A tree huggers wet dream comes true



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
thanks to (the mosques are our) Barracks Insein O'Blaima's
cabal of misfit marxits, environazis, crimminals, thugs
and tax cheats + Slick Willy appointed activist judges.

Hundreds of plants, animals in line for federal endangered species protection

The Obama administration is taking steps to extend new federal protections to a list of imperiled animals and plants that reads like a manifest for Noah's Ark - from the melodic golden-winged warbler and slow-moving gopher tortoise, to the slimy American eel and tiny Texas kangaroo rat.


With a Friday deadline to act on more than 700 pending cases, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service already has issued decisions advancing more than 500 species toward potential new protections under the Endangered Species Act...


Also among species that advanced for further consideration are 35 snails from Nevada's Great Basin, 82 crawfish from the Southeast, 99 Hawaiian plants and a motley cast of butterflies, birds, fish, beetles, frogs, lizards, mussels and more from every corner of the country.

Good. Maybe you should read up on why the preservation of these species is vital to the survival of human beings and every other species on earth. Everything we do impacts the ecology.
I'm not seeing the problem with adding species to the endangered lists. Will this somehow ruin your weekly meerkat hunting trips?
Jeez, gs. There are days where I think you're a loon, and days where I think you're just a babbling imbecile.

Take a guess at what kind of day we're lookin' at.

Is there really a way to paint this in a bad light? I don't even think your... efforts can do so.
I'm not seeing the problem with adding species to the endangered lists. Will this somehow ruin your weekly meerkat hunting trips?

The land that these endangered species lives on will become protected and developers can't build on them or oil companies won't be able to drill for oil there. It'll ruin the day for earth exploiters, that's for sure.
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gs editorializing aside, the overreach being perpetrated by this administration is approaching Soviet-style proportions
If I were a monitor I would retitle this thread "how to
bring out lamebrained treehuggers in one easy step."

If these three are the average product of our public
education system, then give public education and
'EPIC FAIL' award.


Good. Maybe you should read up on why the preservation of these species is vital to the survival of human beings and every other species on earth. Everything we do impacts the ecology.

What have you read other than 'silent spring' and that
piece of crap book by Gore.

So you think eradicating smallpox and malaria is a
bad thing becuse it will lead to the collapse of life
on Earth?

Talk about brain washed, you guys take the cake.

I doubt you have any inkling of what this move amounts

I'm not seeing the problem with adding species to the endangered lists. Will this somehow ruin your weekly meerkat hunting trips?

What's that to you?


Jeez, gs. There are days where I think you're a loon, and days where I think you're just a babbling imbecile.

Take a guess at what kind of day we're lookin' at.

Is there really a way to paint this in a bad light? I don't even think your... efforts can do so.

Not a day passes that I don't know that you are as
looney toons as it gets, not to mention imbecilic.


The land that these endangered species lives on will become protected and developers can't build on them or oil companies won't be able to drill for oil there. It'll ruin the day for earth exploiters, that's for sure.

If it weren't for so-called Earth exploiters, life would
be one heck of a lot tougher on you in every respect.


I could write a book on the abuses of the endangered
species act, several as a matter of fact.

I'll give just one example.

A frined of mine's mother bought a piece of property in
Florida, a building lot with houses on both sides, about
thirty years ago, thinking that when she retired she
would either build a house there or sell the property.

Due to one of those hurricanes during the nineties,
people wanted to move more inland rather than living
directly on the coast and the value of her property
greatly increased because is was inland, situated on
a canal where one could build a dock and/or boathouse
and access the ocean within thity minutes.

When she did retire and go to look at her property
which had grown up into a thicket, she found a sign
that read; "this has been designated as a protected
area for the Florida scrub jay, do not disturb"

She inquired with the agency in question and found
that she could not clear her property and build under
threat of law and couldn't even sell it without having
the buyer sign an a greement to keep this as Florida
scrub jay forever.

Never mind that she had never been notified of this
high handed move, never mind that she had been paying
property taxes for thirty years and if she quits paying
the property will fall into the hands of the local

Never mind that is an unconstitutional usurption of
her property without any sort of payment.

Never mind that it takes millions of dollars to get
even one of the species taken off the endangered
list and an act of congress, literally.

This is fascism at it's finest moment.

Gemeinnutzgeht vor Eigennutz. (The common good supersedes
the private good.) ~ Nazi slogan Prologue Fanatical
environmentalism, vegetarianism, animal rights and public
health are four progressive policy initiatives that most
people would not readily associate with Hitler and the Nazis.

