A Possible Key to Stopping Oregon's High Octane Offense

One thing you guys who keep harping on the Stanford win won't know since you don't follow Oregon that closely is that in all honesty, Oregon beat Oregon that game. Chip Kelly came into that game with a chip on his shoulder about something and it seemed to disrupt the team's chemistry. Even Thomas was screwing up. On a Mariota run he was running as if he were trying to beat Mariota to the endzone instead of blocking for him. The offensive play was atrocious. Most importantly, the FG kicker choked, like he tends to do in every big game, costing us a spot in the NC and allowing Alabama to sneak in instead. Stanford played good defense, but not good enough to beat an Oregon team on a normal day. I guarantee you Oregon will crucify them in their own stadium this year.

I generally like Oregon fans. Like 80% of you guys are cool. It seems like about 95% of you think Oregon is unbeatable, and rationalize away every loss.

You know what? Losses happen to every program. It's part of football. It's OK to take them in stride and fess up when someone betters you on the field.

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