Aaron Douglas - Good Read

Ya I do have a problem with big money getting involved with something addictive that can ruin someones life. It also effects the entire familys life I have a brother,sister and father that struggles with it. The sad thing is they don't even have anything wrong with them yet they enough pills to medicate a horse. For the example look no further then Maryville 6 months ago chick that owned the CASH ONLY pain managment clinic with ZERO education in medicine "she was also wrighting scripts here self to people". You should really keep your mouth shut you don't have a clue evidenty.
I assume you mean when the benefits start to wear off. Do you know why they(most people) don't stop taking pills? Because they are prescribed by DOCTORS. Unfortunately, Drs are on the take from pharm reps who don't give a damn about patient care or rehabilitation.

Unfortunately, in this county medical care is a for profit business. This is the major problem.

Call me out for socialized medicine, or Obamacare, or whatever... but for profit medicine is a loser for the patient, without question.

Obamacare is also a profit driven law. Profit for all insurance companies. His backers sold out to the insurance companies of this country.
Ya I do have a problem with big money getting involved with something addictive that can ruin someones life. It also effects the entire familys life I have a brother,sister and father that struggles with it. The sad thing is they don't even have anything wrong with them yet they enough pills to medicate a horse. For the example look no further then Maryville 6 months ago chick that owned the CASH ONLY pain managment clinic with ZERO education in medicine "she was also wrighting scripts here self to people". You should really keep your mouth shut you don't have a clue evidenty.

You should keep your mouth shut until you are educated sufficiently to support your position without turning English into a combination of Ebonics and Hieroglyphics.

"Big Money" didn't cause your family to be drug addicts. Have you ever heard of the concept of personal responsibility? Quit blaming people who don't even exist for your family drug issues. Besides, you still haven't stated who "big money" is that doomed your relatives.

The allegation that a "chick" owned a "Pain Management Clinic" and wrote scripts is laughable. Never happened. Or, is this an example of the "big money" that you hate?

If you see that chick, you might see if she is still wrighting those scripts.
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You should keep your mouth shut until you are educated sufficiently to support your position without turning English into a combination of Ebonics and Hieroglyphics.

"Big Money" didn't cause your family to be drug addicts. Have you ever heard of the concept of personal responsibility? Quit blaming people who don't even exist for your family drug issues. Besides, you still haven't stated who "big money" is that doomed your relatives.

The allegation that a "chick" owned a "Pain Management Clinic" and wrote scripts is laughable. Never happened. Or, is this an example of the "big money" that you hate?

If you see that chick, you might see if she is still wrighting those scripts.
Tamral "Tammy" Guzman look it up. Just type Maryville pill mill in after her name. Went from being a office secretary to a millionaire in a year. Just took her like 20 grand to start her on legal drug buisness if iirc....pretty impressive huh? You will never hear me claim to be a expert in wrighting the English language or any other by the way! lol But hey opting for going to fight for your country instead of going to English class buys you the right to get on Volnation anyway. Right?
By the way I preach personal responsibilites to my family all the time. just think the people who enable and profit should also take some. By the way lose the internet tough guy thing. I've yet to insult you boss. If any law inforcment frequent this site I would like to thank you for doing your best and stoping these pill mills as quick as you can. I know it's hard doing something with your hands being tied.
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Obamacare is also a profit driven law. Profit for all insurance companies. His backers sold out to the insurance companies of this country.

That it is. Thank God for having a boss that takes care of his employes.I went and looked at the coverages just to check it out. Wtf is all i could come up with it doesn't cover anything really
Yes, it is.

I'm not a pharmaceutical rep.

The medical advances that have helped people resulted from medical trials that could not have been conducted but for the profit he so quickly criticizes. Profit, and shareholders, drive companies to invest capital and develop new drugs that help a company maintain market share, or even grow market share.

With no profit motive, no medical advances will be made as there is no reason to do so. Socialism and government control only care about people being treated equally, and in this case it would be treating everyone in such a way that all would share in the same misery. Medical advances are not rewarded when government controls medicine.