"Unlike Marxism, which declared much of culture and humanity
irrelevant to the revolution, National Socialism was holistic,"
wrote Jonah Goldberg. Indeed, "organic" and "holistic" were
the Nazi terms of art for totalitarianism.

Oh wait, maybe I would retitle it "three big reasons I don't
really oppose abortion all that much."

GS, I've never read a book by Gore or that other book that you think I read. I read books by scientists. People that have life experience with this stuff. People that spend their entire lives analyzing nature. But then, of course, you probably don't know what a scientist is.
Well, I am no dem and I am not a fan of most environmental problems, but I have this to say:

Every animal, plant, virus, bacteria, fungus, etc was created by God and presumably for a reason. The first commandment that we know of that was ever given to man was cultivate (so we are to use the world) and keep (preserve) it.

So, for us to cause an extinction is unacceptable. Ever if it is malaria or Alabama fans.
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Well, I am no dem and I am not a fan of most environmental problems, but I have this to say:

Every animal, plant, virus, bacteria, fungus, etc was created by God and presumably for a reason. The first commandment that we know of that was ever given to man was cultivate (so we are to use the world) and keep (preserve) it.

So, for us to cause an extinction is unacceptable. Ever if it is malaria or Alabama fans.

At least we're on the same page, just differ in the details...
Adding animals to a list that keeps them from extinction is keeping me from ordering drive-thru McDonald's in the Sonoran desert.
Well, I am no dem and I am not a fan of most environmental problems, but I have this to say:

Every animal, plant, virus, bacteria, fungus, etc was created by God and presumably for a reason. The first commandment that we know of that was ever given to man was cultivate (so we are to use the world) and keep (preserve) it.

So, for us to cause an extinction is unacceptable. Ever if it is malaria or Alabama fans.

The main problem is all too often the ecofascists base their claims on twisted truths and just plain outright lies.

As the head of one major enviro NGO recommended to his activists at a training seminar; "If you are holding a press conference and a reporter asks you about a statistic you don't know, just make one up on the spot."

This happens somewhere in the world on a daily basis.

For instance:

The National Defense Resources Council produced zero science in it's claim that mining would threaten Beluga whales in Cook inlet.

Since Belugas arren't on the endangered list now, look for a suit to get them put on anyway, even though they are positively not threatened with extinction.

GS, I've never read a book by Gore or that other book that you think I read. I read books by scientists. People that have life experience with this stuff. People that spend their entire lives analyzing nature. But then, of course, you probably don't know what a scientist is.

You have a list of books and authors you recommend or just talking about looking at the pictures in National Georgraphic?

gs editorializing aside, the overreach being perpetrated by this administration is approaching Soviet-style proportions


The age of environmentalism started in 1967 with the publishing of the "Iron Mountain Report" (named after its first meeting place, Iron Mountain, NY) by a group of intellectual elitists from various disciplines in the US. The purpose of the report was to define a mechanism to switch from the threat of war as a means to control society to something that would work in peace. They chose environmental holocausts. Foreign Affairs began to promote environmental holocausts in 1970. The major foundations began to fund environmental activism in the early 1970s.

In 1991 the Club of Rome, the globalist organization headed by New Age leader Aurelio Peccei, reinforced the unifying powerful principle of environmentalism by saying "searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention.... The real enemy, then is humanity itself."

Environmentalism was launched in 1970 with the publication of an article entitled "To Prevent A World Disaster," by George Kennan, an eminent government policy planner in the Council on Foreign Relations publication Foreign Affairs.

This new global ethic is centered on what is called biocentrism. "In a biocentric approach," states the IUCN, "the rights of nature are defended first and foremost on the grounds of the intrinsic value of animals, plants, rivers, mountains, and ecosystems rather than simply on the basis of their utilitarian value or benefit to humans."

The Convention on Biological Diversity is predicated on the belief that man is destroying earth's delicately balanced ecosystems and genetic storehouse that has taken millennia to create. It would set up a legal framework to stop this destruction. It would also mandate monetary payment to local people for the use of indigenous plants, etc. used in creating drugs, etc.

The developed nations (mostly the US) would pay the developing nations to protect their biodiversity, thereby advancing the socialist goal of income redistribution.

Biological diversity is defined in Article 2 of the treaty as the "variability among living organisms from all sources including,... terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems."

In other words, biodiversity means anything and everything on planet earth. It cannot be defined in a legal context for regulatory purposes because there is no way of knowing what is the "best" biodiversity. It is a bureaucrat's dream come true. It means whatever a bureaucrat wants it to mean.

