A win against Florida erases the Oregon loss

No matter what happens at Florida, this loss will never leave the collective consciousness of Vol Nation. Posters on this site will refer to this game at least once a season for the next twenty years and every time they do, the rest of us will pause for a moment as the familiar feeling of last night washes over us. Just this week, there was a thread asking us to remember the worst losses Tennessee has suffered. Kentucky, Wyoming and Oregon were mentioned. Surely this loss will be written about every time those threads pop up. These moments of defeat are what make us human, even if they do not do enough make Vol fans humble.

So you consider losses to Oregon as bad as losses to Wyoming and Kentucky? It's 2:30 back home. Y'all need some sleep.
You say that like there's such a sure fire better option. Like just pulling Worley will make the team improve. You have to have someone better in his place, and my understanding is that there is no one better. That doesn't mean Worley's good, just that he's the best option.

I'm going to have to question this reasoning. I'm pretty sure if the universe worked with alternate realities that the odds are high that any one of our 3 other scholarship QB's, hell, throw in the walkons too, could have done better than lead us to our worst defeat in 103 years. Seriously. I think that's the way it works. Sometimes the universe tells you you have the wrong guy at QB. Nobody else you put in there could do worse.

Worley has "assets" that the staff values more than they value the "assets" of the other guys. The other guys have more ability but they don't in the staff's assessment protect the football as well (ala Driskel). I think after you suffer a program loss this bad you have to at least be reconsidering your value system.
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And a loss means more geniuses on here will get on the ledge.

I really hope some people here learned something this past week.
a win against florida will make it easy to duck the loss away. but the fact that will always be 0-2 against oregon still stinks. there are only a handful of teams tennessee has a losing all time record against.

USC, Auburn, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Pittsburgh, Penn State, Nebraska...now Oregon. Those are only the teams that we have played more than once and have a losing record to.

It sucks, but at this stage in the game I am not worried about it. I feel like today is probably the worst thing we will see for a long time. There is hope...
I just hope some people jump.

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USC, Auburn, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Pittsburgh, Penn State, Nebraska...now Oregon. Those are only the teams that we have played more than once and have a losing record to.

We have a winning record over you guys, but Georgia and LSU don't? Wow. Wouldn't have thought that.
Don't know why people think we'll beat Florida. We had much better offensive play makers last season, at home, and only scored 20.
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We have a winning record over you guys, but Georgia and LSU don't? Wow. Wouldn't have thought that.

You guys only surpassed us over the last five years, during the worst half decade of UT football history (19-23)

Our win/loss record against some other teams is pretty exceptional.

Arkansas (.765)
Georgia (.525)

Georgia Tech (.581)
Kentucky (.736)
LSU (.672) 20-9-3
Miami (.667)
Ole Miss (.695) 44-19-1
Miss. State (.648) 28-15-1
North Carolina (.707)
Notre Dame (.500) 4-4
Oklahoma (.500) 1-1
South Carolina (.767) 22-6-2
Texas A&M (.100) 2-0
TCU (.100) 2-0
UCLA (.533) 7-6
Vanderbilt (.743) 73-25-4
Virginia (.75) 3-1
Virginia Tech (.600) 3-2
Wisconsin (.100) 2-0
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You guys only surpassed us over the last five years, during the worst half decade of UT football history (19-23)

Our win/loss record against some other teams is pretty exceptional.

Arkansas (.765)
Georgia (.525)

Georgia Tech (.581)
Kentucky (.736)
LSU (.672) 20-9-3
Miami (.667)
Ole Miss (.695) 44-19-1
Miss. State (.648) 28-15-1
North Carolina (.707)
Notre Dame (.500) 4-4
Oklahoma (.500) 1-1
South Carolina (.767) 22-6-2
Texas A&M (.100) 2-0
TCU (.100) 2-0
UCLA (.533) 7-6
Vanderbilt (.743) 73-25-4
Virginia (.75) 3-1
Virginia Tech (.600) 3-2
Wisconsin (.100) 2-0

How dare you introduce logical thinking and actual statistics into a drunken rant filled thread!
Peterman had exactly four passes in the game and connected on two for 12 yards total.

Exactly how did he look better? Just curious. I'll wait.

Yeah I disregarded that post lol. Peterman did virtually nothing and did it against 2nd and 3rd stringers but suddenly he's the savior of UT somehow.
Yeah I disregarded that post lol. Peterman did virtually nothing and did it against 2nd and 3rd stringers but suddenly he's the savior of UT somehow.

I don't know if Worley is scared, plays conservative, still has timing issues with receivers or just plain old sucks.

But I do believe it's something the coaches should be looking into pretty hard. And the receivers as well since I did see a couple of perfectly placed passes dropped by our receivers so far this year. So the blame isn't always going to be on Worley. However, team captain, commander on the field and all and the buck stops at the QB.

I don't know if Peterman, Dobbs, Ferguson, et al are better than or can outperform him on the field. All I know is the coaches seem comfortable starting Worley and for the moment, I still trust their judgment. What I do know is Peterman has yet to do anything that has that complete "WOW" factor that would propel him into the starter position.

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