A weird fact about yourself

I used to line my many bottle of cologne up from tallest and largest to smallest and shortest on the shelf in the bathroom. From right to left cause I'm a lefty and could reach up and grab the biggest one on the right over the others without knocking them around. Solved that quirk by getting married and cutting down to 2 bottles. Back in that day never had less than seven to choose from. You know. Different occasions.
I guess one of my weirdest things is choosing to marry a gal with Cajun blood in her veins. Dang. they just flat mean.
Not me ,but my son. Turned 16 this past November. So far, he has a thing about rear ending others. Their car. With his truck. get your minds out the gutter. lol..
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Ever since I was a kid, I've always liked maps and knowing where cities are located. When on a road trip as a passenger and I notice a license plate with a county I don't know where it is, or the city on the side of an 18-wheeler showing where the company is located, I'll Google it and look it up.
I'm the same way. To this day, when I'm on a trip I track our progress using the signs saying how far to the next city and finding that city on the map. I don't care for Google maps either. I still prefer a good old fashioned Rand Mcnally road atlas. I always keep one in my car.
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I'm the same way. To this day, when I'm on a trip I track our progress using the signs saying how far to the next city and finding that city on the map. I don't care for Google maps either. I still prefer a good old fashioned Rand Mcnally road atlas. I always keep one in my car.

Think I've talked about this on here before but I used to take a road atlas on airline flights and from time to time look down and try to identify cities, towns, rivers, etc., by matching up their shapes and configurations with the maps. I'd start with a reckoning of which state or region I thought we'd likely be over based on flight time, then try to narrow down from there. Always enjoyed that.
Ditto on that one. I just like knowing where I'm going or where I've been. Take interest in that. Don't really think that one is all that quirky though.

It's more like I have a map in my head. I can pretty much find my way around even if I've never been there. I found several eateries in St. Augustine on my honeymoon just by the name of the place and it sounded like it'd be a certain direction. One place was out on the edge of the marsh off the bypass. can't remember the name but if I go back I'd be able to find it. Over 30 years later. Once I've been somewhere, I'm good. I think mostly cause I know North South East and West, and I can read road signs.
I am kinda the same way. If I have walked it, I can always get back it to it, even driving or giving directions. Almost the same when I drive somewhere. But if I am a passenger, no dice. Even if I pay attention.

My sister is very map driven, at every intersection she has to check even if no change of direction required. Usually I can just see a map, figure out where I am and where I need to go and I am good. Even in foreign countries I can do it.
I don’t have a microwave. Had one that died about two years ago and have been living without.

I guess that’s weird.
I'm the same way. To this day, when I'm on a trip I track our progress using the signs saying how far to the next city and finding that city on the map. I don't care for Google maps either. I still prefer a good old fashioned Rand Mcnally road atlas. I always keep one in my car.

Similar line of thought... I like using GPS even if I know how to get where I’m going so I can see how much time I can shave off the estimate.... safely of course.
Not sure it qualifies as weird but I’ve had the same recurring anxious dream about failing a college class because i haven’t been attending and now I can’t graduate. I’d say I have this dream 3-4 times a year and it’s been over 40 years since I finished college.

I have the same dream occasionally and it has been nearly 40 years for me.
Not sure it qualifies as weird but I’ve had the same recurring anxious dream about failing a college class because i haven’t been attending and now I can’t graduate. I’d say I have this dream 3-4 times a year and it’s been over 40 years since I finished college.
I have a similar dream. It’s time for final exams and I can’t even remember what classes I have because I haven’t been attending. When I do find the class, everyone is looking at me like “who is this guy.”
I have a similar dream. It’s time for final exams and I can’t even remember what classes I have because I haven’t been attending. When I do find the class, everyone is looking at me like “who is this guy.”
I have this exact same dream about 4 times a year
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I’m old. My dream is that I walk into a class I haven’t attended in three and a half months, they’re taking a final, and I don’t know what the class is about AND I don’t have a blue book.
I take Pantoprazole daily, the specialist said that's all he could do for now, considering it's a somewhat new discovery.
He also said there's no telling how many people are misdiagnosed with acid reflux vs this.
Just avoid dense food, reprogram yourself to chew food more thoroughly.
I think it's food allergy related as well, I can eat pineapple and it gets lodged in my throat, it's very scary, you just have to remain calm til it makes it's way down.
Barretts' Esophagus ??
I have a similar dream. It’s time for final exams and I can’t even remember what classes I have because I haven’t been attending. When I do find the class, everyone is looking at me like “who is this guy.”
I've had that one, but I dream a little weird in that I typically am aware that I'm dreaming and it's like I'm watching TV in the first person.
I know it sounds crazy. Most of my dreams start with me thinking "aw jeez. Here we go again."
I sit there like “why am I dreaming about this?”

90% of my dreams I only remember “watching” them. Can’t even tell you what I was observing in the dream.
I sit there like “why am I dreaming about this?”

90% of my dreams I only remember “watching” them. Can’t even tell you what I was observing in the dream.
I have dreams like they're movies
I don’t have a microwave. Had one that died about two years ago and have been living without.

I guess that’s weird.
Not really. I lived without a microwave until I started keeping house with my wife. Even then, I would not use it. Some years later, I finally made use of the contraption. To this day, I use it sparingly.
In my dreams, I mix people from different times and places. Often, a major player in the dream is someone I do not really know or never really knew.

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