And there is the problem. "there is no profit motive." are you kidding me? Profit motive is BS. There is enough motive to sustain the greater good imo and provide enough, as compared to someone, or an economy only profit driven. We are all at least a little egomaniacal, and driven for name recognition. You just have to view the entire picture. Sure yes, profit driven healthcare can lead to many advances in the field, yet has that progressed the United States that much further than ANY other country in the world? Maybe. However, you have to view the entire picture. Sure yes, profit driven healthcare can lead to many advances in the field yet has that surpassed the greater good socialized healthcare does? I think not. I don't see any foreigners coming to the United States for routine procedures and check ups. Sure both plans have their rewards and drawbacks, but socialized healthcare is the best thing for the majority. If you think otherwise, you are ignorant. sorry. So the real question is...weather socialized healthcare helps more people, or if the profit made helps more people from technological advances. And all I hear is well many in America go abroad to get cosmetic surgery etc bc of the cost. Well im sure that is the case, but looking at the average person, who probably wont get cosmetic surgery or need a life saving procedure, socialized healthcare is the best bet. And if you are truly honest with yourself you will arrive at the right answer to this issue. Because remember after that profit is made the ones in charge still have to provide and implement allowable gains towards the greater good, and as we have seen that tends not to always be the case. Greed is a mofo. Agree to disagree, and at least we are both vol fans! Peace
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Why don't people quit taking them then?

You've obviously never dealt with or known someone who dealt with being addicted to them. Most people wish they could quit taking them as easily as you make it out to be. I wouldn't wish withdrawals on my worst enemy.
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You've obviously never dealt with or known someone who dealt with being addicted to them. Most people wish they could quit taking them as easily as you make it out to be. I wouldn't wish withdrawals on my worst enemy.

Mind over matter. You have to be mentally tough to quit any habit. It's the persons fault if they get addicted to anything. The individual chooses to take the pills, not the companies.
There are alternative treatments for almost anything, including cancer.
No, no, its really not....unless you are a pharm rep. Nevertheless, this is a discussion for another place, another time. GBO!

I'm not a pharm rep. However, I do know several pharm reps. I know it is illegal for a Dr. to receive money as kick backs from pharm reps for pushing their products. I'm not naive, I know it still happens, but a Dr. could lose his license to practice medicine if he was exposed, which means most doctors aren't going to risk it. Doctors can make money if they chose to dispense their own medications, in which case they increase the price of the meds as a convenience for the person not having to go to the drug store when they are already in pain. This typically happens in worker-mans comp situations where the insurance company foots the bill.

Not as far off as you would think it's nothing but a big money buisness. Why do you think they let people without even a highschool degree buy pill mills and start pushing legal drugs pretty much?

Of course its a big business, but so is your church. Like someone else was saying, the profits drive towards research, which ultimately leads to cures.

What I originally meant was that the guy who I quoted initially has no idea about addiction. People who get hooked on pills will typically continue to find their drug of choice through a black market because most doctors will not continue to prescribe pain pills like that unless you have some sort of chronic issues, which does not seem to be the case for AD. In addition, he got the pills from a cab driver, not a doctor. People are not addicted to pills because a doctor prescribes them, they are addicted because they were not using the prescribed medicine as directed and developed a habit.

Also, you do realize that under the Affordable Care Act, Doctors are now rated by their patients and if they score below what is expected then they receive less reimbursement from the government? So think about that logically; if a man is going to the emergency room looking for pills, and the doctor doesnt think he needs them, then the pill popper will rate the doctor poorly and the doctor will not be fully reimbursed if the doctor fails to prescribe the pills that the pillpopper thinks he needs. So please tell me, notwithstanding the myriad of other handcuffs that the ACA will put on doctors, how does this version of socialized medicine help the problem at hand?

Do a little research into things before you take a stand, you might be amazed by what you find out. We could have given that same advice to the party line vote that approved the ACA in the first place, without even skimming through what it said...
I'm not a pharm rep. However, I do know several pharm reps. I know it is illegal for a Dr. to receive money as kick backs from pharm reps for pushing their products. I'm not naive, I know it still happens, but a Dr. could lose his license to practice medicine if he was exposed, which means most doctors aren't going to risk it. Doctors can make money if they chose to dispense their own medications, in which case they increase the price of the meds as a convenience for the person not having to go to the drug store when they are already in pain. This typically happens in worker-mans comp situations where the insurance company foots the bill.

Of course its a big business, but so is your church. Like someone else was saying, the profits drive towards research, which ultimately leads to cures.

