I'm not a pharm rep. However, I do know several pharm reps. I know it is illegal for a Dr. to receive money as kick backs from pharm reps for pushing their products. I'm not naive, I know it still happens, but a Dr. could lose his license to practice medicine if he was exposed, which means most doctors aren't going to risk it. Doctors can make money if they chose to dispense their own medications, in which case they increase the price of the meds as a convenience for the person not having to go to the drug store when they are already in pain. This typically happens in worker-mans comp situations where the insurance company foots the bill.
Of course its a big business, but so is your church. Like someone else was saying, the profits drive towards research, which ultimately leads to cures.
What I originally meant was that the guy who I quoted initially has no idea about addiction. People who get hooked on pills will typically continue to find their drug of choice through a black market because most doctors will not continue to prescribe pain pills like that unless you have some sort of chronic issues, which does not seem to be the case for AD. In addition, he got the pills from a cab driver, not a doctor. People are not addicted to pills because a doctor prescribes them, they are addicted because they were not using the prescribed medicine as directed and developed a habit.
Also, you do realize that under the Affordable Care Act, Doctors are now rated by their patients and if they score below what is expected then they receive less reimbursement from the government? So think about that logically; if a man is going to the emergency room looking for pills, and the doctor doesnt think he needs them, then the pill popper will rate the doctor poorly and the doctor will not be fully reimbursed if the doctor fails to prescribe the pills that the pillpopper thinks he needs. So please tell me, notwithstanding the myriad of other handcuffs that the ACA will put on doctors, how does this version of socialized medicine help the problem at hand?
Do a little research into things before you take a stand, you might be amazed by what you find out. We could have given that same advice to the party line vote that approved the ACA in the first place, without even skimming through what it said...