I have a ton of strange ones.
- Can close each eye independently of the other
- When I read something on a computer by myself, I click and drag a lot through the text to highlight it for no reason in particular. Not to highlight a particular point to another person, not with the intention of copying it and pasting it, or anything. I'll double click in a paragraph to highlight the whole thing, highlight individual rows or words as I'm reading them, etc. Nervous habit.
- Cuticle biting/picking, but I don't bite nails. Another nervous habit.
- The sound of a knife or fork being dragged against a plate (like a ceramic plate, not a paper one) drives me absolutely insane to the point where I'll physically wince and get up from the table and make some remark about how spine-tingling it was. My wife tells me I'm way too dramatic about it, but I absolutely hate that noise.
- When I come across a song I like, especially at work, I'm liable to listen to that song on repeat while at work for days at a time. I mean like 4-6 hours at a time. I'll probably listen to that song 200-300 times over a span of a few days.
- Like
@utvolpj said I count and add a lot of stuff that I see. Lane markers on the road. I'll count the number of lines or marks it takes to make up a letter of a word, and I add up all those marks.
- Ever since I was a kid, I've always liked maps and knowing where cities are located. When on a road trip as a passenger and I notice a license plate with a county I don't know where it is, or the city on the side of an 18-wheeler showing where the company is located, I'll Google it and look it up.
- I'm a nervous flier. Among lots of other things, one of things I do when flying is look on FlightAware right before takeoff I'll check the airport I'm leaving and the airport I'm flying into and see which ways the runways are turned around at that particular moment. I want to know which way we're taking off and which way we'll be approaching the airport and landing, so none of the turns are unexpected. They can always turn the airport around while your flight is in route, especially if it is a long flight, but it usually ends up being the way you think.