A win against Florida erases the Oregon loss

Fla's defense is good but their offense is terrible. With some turnovers, tenn can get some points and beat them in a low scoring game
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Fla's defense is good but their offense is terrible. With some turnovers, tenn can get some points and beat them in a low scoring game
Their offense gets to play our defense. Their stats will improve dramatically.
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Peterman had exactly four passes in the game and connected on two for 12 yards total.

Exactly how did he look better? Just curious. I'll wait.

I agree Peterman may be a good QB in the future but I have not seen anything out of him at this point that makes him the starter.
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South Alabama beat Western Kentucky yesterday. I just hope we can beat South Alabama much less Florida.
Yeah I disregarded that post lol. Peterman did virtually nothing and did it against 2nd and 3rd stringers but suddenly he's the savior of UT somehow.

Disagree. Peterman moved his feet with a sprint off left tackle during a handoff and drew 3 defenders. Worley's ability to move his feet and run anywhere looks like a 2 pack a day cigarette smoker...much less should he complete a pass to a wide open receiver.
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Worley's ability to move his feet and run anywhere looks like a 2 pack a day cigarette smoker...much less should he complete a pass to a wide open receiver.

No kidding.

Worley has no run threat, and certainly no passing threat, so let's see, how to defend ...... How about just sell out to stop the TB, yes that should do it.

Hell, if nothing else let Pig take some snaps. At least he adds a run threat, and might even be able to throw the ball 10 yards with accuracy.
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No kidding.

Worley has no run threat, and certainly no passing threat, so let's see, how to defend ...... How about just sell out to stop the TB, yes that should do it.

Hell, if nothing else let Pig take some snaps. At least he adds a run threat, and might even be able to throw the ball 10 yards with accuracy.

There you go and I agree. Anybody with a helmet on can throw a football better than Worley. No passing threat = 8 men in the box eliminating the run as well...all day long.
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Yeah I disregarded that post lol. Peterman did virtually nothing and did it against 2nd and 3rd stringers but suddenly he's the savior of UT somehow.

If you have 4 options at QB and option 1 is a proven failure you go thru your options until one performs. Jerry Colquitt was option 1 over Peyton. Jerry went down and we all know how that turned out.
I don't care that we lost to Oregon. We were outmatched beyond belief and to be honest Oregon could beat 4 or 5 pro teams next Saturday if they would let them play lol

I do care if we beat Florida. For me, they are our greatest nemesis. I know the old timers hate Alabama, I don't really hate them. As a Dolphins fan I despise Saban but for the most part Bama is just living the high life until Saban retires or gets bored and leaves.

College Football goes in cycles, it always has and it always will. Some teams just stay at the top longer than others but they always come crashing down too. Our time will come again, of that I have no doubt.

Seriously though, how many of us are actually going to care about a loss to Oregon if we beat Florida on Saturday?

I know I won't.
You say that like there's such a sure fire better option. Like just pulling Worley will make the team improve. You have to have someone better in his place, and my understanding is that there is no one better. That doesn't mean Worley's good, just that he's the best option.

I'll believe he's the best option when I see peterman play worse than worley in meaningful playing time
Hell, it doesn't even have to be a win in my eyes (as much as I freaking want that though). Just make it a close game please.
I always said Butch has it rough because he could have beaten Oregon, but then the next week lost to Florida, and a large portion of the fanbase will be calling for his head.

The opposite applies. Get embarrassed by Oregon, but beat Florida, and I promise most of the VN fanbase will forget the Oregon game ever happened.

Sadly We aren't going to beat UF....They are watching that Oregon game film right this minute and they are drooling at the thought of hitting those corners...We do not have the talent on defense to stop those guys for 4 quarters...We will soon but now it is what it is...just going to grit our teeth and hope for the best but maybe our best won't do right now.
I agree a win against the Gators would erase the Oregon debacle, but you have to be careful if you don't know where your going, because you may not get there.

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