The biodiversity treaty was first conceived by the IUCN in 1981 and written by the IUCN for the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio. It was scheduled for ratification by the US Senate in the summer of 1994.

There was no science to show that biodiversity was being destroyed so the IUCN, with financing from large foundations, created a brand new science called "conservation biology." By working in concert through the IUCN, the feds and NGOs made conservation biology the centerpiece of all natural resource regulation by the 1990s. In the process, the Society of Conservation Biology was created in 1985.

The Society justifies its existence on the basis that, "By joining together those who are wise, the worst biological disaster in the last 65 million years can be averted. We assume that environmental wounds inflicted by ignorant humans and destructive technologies can be treated by wiser humans."

There is no discussion in the GBA of how 2/3 of the earth's human population might be eliminated, but it does give some clues. Agricultural practices are sharply condemned, "Overwhelming evidence leads to the conclusion that modern commercial agriculture has had a direct negative impact on biodiversity at all levels.... Agriculture may be one of the most important causes of pollution, by the production of sediments, by the generation of chemical wastes, or by the use of pesticides."(27) Never mind that US agricultural practices have reduced these impacts to all time lows.
Going vegan has nothing to do with preserving endangered species.

You probably think that listing these new species
on the endangered lists because of what some few
nutcases from some radical NGOs say is in order to
protect certain species from extinction but that
isn't the case.

It is about power and money and the EPA being able
to enforce about 7,000 new regulations meant to
destablise, deconstruct and destroy a nation.

The largest dam demolition in the nation’s history
is underway as Washington state's 108-foot Elwha
River Dam and another even larger dam on the same
river will be demolished soon.

The Elwha Dam supplied electricity to Washinton's
Olympic Peninsula. We are now going to "purchase"
energy from wind mills and solar farms.

Thousands of acres of productive farmland will go
idle because they will lose the irrigation waters
neccessary to grow crops in the area.

Tearing down the dams can't have anything to do with
climate change and greenhouse gasses because hydro
electricity is the least polluting of any energy source.

Things like this only make sense to those who have
been brainwashed all their lives.

I know it would be too long for you or Volatile to
read but all of you should read some of Jim Beers'
articles, he a thirty year veteran of the US Fish
and Wildlife Agency and a prolific author who gives
you the low down on how the agency is abused by
Washington using the endangered species act and is
essentially run by international NGOs that use deception
and a cooperative media to pull the wool over our eyes.

Here is one for starters, not that I think either of
you will even bother to read it, as for dinkyflunky,
it's debateable that he can even read at all, if so
his reading comprehension is barely above nil.

Jim Beers:  Smoke & Mirrors - Obama administration takes wolves off endangered species list  May 5. 2011 

(Note: NPR is designed like Nazi/Communist Government
media propaganda arms and Planned Parenthood is the
“fruit” of Margaret Sanger’s 1920’s campaigns to rid
the world of “inferiors” and breed a super race. Like
government-media and government population control,
Endangered Species concepts spring from Nazi dictates
about “Pre-Roman Plants and Animals” and the desire
by a few to control the rest of society. These three
Progressive cornerstones rose together and could
logically die together in a swarm of popular disgust.

The radicals like DOW, HSUS, NRDC, TNC, CBD, et al and
their federal and state enablers are scared stiff that
if there are real federal budget cuts that NPR and
Planned Parenthood could go down with their erstwhile
and similarly disguised partner, The Endangered Species
Act. Just as the NPR denies it is a progressive
propaganda machine and Planned Parenthood denies it
kills humans at their earliest and most vulnerable
stage of life; so too does the ESA machine deny it is
about destroying Constitutional guarantees, property
rights, animal ownership, hunting, fishing, oil
drilling, dams, farming, ranching, rural economies,
logging, public land management and use, and Judaeo-
Christian concepts of the relationship of man and his

As long as the ESA stands, like the Sword of Damocles,
none of us are safe.

Gs, you're really calling us brainwashed? Pot meet kettle.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Gs, you're really calling us brainwashed? Pot meet kettle.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

So you admit to being brainwashed?

You never did give the the titles of these authoritative
books you had read.

Do you actually believe there are 700 species in the USA
threatened with extinction?

Color me very very skeptical of the two radical NGOs

who have achieved their iniative through the courts,
I doubt that they have done the work scientifically
or have proven their case, I doubt of some of these
so-called threatened species have ever even existed
to begin with.


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