A student who removed thousands of 9/11 flags from a college memorial said it was a protest against Islamophobia and US military interventions

Speaking as a former gifted kid, good on you. The number of us who ended up hitting walls we weren't prepared for in college because we could game our way through the system (public and private) is ridiculous. Even worse is the number of us who ended up with depression because we never could live up to the unrelenting standards our parents and teachers set once they saw that imaginary number.

My kids' school in Ohio (the only thing I miss from there) had a full time gifted counselor that helped bring them down to earth and prepare them for reality. Maybe I would have turned out different if I had one of those. Who knows

Schools should be segregating (by academic ability) and teaching to ability rather than teaching to the middle. Lumping everybody together and teaching rigidly to the middle benefits nobody. India, for example, turns out some very competent people through academic segregation and pushing the limits. As I recall, the joke is that places like our esteemed ivy leagues and MIT, accept the Indian kids who didn't make the cut to the India Institute of Technology (could be wrong about the school name). They don't waste time teaching teaching the brightest what the average kid can master.

Have to agree that if we don't still practice tracking in school that IQ testing doesn't mean much. The problem I saw particularly during HS was that many of us in honors and advanced courses had lower GPAs than a lot of other kids which was demoralizing since so much is based on GPAs. On the other hand, college wasn't really more difficult than we'd already experienced.
Schools should be segregating (by academic ability) and teaching to ability rather than teaching to the middle. Lumping everybody together and teaching rigidly to the middle benefits nobody. India, for example, turns out some very competent people through academic segregation and pushing the limits. As I recall, the joke is that places like our esteemed ivy leagues and MIT, accept the Indian kids who didn't make the cut to the India Institute of Technology (could be wrong about the school name). They don't waste time teaching teaching the brightest what the average kid can master.

Have to agree that if we don't still practice tracking in school that IQ testing doesn't mean much. The problem I saw particularly during HS was that many of us in honors and advanced courses had lower GPAs than a lot of other kids which was demoralizing since so much is based on GPAs. On the other hand, college wasn't really more difficult than we'd already experienced.

My son is in 7th grade, taking Algebra I with the eighth graders in Maryland because he was in an environment exactly like you described when we were in Ohio last year. We don't know what is going to happen next year, when he's ready for geometry but his middle school doesn't offer it.
So many of our school system would rather indoctrinate the students rather than educate them in subject matters

It's so much easier to make someone angry through indoctrination than to educate. And a mob trashing a city doesn't need to know maff or actual history ... and with texting and social media certainly not real grammar.
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It's so much easier to make someone angry through indoctrination than to educate. And a mob trashing a city doesn't need to know maff or actual history ... and with texting and social media certainly not real grammar.

..... and getting paid to stay home in-between all the burning & rioting in the city streets.
Schools should be segregating (by academic ability) and teaching to ability rather than teaching to the middle. Lumping everybody together and teaching rigidly to the middle benefits nobody. India, for example, turns out some very competent people through academic segregation and pushing the limits. As I recall, the joke is that places like our esteemed ivy leagues and MIT, accept the Indian kids who didn't make the cut to the India Institute of Technology (could be wrong about the school name). They don't waste time teaching teaching the brightest what the average kid can master.

Have to agree that if we don't still practice tracking in school that IQ testing doesn't mean much. The problem I saw particularly during HS was that many of us in honors and advanced courses had lower GPAs than a lot of other kids which was demoralizing since so much is based on GPAs. On the other hand, college wasn't really more difficult than we'd already experienced.

What I saw in HS were a lot of kids in the gifted program that seemed to sit around that room a lot and goof off. Some were legit and a few ended up getting appointed to one of the Academies and went thru flight school, and still serving.