What I originally meant was that the guy who I quoted initially has no idea about addiction. People who get hooked on pills will typically continue to find their drug of choice through a black market because most doctors will not continue to prescribe pain pills like that unless you have some sort of chronic issues, which does not seem to be the case for AD. In addition, he got the pills from a cab driver, not a doctor. People are not addicted to pills because a doctor prescribes them, they are addicted because they were not using the prescribed medicine as directed and developed a habit.

Also, you do realize that under the Affordable Care Act, Doctors are now rated by their patients and if they score below what is expected then they receive less reimbursement from the government? So think about that logically; if a man is going to the emergency room looking for pills, and the doctor doesnt think he needs them, then the pill popper will rate the doctor poorly and the doctor will not be fully reimbursed if the doctor fails to prescribe the pills that the pillpopper thinks he needs. So please tell me, notwithstanding the myriad of other handcuffs that the ACA will put on doctors, how does this version of socialized medicine help the problem at hand?

Do a little research into things before you take a stand, you might be amazed by what you find out. We could have given that same advice to the party line vote that approved the ACA in the first place, without even skimming through what it said...

Ahh, the ACA, the healthcare nobody gets.
And there is the problem. "there is no profit motive." are you kidding me? Profit motive is BS. There is enough motive to sustain the greater good imo and provide enough, as compared to someone, or an economy only profit driven. We are all at least a little egomaniacal, and driven for name recognition. You just have to view the entire picture. Sure yes, profit driven healthcare can lead to many advances in the field, yet has that progressed the United States that much further than ANY other country in the world? Maybe. However, you have to view the entire picture. Sure yes, profit driven healthcare can lead to many advances in the field yet has that surpassed the greater good socialized healthcare does? I think not. I don't see any foreigners coming to the United States for routine procedures and check ups. Sure both plans have their rewards and drawbacks, but socialized healthcare is the best thing for the majority. If you think otherwise, you are ignorant. sorry. So the real question is...weather socialized healthcare helps more people, or if the profit made helps more people from technological advances. And all I hear is well many in America go abroad to get cosmetic surgery etc bc of the cost. Well im sure that is the case, but looking at the average person, who probably wont get cosmetic surgery or need a life saving procedure, socialized healthcare is the best bet. And if you are truly honest with yourself you will arrive at the right answer to this issue. Because remember after that profit is made the ones in charge still have to provide and implement allowable gains towards the greater good, and as we have seen that tends not to always be the case. Greed is a mofo. Agree to disagree, and at least we are both vol fans! Peace

I'm surprised that you have never heard of Canadians heading south to Minnesota (Mayo clinic) when they have serious issues. But wait, don't they have socialized medicine in Canada? Actually, their socialized system is better than our new system and they still run south of the border when the dookie hits the fans...
I'm surprised that you have never heard of Canadians heading south to Minnesota (Mayo clinic) when they have serious issues. But wait, don't they have socialized medicine in Canada? Actually, their socialized system is better than our new system and they still run south of the border when the dookie hits the fans...

For serious issues, yes, I have heard of that. but I specifically said "for routine checkups and procedures" ???? Lol and I agree with you, their system is better than what we have now, though they have had theirs for longer. but at least we are headed in the right direction. It will be tweaked many times in the coming years.
Very sad story but they fail to mention when AD got hooked on mess at Tennessee that Alabama physicians prescribe Adderall to almost the whole UA team as well. Story has a little bit of bias running through it.

This article also makes no mention of the fact that Aaron Douglas was arrested for DUI in Maryville on Christmas Eve in 2010 which was just two weeks before he began classes at Alabama. He was never disciplined by Nick Saban for that arrest. He ran a stop sign right in front of the cop who arrested him. I mean who drives drunk on Christmas Eve? I hate that he died but his problems had nothing to do with the University of Tennessee. His problems neither began or ended here. If his parents were aware that he was smoking pot in high school and did nothing to stop it then blaming Aaron's experience at UT for his problems seems like an act of denial.
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Just to clarify on what I wrote above: Aaron Douglas's DUI arrest on December 24th, 2010 in Maryville, TN was a full 7 months AFTER he had left UT and a full week AFTER he had enrolled at Alabama and less than 6 months before he died of an overdose. Aaron Douglas did fully participate in Alabama's spring practice as the article suggests in 2011, so in effect there was no discipline evident from Alabama. The fact that this article doesn't reference that arrest at all (the writer had to be well aware of it, it's easy info to find) is one of the most unprofessional examples of bias I've seen in a long time. This article was garbage and nothing more than a cheap shot at Tennessee and an undeserved back slap for Alabama and their "family environment". I am very sorry that Aaron Douglas died and that his parents are hurting. I am also glad he didn't kill anyone on Christmas Eve 2010 while driving drunk.
I'm not a pharm rep. However, I do know several pharm reps. I know it is illegal for a Dr. to receive money as kick backs from pharm reps for pushing their products. I'm not naive, I know it still happens, but a Dr. could lose his license to practice medicine if he was exposed, which means most doctors aren't going to risk it. Doctors can make money if they chose to dispense their own medications, in which case they increase the price of the meds as a convenience for the person not having to go to the drug store when they are already in pain. This typically happens in worker-mans comp situations where the insurance company foots the bill.

