Abortions is not a religious or politican question is really a moral question. I can't believe that the american people realize what level we have lowered outselves to. There has been over 48,000,000 abortions since rowe vs wade. We average approx. 1,300,000 abortions a year.
In the last 150 years this country has lost 1,200,000 in wars and that includes both sides losses in the civil war.
Yes we abort more sons and daughters a year than we have lost in wars in 150 years.
Many will yell..."oh but look at the pregnancies of incest or rape etc". Yet that is less than 1/10 of 1 %.
What is the difference between the Holocaust and abortion?. Hitler picked who was to die in the Holocaust. In Abortion we choose which of our sons and daughters will live.
This goes on and on. ...in War we kill each other, in abortion we choose those to not live.
Every single one on this forum has the right to agree with me or not...why? Because we were never aborted!