I was always in accelerated classes (now college path) from 7th grade on. I only had one or two "normal" classes and I get why their GPA's could be higher. They were also based on 4.0 verses a 5.0 for the accelerated classes. What did not happen, was prep for what to expect in college. I graduated 125 out of 575 with little to no effort in college prep classes. What I found out after 3 semesters is I had no clue how to study, and fought the next 3 years to graduate where I did in college once I figured that out. I'm pretty intelligent, but not an auto A. I did have to put in the work, and I also had to find out what worked for me so I didn't waste my study time.
I make zero apologies to anyone about what i am about to say and have said it before...

I HATE the term islamophobia...just like homophobia....

NOBODY that I have ever met in 44 years is AFRAID of muslims....or gay people. None. Zero. The term itself is an oxymoron in the USA... and the liberals who use it are morons and show it by using those terms.

People who live in Israel and have to go get in neighborhood bomb shelters periodically because these coward muslim terrorists launch rockets from 10 or 50 niles away into civilian neighborhoods MIGHT be afraid of SOME muslims. Nobody with an inch of intellect in this country is afraid of muslims or their hate based horrible pseudo- religion.

I have read the entire quran. Sura(verse) by verse. They stole nearly the entire Old Testament from Judaism/Christianity and the God of Isaac and Jacob which inspired it.....then their child raping "prophet" added the other half of the book which is filled with commands to kill the infidel (anyone not a muslim) lie to the infidel ((anyone not a muslim) beat their wives barehanded and with a rod/staff as long as it is no bigger in circumference than their thumb....its OK to have 4 wives per man or more in some cases...marry and have sex with 7 year olds and 9 year olds like their "prophet"...

It is ALL in the book. Everything i just said. That does not scare anyone that i know...but everyone i know will tell you that anyone who seriously believes that hogwash book and intends to be devout and do what they are COMMANDED to do by its false god:

1. Is in NO WAY compatible with the Western world...the USA..or its people and societies.

2. Should not be allowed in our country under ANY circumstances and if anything should be attacked where THEY are in the same desert sheithole sandbox of hate and death that has always and will always be incredibly poor...uneducated...sexist ...racist...and perpetually at war. It always has been and always will be.

The only peaceful and honest muslim is an insincere muslim who does not live out their faith. They have to be. To be honest and not always trying to kill anyone besides muslims is to DEFY their supposedly holy book and its god and prophet...so heathens? Muslim heathens i guess??

Come on now...as always the non Christians will chime in to tell us Christians about the weird stuff in the Old Testament that we ignore and dont do etc in an effort to make us the same as muslims....because they never bothered to learn scripture and how Jesus Himself brought about the New Testament and Covenant with mankind that makes much of the OT and its works, laws, sacrifices etc completely obsolete.....

Argue from ignorance in true VN fashion. As always. Then try and tell us that allah is the same g od as the God of Isaac and Jacob despite the fact they command their followers to do the exact opposite things in pretty much every possible way and circumstances....gets so tiring.

Read the books guys. Both or all 3.


Then try to argue your stupid points.. if you havent read them all in their entirety at least once i will not argue with your ignorant stance anymore. Done. Done.

Btw...ignorance is not stupidity. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. I am ignorant about makeup, perfumes, and liberal television or literature. I am not calling anyone hwre stupid for not reading a book or any book. I am saying if you havent read them...you do not have enough knowledge of those religions to argue about them in any manner except from ignorance. Which is a fools errand and i will not do it anymore. Makes as much sense as me coming to your job as an IT professional amd arguing with you about which software or harware was better for which task/network etc.... that would be extremely arrogant, ignorant, and nobody there would waste their time arguing with someone who had never even read the manuals for those machines. Theres a dozen folks here that will do exactly that though when it comes to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam though. Cuz granny took em to church a few times or even a bunch as a kid. Brilliant strategy.
Adding this fact just for funsies:

Use your google fingers and read about birth defects in muslim countries due to inbreeding and family child rape etc...including DNA sequencing....they are so incredibly, almost unbelievably inbred...their entire populations DNA...that they make Alabama look like nobody there has ever mated with anyone that lived within a 5 state radius in any direction. The actual scientific facts about child birth defect rates etc are so incredibly bad compared to ANY other place on earth that it is truly sad. Very sad for those kids who have to grow up with extra serious challenges in addition tp the rape...abuse....female genital mutilation....oh..thats a good one. I had never heard of female genital mutilation until i started studying muslims. As a guy with 3 sisters a wife a daughter etc thats extra special stoopid and makes me quite angry as well.

