A tree huggers wet dream comes true

You don't realize how much we interfere with natural predators. There is an over population of deer because we've nearly eradicated most of their natural predators - aside from our rifles of course.
You don't realize how much we interfere with natural predators. There is an over population of deer because we've nearly eradicated most of their natural predators - aside from our rifles of course.

Yes and no...or more accurately none of it is that simple.

Wolves are actually doing well in many areas. So much so that there are actually legal wolf hunts in some areas and concern among some they're negatively impacting elk populations in some western states.

Wolves are pretty incompatible with populated areas (unlike coyotes which are extremely adaptable, even to the point of suburban living, though they can become a real nuisance themselves) as are most high-end predators. (most people aren't keen on bumping into grizzlies while out walking the dog)

Particularly when dealing with deer populations they, like coyotes, are pretty darn adaptable and can live in immediate proximity to humans. After a snow many people are shocked to find out how many deer tracks they can find running around in their subdivisions. As stated earlier some towns have had to hire pros to come in a shoot deer to thin the herd. (Hauling in some wolves and grizzlies to roam around the town's parks got voted down :)) In more rural settings deer can become quite populous around farmland. Such places are almost always good food sources as well as near water. They are also places nobody has any interest in having wolves roaming around taking down livestock.

Anyway, I believe the original question concerned if overpopulations of animals have ever had to be controlled. That answer is yes. (Note that TN has three distinct deer hunting "units" with different regs based largely on deer population) Deer have already been mentioned. Perhaps an even better example is hogs. Hog populations in TX for instance are so high that they've actually legalized hunting them from helicopters.

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