A Possible Key to Stopping Oregon's High Octane Offense

You have an asshat attitude for someone who lives in Oregon. Kind of like an Oregonian moving to Tenn then acting like the SEC is garbage. You don't care about any Pac 12 teams, so you probably don't follow them. And if you don't follow them, then you likely know squat. The Pac 12 has 2 top five teams at this very moment. Even an ignoramus can do the math. Divide it out. 2/5. Then try to say it's a tier 2 conference.
I didn't move to Oregon because of football dummy. An Oregonian who moved to SEC country and acted like the SEC was garbage would be labeled retarded by anyone in the country.

The Pac 12 will NEVER win 7 NCs in a row.

2 teams in the top 5!!!!! HOLY CRAP111

If you are really arguing the SEC vs Pac 12 thing than you're dumber than i thought.

And PS, you dont have to live on the West coast to follow the Pac 12. They have this thing called the internet. Its how I found out that Washington owns you.
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You have an asshat attitude for someone who lives in Oregon. Kind of like an Oregonian moving to Tenn then acting like the SEC is garbage. You don't care about any Pac 12 teams, so you probably don't follow them. And if you don't follow them, then you likely know squat. The Pac 12 has 2 top five teams at this very moment. Even an ignoramus can do the math. Divide it out. 2/5. Then try to say it's a tier 2 conference.

Name 5 Pac 12 teams that are capable of winning a NC.

I'll wait.
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I didn't move to Oregon because of football dummy. An Oregonian who moved to SEC country and acted like the SEC was garbage would be labeled retarded by anyone in the country.

The Pac 12 will NEVER win 7 NCs in a row.

2 teams in the top 5!!!!! HOLY CRAP111

If you are really arguing the SEC vs Pac 12 thing than you're dumber than i thought.

And PS, you dont have to live on the West coast to follow the Pac 12. They have this thing called the internet. Its how I found out that Washington owns you.

Then by your own definition and using your own logic, you are clearly retarded, since you moved to PAC territory and you call the PAC 12 s**t. You claim to know so much about football but you're really just an idgit who has to look things up on the internet to back up your trolling attempts. Go back to SEC country, punk

PS you should keep your nose out of rivalries you don't understand.
McCullers will be a key player in this game. If he can get a consistent push off the ball, he can disrupt the read option by pushing the lineman back into their space. Unfortunately, he and the rest of the line will need to do this every 20 seconds! Hopefully, we can play a clean game and make some big plays!


I think the big man is probably a liability vs. Oregon if he's going to be gassed on the 4th or 5th snap when Oregon is going fast.
Name 5 Pac 12 teams that are capable of winning a NC.

I'll wait.

Name 5 SEC teams that are currently capable. And naming Bama five times doesn't count. I would say them and LSU. Maybe (it's a stretch) Texas A&M. Who else? Georgia and SC don't cut it. Neither does Florida.
Then by your own definition and using your own logic, you are clearly retarded, since you moved to PAC territory and you call the PAC 12 s**t. You claim to know so much about football but you're really just an idgit who has to look things up on the internet to back up your trolling attempts. Go back to SEC country, punk

PS you should keep your nose out of rivalries you don't understand.

So many things wrong with this.

The reason I say the Pac 12 sucks is because, well, it sucks. Take out Oregon and Stanford and who ya got? Exactly.

Yeah, I looked up the series record for Oregon vs Washington and just as I thought, they own you.

And PS, you're on a Tennessee message board retard. I am in SEC country. And i'll be reppin the Orange here in Oregon long after your ****ty program has returned to the cellar where it belongs.
Name 5 SEC teams that are currently capable. And naming Bama five times doesn't count. I would say them and LSU. Maybe (it's a stretch) Texas A&M. Who else? Georgia and SC don't cut it. Neither does Florida.

So are you saying Arizona, Oregon State, WSU, etc are on the same level as Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida? Not even mentioning LSU, Bama, or TAMU.

You just might be the most delusional rival poster I've ever seen. Congrats.
I hate these comparisons to Stanford. We did the same when we played them Ducks last time with Boise state D and we had Wilcox at that time and they still scored 48 points on us. This team is totally different and I hope we surprise them.

One thing am sure with Butch is that we won't give up at any point of time and keep fighting till the last minute!
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Is there any good reason this thread needed to be drug down with name calling and childish bickering?

Fact: save Oregon, Stanford and maybe USC (a stretch) for the last decade the PAC 12 has not been a dominate conference.

Fact: put Oregon in an SEC schedule and they'll have a rough time. Not saying a game every two or so years, but a sustained schedule.

Fact: Oregon had their best shot at a NC title this year providing they don't blow the Stanford or UCLA game.

Now can we end the rest of the nonsense?
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You have an asshat attitude for someone who lives in Oregon. Kind of like an Oregonian moving to Tenn then acting like the SEC is garbage. You don't care about any Pac 12 teams, so you probably don't follow them. And if you don't follow them, then you likely know squat. The Pac 12 has 2 top five teams at this very moment. Even an ignoramus can do the math. Divide it out. 2/5. Then try to say it's a tier 2 conference.

so...you're kind of an angry dude, right?
If the Vols can get some wicked licks on Oregon playmakes and put them on the bench, it may indeed change the complexion of the game. I remember the Heralded Bo Jackson comming into Neyland Stadium and sitting out the 2nd half on the bench watching his team get defeated
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Figures you're from Washington, f-ing prick, talking about injuring players. I don't think anyone wants to see this kind of sh*t, trying to injure players on purpose. Play fair or go home. We'll curbstomp your head, husky. It's coming for you in Seattle this year. If you're coming to Eugene, where, as a Husky fan, you're naturally not welcome, be sure to paint a purple and gold target on the back of your head so we know where to smash our wine bottles.
He didn't say anything about intentionally injuring any players. He said that if you get physical with some of Oregon's smaller, fragile players, then they get injured easily.