Yep...isamaphobia....guess who sadly IS scared of muslims? Children....women...only in those muslim countries though. great pseudo religion responsible for about 99% of that stuff. Sweet.
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What I saw in HS were a lot of kids in the gifted program that seemed to sit around that room a lot and goof off. Some were legit and a few ended up getting appointed to one of the Academies and went thru flight school, and still serving.

I was always in accelerated classes (now college path) from 7th grade on. I only had one or two "normal" classes and I get why their GPA's could be higher. They were also based on 4.0 verses a 5.0 for the accelerated classes. What did not happen, was prep for what to expect in college. I graduated 125 out of 575 with little to no effort in college prep classes. What I found out after 3 semesters is I had no clue how to study, and fought the next 3 years to graduate where I did in college once I figured that out. I'm pretty intelligent, but not an auto A. I did have to put in the work, and I also had to find out what worked for me so I didn't waste my study time.

I had a similar experience. I didn't have to study that hard when I got to UT (and like you didn't really know how to study), and that eventually got me in trouble because I didn't always go to class either. It worked for a while but eventually started catching up. I quit in my junior year and enlisted in the Army - I think the basic problem was just too much school without any application. When I went back to UT 5 years later, it was much harder because I'd lost the carefree attitude.

The other problem was that I wanted to go to the AF Academy, and the AF decided in 1963 while I was going through the nomination process to require 20/20 vision, and I wasn't even close. I had to request a change during the selection process to West Point. A friend who wanted West Point got my primary nomination to the AFA, and couldn't accept because of vision. I wound up with two alternate nominations to WP and one to Annapolis which always had the 20/20 vision requirement. I was pretty demoralized by the time I entered UT - not the way to start college.
I had a similar experience. I didn't have to study that hard when I got to UT (and like you didn't really know how to study), and that eventually got me in trouble because I didn't always go to class either. It worked for a while but eventually started catching up. I quit in my junior year and enlisted in the Army - I think the basic problem was just too much school without any application. When I went back to UT 5 years later, it was much harder because I'd lost the carefree attitude.

The other problem was that I wanted to go to the AF Academy, and the AF decided in 1963 while I was going through the nomination process to require 20/20 vision, and I wasn't even close. I had to request a change during the selection process to West Point. A friend who wanted West Point got my primary nomination to the AFA, and couldn't accept because of vision. I wound up with two alternate nominations to WP and one to Annapolis which always had the 20/20 vision requirement. I was pretty demoralized by the time I entered UT - not the way to start college.

I would not have got an appointment, but I have always wished I had enlisted and let the GI Bill send me to school, or complete course work while enlisted and do my 20 year retirement. I was more reserved then than now, and couldn't pull the trigger on boot camp, ecpecially Marine and Army at the time. I would black out sometimes after track practice or football from cooling off too quick. Had to hang outside in the heat to cool down first. So boot camp kinda spooked me. I could study for hours and flunk a test. Took a Business Law class and bombed first exam. Studied for hours. Found out if I made flash cards, then flipped them, I had much improved recall. Ended up acing the course, and went from a 1.75 my soph year to over a 3.0 by graduation. That one exam with the flip cards led me to going back to dorm after class, re-taking notes from the books and my class notes and studying that. There was just something about me watching myself re-write stuff. Sounds like a lot, but it cut my study time greatly.
Rewriting things was always a great way to study. There are specific methods to taking notes from reading your textbook, listening to a verbal presentation etc that make writing things down even more affecting.

I always loved notecards too. Great tool for learning massive amounts of info such as the capitols of all countries on Earth..
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