expects the typical Gatorfan to use logic, so continue thinking there's nothing wrong with this situation.

17-19, slick. Don't need to cheat? How soon we forget the year 2000. But, again, I digress. Gatorfan, logic, lost cause.
You guys know absolutely nothing about the situation yet are so quick to assume there's some shady actions going on behind the scenes regarding Marcus Thomas. Give me a break. Not surprising though...:dry:

He was tested twice within a three week period. THC can stay in your system for up to 30 days - so he was essentially suspended for the same thing twice. The University approved the appeal, i.e. the President and NOT the Atheltic Association - so you can take your conspiracy theories and - well, I don't think I'll go any further.

Still bitter about the 21-20 I guess? Sorry, but we don't need to cheat to beat you guys... :yes:

...right, and drug testing labs are always working past 10 pm on Saturday nights...

Or, somebody within the University of Florida administration had the results of the test by close of business Friday and decided not to let anyone know until after the UT game.

By the way, Orange and Blue, I am sure the President of Florida is just as vested in Florida beating UT as anyone else at the university.
So O&B, does "suspended indefinitely" then mean "suspended until we really need you"? It would seem so.

The circumstances of this suspension are just way, way too convenient.
Sorry I caused so much controversy with this post I just wanted to know what people thought. But hey when dealing with Florida one does have to remember all the prison schools they have down there with Miami, FSU, and Florida smoking pot doesn't get that much notice. And when a impact player does said action he gets suspended for a pivotal game but does so right after then gets reinstated. Even if I was a Florida fan I would be more than curious to what is going on. Even if Florida does run the table which it wont you don't want some stupid player to jeprodize the entire program.

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