Of course its a big business, but so is your church. Like someone else was saying, the profits drive towards research, which ultimately leads to cures.

What I originally meant was that the guy who I quoted initially has no idea about addiction. People who get hooked on pills will typically continue to find their drug of choice through a black market because most doctors will not continue to prescribe pain pills like that unless you have some sort of chronic issues, which does not seem to be the case for AD. In addition, he got the pills from a cab driver, not a doctor. People are not addicted to pills because a doctor prescribes them, they are addicted because they were not using the prescribed medicine as directed and developed a habit.

Also, you do realize that under the Affordable Care Act, Doctors are now rated by their patients and if they score below what is expected then they receive less reimbursement from the government? So think about that logically; if a man is going to the emergency room looking for pills, and the doctor doesnt think he needs them, then the pill popper will rate the doctor poorly and the doctor will not be fully reimbursed if the doctor fails to prescribe the pills that the pillpopper thinks he needs. So please tell me, notwithstanding the myriad of other handcuffs that the ACA will put on doctors, how does this version of socialized medicine help the problem at hand?

Do a little research into things before you take a stand, you might be amazed by what you find out. We could have given that same advice to the party line vote that approved the ACA in the first place, without even skimming through what it said...

I see, but im not for ACA not sure where you came up with that. You are on the money tho bout he got it from a cab driver. Makes you wonder where the cabbie got it huh? Florida is a pill haven, more people go there to load up on pain meds then go for vacation. Hell my Dad,Sister and brother use to go bout twice a month. Funny thing is they used the same MRI. My dad even paid people to go with him and would pay fort he visit and script for half.....Calls it sponsoring how pathetic is that.
Just to clarify on what I wrote above: Aaron Douglas's DUI arrest on December 24th, 2010 in Maryville, TN was a full 7 months AFTER he had left UT and a full week AFTER he had enrolled at Alabama and less than 6 months before he died of an overdose. Aaron Douglas did fully participate in Alabama's spring practice as the article suggests in 2011, so in effect there was no discipline evident from Alabama. The fact that this article doesn't reference that arrest at all (the writer had to be well aware of it, it's easy info to find) is one of the most unprofessional examples of bias I've seen in a long time. This article was garbage and nothing more than a cheap shot at Tennessee and an undeserved back slap for Alabama and their "family environment". I am very sorry that Aaron Douglas died and that his parents are hurting. I am also glad he didn't kill anyone on Christmas Eve 2010 while driving drunk.
Was there any real punishment made public for our guys that got in trouble for the big party?
Was there any real punishment made public for our guys that got in trouble for the big party?

No but they weren't driving drunk either. I don't care how Saban punishes his players but my point was that Aaron Douglas's problems didn't get better after he left UT as that article insinuates. He was arrested for DUI 7 months after leaving UT and died 1 year after leaving...
The OP said the article was a "good read." NO, IT'S NOT A GOOD READ.The author of this story uses the death of Aaron Douglas as background for the primary intent of his story: to promote Alabama football. At every opportunity, language is used to imply that only at Alabama did Aaron find solace, and how much better Alabama's program is better than anyone else's, especially Tennessee.

If you love Bammer, then you think it's a good read. If you are a VOL FAN, the article is nothing more than this jackass of a writer standing on Aaron Douglass' grave and extolling the virtues of Alabama football. His intent is so damn transparent that it makes me want to puke.

Good is subjective, bro. Calm down.
While Dooley ran our program into the ground literally he did try to do a good thing for Aaron Douglas and it actually worked for a little while. No emphasis was placed on this at all. I don't care for pieces that are obviously written with a slant....

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