So he just said that Oregon players get injured easily if you hit them hard. That's a lot different than saying to intentionally injure someone.

If that counts as telling someone to intentionally injure somebody, then I'm sure our coaches have been telling our players to intentionally injure Oregon all week.
The best way to slow down a high octane offense is to have Dooley coach the team and Cheney call the plays.
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Great read OP. This might the easiest explanation I've seen of the read potion and how to stop for someone like myself who is not a football X's and O's genius. I was interested to read that the 3-4 is mostly what is used to defend the read option.
To anyone's knowledge, has CBJ and his staff faced any teams running this type of scheme in the past?
Fragile players will be hurt VS SEC talent thats just a fact Thomas better be able to run fast cause he is small and weak....
The key is for aj and jacques , brewer, and a few others to absolutely LAY THE FREAKING WOOD! to the qb and rb's of oregon. I mean I want to see mouth pieces flying out , tongues hanging out, the works.We need to ay ANGRY! ! angry but still in control.
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Then by your own definition and using your own logic, you are clearly retarded, since you moved to PAC territory and you call the PAC 12 s**t. You claim to know so much about football but you're really just an idgit who has to look things up on the internet to back up your trolling attempts. Go back to SEC country, punk

PS you should keep your nose out of rivalries you don't understand.
Hahahaha a rivalry?!?! Is that what you call that middle school girl cat fight? If you want to see a true rivalry do some research on the Third Saturday in October. Buck Fama and Oregon can go with em. Straight in the can Donald.
The reason I say the Pac 12 sucks is because, well, it sucks. Take out Oregon and Stanford and who ya got? Exactly.

There are always a handful of teams at the top of any conference. Auburn, who recently won a championship, looked like crap against perennial Pac 12 bottom feeder Washington State.

I don't see how it follows that "the Pac 12 sucks" because they have some teams that are not currently competitive. All conferences have teams that rotate down to the bottom for stretches.
Fact: save Oregon, Stanford and maybe USC (a stretch) for the last decade the PAC 12 has not been a dominate conference.

Save for one recent year, Auburn hasn't been as dominant as Oregon, Stanford or USC.

Point being that having a team do well each year is not representative of total conference strength.

Fact: put Oregon in an SEC schedule and they'll have a rough time. Not saying a game every two or so years, but a sustained schedule.

That's what you guys said about Texas A&M.

Fact: Oregon had their best shot at a NC title this year providing they don't blow the Stanford or UCLA game.

Never know. I'm not counting any chickens with a 1st year coach.

I think the best chance we had so far was the Dennis Dixon senior year. Had he not hurt his knee, that team was tough to stop. Nobody had really seen the Chip Kelly system before or how to prepare for it.
McCullers will be a key player in this game. If he can get a consistent push off the ball, he can disrupt the read option by pushing the lineman back into their space. Unfortunately, he and the rest of the line will need to do this every 20 seconds! Hopefully, we can play a clean game and make some big plays!


It's not going to happen. McCullers plays inside, Oregon will run outside a LOT. He will have minimal impact on this game, I predict.
i continue to fail to understand why the first concern of opposing fans is to stop mariota from passing the ball. it is true that is one threat but oregon is primarily a running team. oregon is constantly in the top 5 teams rushing in the nation. right now oregon has over twice as many rushing yards as passing and that is typical.

oregon will try to spread the field vertically. they will not try to run into a big pile in the center and win a shoving match the way some SEC fans think is the only way to play football. they will try to get one on one matchups they think are favorable to them DAT against a linebacker with 2 yards seperation. huff or lyerla in a phonebooth against a less physical cornerback. the ducks feed off of explosion plays but they do not design plays for that specific reason. running into the pile rarely creates an explosion play unless you have a blown assignment. whereas a player with outstanding speed and footwork who wins an individual matchup can easily create an explosion play. explosion plays have the virtue of bypassing the red zone and ending up in the end zone. no grounding and pounding. no getting stopped on 4th and 3 at the 5.

what would i do to stop the ducks if i was tennessee?

1. ball control is a losing strategy. you need to run some big plays and make them work. if the ducks beat you 10-1 in explosion plays youre cooked.

2. you have to execute and tackle in space every single time.

3. rattle mariota. hes extremely intelligent and almost never makes a mistake. he is a 4.0 student. a perfectionist. ive only seen him get rattled once or twice. stanford rattled him in that game when he tried to take off and run on the read option a couple times but they had it covered. he ripped off only one big one on them and they stopped it from scoring. maybe have that big guy knock down some of his passes. come up with schemes to alter his line of travel..but you wont do that with one guy. no one on your defense has the quickness or ability to chase MM.

4. on offense test the linebackers. test the edge. last year arkansas state was behind 51-3 against the ducks and they caught up 31 points using end sweeps mostly against the second third and 4th string linebackers(two of whom are now starters. i am not giddy with optomism that would work for you but given the other options id say its worth a try.

5. virginia did better than they should have last week throwing to their linebackers over the middle. this is a dangerous pass and you want to avoid turnovers but they made none using that play.

unlike some of your fans i think the vols have a chance tomorrow but butch is going to have to think outside the SEC box and its going to take near perfect execution and maybe even heaven smiling on you a few times for it to happen.
You give 100% in the first half of the game, and if that isn't enough, in the second half you give what's left.

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